May 18, 2012 - ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (4), pp 132A–133A. DOI: 10.1021/i650580a817. Publication Date: April ...
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POLYMERIZATION NEWS ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS Allen-Bradley C o m p a n y Agency—The Fensholt Advertising Agency, I n c . Allied Chemical & D y e Corp., Barrett Division Agency—McCann-Erickson, Inc. Allied Chemical & D y e Corp., General Chemical Div Agency—Atherton & Currier, Inc. Allied Chemical & D y e Corp., National Aniline Div Agency—James J. McMahon, Inc. Allied Chemical & D y e Corp., Nitrogen Division Agency—G. M. Basford Co. Allied Chemical & D y e Corp., Solvay Process Div Agency—Atherton & Currier, Inc. Alsop Engineering Corp Agency— K. C. Shenton Advertising Aluminum C o . of America Agency—Ketchum, MacLeod. & Grove, Inc. American Air Liquide Agency— Harold F . Stanfield Ltd. Autoclave Engineers Agency—Davies a n d McKinney Advertising Agency

Brookfield Viscometran Now used successfully for end point determination and continuous "in-process"


35 12 69 16 83 126

67 19

Bailey Meter Co 64 Agency—Fuller & Smith & Ross, I n c . Barksdale Valves 134 Agency—Herman Schacht Barrett Division, Allied Chemical & Dye Corp 35 Agency—McCann-Erickson, Inc. Bendix Computer Co 121 Agency—The Shaw Company Bin-Dicator Co 130 Agency—Clark & Bobertz 86 Blaw-Knox Co Agency—Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove, Inc. Brighton Corporation 119 Agency—Richard F . Peck Agency Brookfield Engineering Laboratories I n c . 132 Agency—Creamer-Trowbridge Co. Brooks Rotameter Co 130 Agency—Thomas R. Sundheim Adv. A. M. Byers C o m p a n y 75 Agency—Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove, Inc.

Successful "in-process" viscosity measurements have been reported for polystyrene, polyvinyl acetate, polyurethane resins,'and ureaformaldehyde resins. Brookfield's process mounted viscometer, the Viscometran, has been used to chart the course of polymerization and to signal correct end point. Its use has eliminated the need for constant sampling, assured greater product uniformity, and guarded against run-away reactions. Its service in applications having pressures from vacuum to 100 psi where gas purging is possible has been remarkably trouble free and dependable. Unaffected by variations in liquid level, and easy to clean, the Viscometran continuously and accurately senses viscosity — a variable that can very well be fundamental in your process. For new application data sheet write or wire: the world's standard for viscosity



C a r b o r u n d u m C o . , Refractories D i v . . . . 127 Agency—G. M. Basford Co. Celanese Corp. of America IBC Agency—Ellington & Co., Inc. Clark Bros. C o . , O n e of T h e Dresser Industries 92 Agency—The McCarty Company Combustion Engineering, I n c . , Raymond Div 3 Agency—Gage Rex Wamsley

Darling Valve & Manufacturing C o . . . . 41 Agency—The Griswold-Eshleman Co. D i a n Laboratories, I n c 34 Agency—Robert Cone Advertising Dicalite Div., Great Lakes Carbon Corp. 31 Agency—Darwin H . Clark Co. Doerr Glass Co 118 Agency—George F . Walsh Advertising Agency D o w Corning Corp 115 Agency—Church & Guisewite Advertising, I n c . Duriron C o . , I n c 72 Agency—Kircher, Helton, & Collett, Inc.



Fisher Scientific Agency—Smith, Taylor & Jenkins, Inc. Fluorulon Laboratories, I n c Agency—A. William Martin Foote Mineral Company Agency—The H a r r y P. Bridge Co. Foster Wheeler Corp Agency—Marsteller, Rickard, Gebhardt and Reed, I n c . T h e French Oil Mill Machinery Co Agency—Central Advertising Agency

22 45

120 128 20 14 102


viscosity recording.

Eimco Corp Agency—The Matsie Company Enjay C o . , I n c Agency—McCann-Erickson, Inc.

The Galigher C o m p a n y Agency—Burton, Brophy a n d Rytting, Inc. General American Transportation Corp., Wiggins Gasholder Div Agency—Edward H. Weiss a n d Co. General Chemical Div., Allied Chemical & D y e Corp Agency—Atherton & Currier, Inc. General Radio C o Agency—Kenneth E. Morang Co. The Girdler C o m p a n y Agency—The Griswold-Eshleman Co. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co Agency—Kudner Agency, Inc. Graver T a n k & Mfg. C o . , I n c Agency—Ladd, Southward & Bentley, Inc. Great Lakes Carbon Corp., Dicalite Div Agency—Darwin H . Clark Co.


The H a r s h a w Chemical Co Haws Drinking F a u c e t Co Agency—Pacific Advertising Staff Hercules Powder Co Agency—Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc.

76 127

International Nickel Co., Inc Agency—Mars chalk & Pratt, Div. of McCann-Erickson, Inc.

104 12 18 84 7 78




Johns-Manville Agency—J. Walter Thompson Co.


T h e M. W . Kellogg C o m p a n y Agency—Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc. Maurice A. Knight Agency—Brown Advertising Agency, Inc.


LaBour C o . , I n c Agency—Grimm & Craigle, Inc. Charles S. Lewis & C o . , I n c Agency—Whitehead & Sprague, Inc.




Manning, Maxwell & Moore, I n c 62-63 Agency—Fuller & Smith & Ross, I n c . Marathon, A Division of American C a n Company 36 Agency—Cormack, Imse Advertising, Inc. Matheson Company, I n c 122 Agency—Leonard M. Sive Agency


ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS 89 Mine Safety Appliances C o m p a n y Agency—Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove, Inc. Mixing E q u i p m e n t C o . , I n c OBC Agency—The Rumrill Co., Inc.

Nash Engineering C o 106 National Aniline Oiv., Allied Chemical & D y e Corp 69 Agency—James J. McMahon, I n c . National C a r b o n C o . , D i v . Union Car­ bide Corp 71 Agency—William Esty Company, I n c . National Drying Machinery C o 52 Agtmcy—George C. Taylor New E n g l a n d T a n k & Tower Co 123 Agency—H or ton, Church & Goff, I n c . Niagara Blower C o 32 Agency—The Moss-Chase Company Nitrogen Division, Allied Chemical & Dye Corp 16 Agency—G. Μ. Β as ford Co. Norton C o 21 Agency—James Thomas Chirurg Com­ pany, Inc.

Oronite Chemical C o Agency—L·. C. Cole Company O T M Corporation Agency—A. S. Black & Company

10 37


Taylor Instrument Companies 38 Agency—Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Incorporated Texas Gulf Sulphur C o 108 Agency—Sanger-Funnell, Inc. T h e Thompson-Ramo-Wooldridge Prod­ ucts Co 61 Agency—The McCarty Company


for the FOOD, FEED, DRUG and CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Analyses, Biological Evaluation, Toxicity Studies, Insecticide Testing and Screening, Flavor Evaluation. Project Research and Consultation Write for Price Schedule P. O . Box 2217 ' Modison 1 , W i s ,

Union C a r b i d e Chemicals C o . , D i v . of Union Carbide Corp 94 Agency—J. M . Mathes, I n c . Union C a r b i d e Corp., National Carbon Co. Div 71 Agency—William Esty Company, I n c . U . S. Industrial Chemicals C o . , Div. of National Distillers & Chemical Corp 39, 40 Agency—G. M. Basford Company

YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT of Pro­ fessional Services or Equipment for Sale can carry YOUR MESSAGE to the readers of the leading publi­

Wiggins Gasholder Div., General Ameri­ can Transportation Corp Agency—Edward H . Weiss a n d Co. C. K. Williams a n d C o Agency—William A. Hatch, I n c . W i l m a d Glass Co., I n c Agency—George F . Walsh Advertising Agency W y a t t Metal a n d Boiler Works Agency—Ullrich & Brown, Advertising


cation in the chemical process in­ dustries.

Rates on request.

100 96


ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Advertising O f f i c e :

60 Pennsylvania Industrial Chemical Corp. Agency—Downing Industrial A d v . , Inc. Perkin-Elmer Corp 77 Agency—G. M. Basford Co. Pfaudler C o IFC Agency—The Rumrill Co., I n c . C h a s . Pfizer & Co., I n c 46-47 Agency—McManus, John & Adams, Inc. Photovolt Corp 116 Agency—Leonard Adv. Agency, I n c . Powell Valves 85 Agency—The Ralph H . Jones Co. Pyrometer Instrument C o m p a n y , I n c . . . 128 Agency—Kniep Associates

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE GUIDE 133 Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation

Quaker Oats C o Agency—Rogers & Smith

A D V E R T I S I N G SALES R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S Sales Manager David B. Hoopes, Advertising New York 2 2 - M U r r a y h i l l 8-8600; District Managers—Charles Richards Stoddard, Jr., John E . Cortissoz, E d m u n d B. Sullivan Cleveland 14—Superior Bldg., 8 1 5 Superior Ave., N . E . , PRospect 1-5583; District Manager—Robert Sommer Chicago 2—111 West Washington Street, RAn¬ dolph 6-8497; District Manager—Robert J. Swanson San Francisco 5—McDonald-Thompson, 6 2 5 Market Street, YUkon 6 - 0 6 4 7 ; Roy M. McDonald Los Angeles 5—McDonald-Thompson, 3 7 2 7 Seattle 4—McDonald-Thompson, West 7 - 5 3National 9 13 ;7 6E Bldg., Sixth 1008 Street, WesternDUnkirk Ave., ELliott 0 ;. T. Thompson Harry Abney Houston 6—McDonald-Thompson, 3 2 1 7 Montrose Blvd., JAckson 9 - 6 7 1 1 ; Frank N . Vickrey Denver 2—McDonald-Thompson, Colorado N a tional Bank Building, KEystone 4 - 4 6 6 9 ; Robert H . Heidersbach Tulsa 4—McDonald-Thompson, 2 0 1 0 S. Utica, RIverside 3 - 1 9 8 1 ; T e d R. T r a u t m a n n Portland 1—F. J. Ostrow, M c D o n a l d - T h o m p son, 9 1 1 2 S.W. Market Street, MItchell 4-6967 London, W . C. 2, E n g l a n d . . . . Butler's Advertising Service L t d . , R. A. Butler, 22 St. Giles High St., T E M p l e Bar 5 9 0 5


Republic Steel Corp 90-91 Agency—Meldrum and Fewsmith, Inc. Rohm & Haas C o m p a n y 101 Agency—Arndt, Preston, Chapin, L a m b & Keen, I n c .

Sarco C o m p a n y , I n c 24-25 Agency—G. M. Basford Company Schaffer Poidometer Co 134 Shell C h e m i c a l Corp 8 Agency—J. Walter Thompson Co. T. Shriver a n d Co., I n c 131 Agency—Spooner & Kriegel Solvay Process Div., Allied Chemical & Dye Corp 83 Agency—Atherton & Currier, I n c . L . Sonneborn Sons, Incorporated 97 Agency—St. Georges & Keyes, I n c . D . R. Sperry & C o 117 Agency—Illinois Simmonds & Simmonds, Inc. Sturtevant Mill C o 124 Agency—F. P . Walther, Jr. & Asso­ ciates, I n c .

Advertising Management American Chemical Society

for the Publications

REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. 430 Park Ave., New York 2 2 , Ν . Υ. C a b l e Address: R E I N P U B NYK Merald L u e , Advertising Sales Manager, American Chemical Society Publications

4 3 0 Park A v e n u e , N e w York 2 2 , N . Y .


Help Your Heart Fund Help Your Heart VOL. 5 0 , NO. 4


APRIL 1958

133 A