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ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS Ace Glass, Inc 47:137 Agency—Heller Creative Advertising Win. Ainsworth & Sons, Inc 61 Agency—Walter L. Schump Advertis ing Alberene Stone Corp., A Div. of the Georgia Marble Company 48 Agency—G. M. Basford Co. Alconox, Inc 32 Agency—Firestone Advertising Agency, Inc. Aloe Scientific, Div. of Brunswick Corp. 63 Agency—Frank Block Associates American Optical Company 53 Agency—Gelia and Wells, Inc. H. Reeve Angel & Co., Inc 64 Agency—Eckstein-Stone, Inc. Applied Physics Corporation 59 Agency—Clyde D. Graham Advertis ing Applied Research Laboratories, I n c . . . 102 Agency—Willard Gregory & Co., Inc. Applied Science Laboratories, Inc 132 Agency—Horace S. Hand Adv., Inc. Associated Electrical Industries Export Ltd 86 Agency—Crane Publicity Ltd. Baird-Atomic, Inc 14:41 Agency—F. P. Walther Jr. & Assoc, • Inc.
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JKM Instrument Co., Inc 17 Agency—Johnson & Bartnett Jarrell-Ash Company 44:69 Agency—Horton, Church & Goff, Inc. Johns-Manville Corporation 50:51 Agency—Cunningham & Walsh Inc. Keithley Instruments, Inc 104 Agency—R. J. McFarlin & Company Kewaunee Technical Furniture Com pany 62 Agency—Phillipps-Thackeray Adv. Kimble Glass Div., Owens-Illinois Glass Co IBC Agency—). Walter Thompson Co. Klett Mfg. Company 119:126 Kontes Glass Company 68 Agency—The Schurr Company Laboratory Construction Company. . . 136:139 Agency—Valentine-Radford, Inc. Laboratory Equipment Corp 117 Agency—Jones & Taylor, Inc. Laboratory Plasticware F a b r i c a t o r s . . . . 72 Agency—Miller Advertising Landsverk Electrometer Company. . . . 96 Agency—Geyer, Morey, Madden & Ballard, Inc. LaPine Scientific Co *. . 88 Agency—O'Grady-Anderson-Gray, Inc. Lauda Instruments, Inc 40:126 Agency—Robert M. Marks & Co., Inc. Leeds & Northrup Company 120 Agency—John B. Ferguson, Jr. Lepel High Frequency Laboratories, Inc 121 Agency—Apex Graphic Company Lindberg Engineering Co 113 Agency—Don Colvin & Co.. Inc. LKB Produkter 99 Agency—Mol es worth Assoc. Lockwood & McLorie 133 Loe Engineering Company 85 Agency—J. W. Christopher Co. The London Company 78:106 Agency—James Lovick & Co., Ltd. Loomis Engineering St Mfg. Co 52 Agency—Gordon A. Pihl & Associates Mallinckrodt Chemical Works Agency—Buchen Adv. Inc. The Manostat Corporation Agency—Fairfax, Inc. Master Appliance Corporation Agency—E. L. Speer Advertising Agency Matheson Coleman & Bell Agency—Leonard M. Sive and Asso ciates The Matheson Company Agency—Leonard M. Sive and Asso ciates
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Meinecke & Co., Inc Agency—Harold Marshall Advertising Co., Inc. The Mettler Instrument Corp Agency—Harold Cressingham Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Com pany Agency—The Aitkin-Kynett Co., Inc. National Carbon Co., Div. of Union Car bide Corp Agency—}. M. Mathes, Inc. National Instrument Laboratories, Inc. Agency—Burton Adv. Nester & Faust Agency—Gallagher, Evans and Dill, Inc. New Brunswick Scientific Co., I n c . . . . Agency—Powerad Co., Inc. New England Nuclear Corporation. . . . Agency—Pazolt & Company New York Laboratory Co., Inc Agency—RAF Advertising, Inc. Norton Company Agency—Chirurg & Cairns, Inc. Nuclear-Chicago Corp Agency—Sidney Clayton & Associates Nuclear Data Inc Agency—Ads of Madison Nuclear Measurements Corp Agency—Rohr Advertising, Inc. Ohaus Scale Corp Agency—Robert M. Baldwin Co.
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117 16 5 34 87 130 49 114
S ad tier Research Laboratories 77 Agency—The Roland G. E. Ullman Or ganization, Inc. Ε. Η. Sargent & Company 109 Agency—Kreicker & Meloan, Inc. Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co 28 Agency—Wildrick & Miller, Inc. Scientific Products Division of American Hospital Supply Corp 94 Agency—Alex T. Franz, Inc. Ivan Sorvall, Inc 18 Agency—William Hill Field Standard Scientific Supply Corp 60 Agency— Firestone Advertising Agency, Inc. C. H. Stoelting Company 133 Agency—Mandabach and Simms, Inc. Talboys Instrument Corporation Agency—Larry Alpaugh Advertising W. A. Taylor & Company Agency—Emery Advertising Corpora tion Τ & S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc.. . Agency—Βeecher Associates
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Technical Measurement Corporation... 6 Agency—Culver Advertising, Inc. and Walter B. Snow & Staff Technicon Controls, Inc 58:62:143 Agency—Mediad Inc. Temperature Engineering Corp 137 Agency—Adams & Cooper Inc. Thermolyne Corporation 121 Agency—Howard H. Monk and Assoc, Inc. Arthur H. Thomas Company 108:108C Torsion Balance Company 26 Agency—Michel-Cather, Inc. Tracerlab Incorporated 71 Agency—Culver Advertising, Inc. and Walter B. Snow & Staff Henry Troemner, Inc 57 Agency—John F. Tucker, Jr. The Ultracell Company
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Carl Zeiss, Inc Agency—John O. Powers Company
93 81 117 7
Laboratory Supply Center 140-141 S. H. Ansell & Son Inc. Arapahoe Chemicals, Inc. Arrow Engineering Co., Inc. Bayley Instrument Company Β io-Rad Laboratories Clark Microanalytical Laboratory Eastern Chemical Corporation George W. Gates & Company Κ & Κ Laboratories, Inc. Laboratory Plasticware Fabricators LaMotte Chemical Products Co. Petroleum Analytical Research Corp. Sethco Mfg. Corp. Spectro-Analytical Laboratories Herman H. Sticht Co., Inc. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORPORATION Advertising Management for the American Chemical Society Publications Merald hue, Advertising Sales Manager American Chemical Society Publications 430 Park Ave., New York 22, Ν. Υ. Cable Address: REINPUB NYK ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Thomas N. J. Koerwer, Advertising Sales Manager New York 22 . . . Sam W. Percy, J. Barry Stanford, Clay S. Holden, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 430 Park Ave., Murray Hill 8-8600 Chicago 2 . . . Eugene P. Eldridge, Reinhold Publishing Corp., I l l W. Wash ington St., RAndolph 6-8497 Cleveland 14 . . . Rodney D. Long (Cleve land Manager, Reinhold Publishing Corp.), East-Ohio Bldg., 1717 East 9th St., PRospect 1-4011 San Francisco 5 . . . Roy M. McDonald, McDonald-Thompson, 625 Market St., EXbrook 7-5377 Los Angeles 5 . . . Ε. Τ. Thompson, George E. Halleman, Jr., McDonald-Thompson, 3727 W. 6th St., DUnkirk 7-5391 Seattle 4 . . . T. H. Abney, McDonaldThompson, 1008 Western Ave., M Ain 3-3766 Portland 4 . . . Francis M. Eaton, McDonaldThompson, 404 Times Building, CApital 2-5146 Denver 3 . . . Robert H. Hedersbach, Mc Donald-Thompson, 620 Sherman St., TAbor 5-3325 Houston 6 . . . Frank N. Vickrey, McDonaldThompson, 3217 Montrose Blvd., JAckson 9-6711 Dallas 19 . . . C. Parker Harris, McDonaldThompson, 2727 Oaklawn Ave., LAkeside 7-1324 Great Britain and Western Europe . . . Brayton Nichols, The American Magazine Group, 151 Fleet Street, London E.C. 4, England