Alphabetical List of Advertisers - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

6 Oct 2008 - Alphabetical List of Advertisers. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (5), pp 130A–130A. DOI: 10.1021/ie50581a016. Publication Date: May 1958...
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Allied Chemical Cor Barrett Division, 78-79 Aaencu-McCann-gickson. Inc. - Allied Chemical Corp., General Chemical Div.. 8 Agency-Atherton & Currier, Inc. Allied. Chemical Corp., Nitrogen Divi. ston 105 Agency-G. M. Basford Co. Allied Chemical Corp., Semet.Solvay Petrochemical Div.. 65 Agency-Atherton & Currier Inc. Allied Chemical Corp., Solvay Process Division 83 Agency-Atherton & Currier, Inc. Aluminum Co. of America., , , , , , 77 Agency-Ketchnm, MacLeod & Grove, Inc. 19 Amercoat Corp Agency-Anderson-McConnell Adv. Agency, Inc. American Instrument Co., Inc.. 34 Agency-Advertising Inc. of Washington 92 Ampco Metal, Inc... Agency-Hoffman & York, Inc. 18 Autoclave Engineers, Inc.. Agency-Davies & McKinney Adv. Agency




PH, CHLORINE, - PHOSPHATE TESTS to insure precise


Allen-Bradley Co.. Agency-The Fensholt Adv. Agency,


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Taylor Comparators are durable, lightweight, portable. Many serve for several determinations with only a change of color standard slides.

COLOR STANDARDS GUARANTEED Be sure t o use only Taylor reagents and accessories with Taylor Comparators to assure accurate results. All Taylor liquid color standards carry an unlimited guarantee against fading. SEE YOUR DEALER for Taylor sets or immediate replacement o f supplier. W r i t e direct for FREE HANDBOOK "Modern pH and Chlorine Control". Gives theory and applicntion o f p H control. Illustrates and describes complete Taylor line.


Cameron Iron Works, Inc.. 23 Agency-Boone and Cummings The Carborundum Co., Refradories Div. 120 Agency-G. M. Basford Co. Celanese Corporation of America. .123:IBC Agency-Ellington & Co., Inc. 127 Centric0 Incorporated. Ageneb-Harold Schor Associates Centrifix Corporation.. 100 Agency-Palm & Patterson, Inc.



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Despatch Oven Company.. 17 Agency-Foulke Agency, Incorporated Doerr Glass Co. 125 Agency-George F. Walsh Advertising Agency Dow Corning Corporation. 98 Agency-Church & Guisewite Adv. Inc. Duriron Company, Incorporated. OBC Agency-Kircher, Helton & Collett, Inc.




Eastman Chemical Products Inc.. Agency-Fred Wittner Advertising Eimco Corp.. Agency-Matsie Company Electric Steel Foundry Co.. Agency-Cole & Weber, Inc. Ertel Engineering Corp.. Agency-W. N. Hudson, Advertising








Firestone Plastics Co.. Agency-Grey Adv. Agency Foote Mineral Co Agency-The Harry P. Bridge Co. Foxboro Company.. Agency-Noyes & Company The French Oil Mill Machinery Co.. Agency-Central Advertising Agency Frick Company Agency-Waynesboro Adv. Agency


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1 30 A


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Fansteel Metallurgical Corp.. Agency-Symonds, MacKenzie & Co.,



104 45 126 129

67 7








Hamer Valves, Inc.. Agency-The McCarty Co. Hardinge Co., Inc. Agency-Adams Associates, Inc. The Harshaw Chemical Co.. Hudson Engineering Corp..


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Illinois Water Treatment Company.. Agency-Cummings, Brand & McPherson The International Electrolytic Plant Go., Ltd.. Agency-Butler's Adv. Service Ltd. International Nickel Co., Inc.. Agency-Marschalk & Pratt, Div. of McCann-Erickson, Inc.



Bailey Meter Company., 68 Agency-Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc. Barrett Division, Allied Chemical Corp.. 78-79 Agency-McCann-Erickson, Inc. Bendix Aviation Corp., Cinn. Div.. 22 Agency-hlacbfanus, John & Adams, Inc. A. M. Byers Company.. 74 Agency-Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove, Inc.

Taylor Comparators allow you t o make fast, accurate colorimetric tests for p H , chlorine, phosphate or nitrates, etc. right on the spot. In a matter of minutes you get correct operational data t o help you determine the exact amounts of chemicals needed t o properly control crystallization, bleaching, precipitation, extraction or waste treatment. To use, simply fill the middle tube with treated sample, move color standard slide across until sample matches one of the standards. Values are then read directly from the slide.

General American Transportation Cor. oration, Louisville Drying Mchry. &nit Agency-Edward H. Weiss and Co. General American Transportation Cor. poration Turbo-Mixer Division. , Agency-Edward H. Weiss and Co. General Chemical Division, Allied Chemical Corp.. Agency-Atherton & Currier, Inc. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co... Agency-Kudner Agency, Inc. Graver Tank & Mfg. Co., Inc.. Agency-Ladd, Southward & Bentley, Inc.

124 27





Jet Pulverizer Co.. Agennj-R. W. Westervelt & Co.

The M. W. Kellogg Company. Agency-Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc.





LaBour Company, Incorporated. Agency-Grimm & Craigle, Inc. Lummus Company.. Agency-G. M. Basford Co.

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The Matheson Company, Inc... 36 Agency-Leonard M. Sive Agency Metals Disintegrating Co Inc., Pulverizing Machinery D i z . 103 Agency-Williams & London Midland Industrial Finishes Co.. 116 Agency-Western Adv. Agency, Inc. .IFC Mine Safety Appliances Co.. Agency-Ketchum, MacLeod & Grove, Inc.

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Nash Engineering Company. National Carbon Company Division Union Carbide Corporahon. , , Agency-William Esty . Co... Inc. New England Tank & Tower Co.. Agency-Horton, Church & Goff, Inc. Niagara Blower Company., Agency-The Moss-Chase Company Nichols E n ineering & Research Corp. Agency-asher, Godfrey & Franklin, Inc. Nitrogen Division, Allied Chemical Corp. Agency-G. M. Basford Co. Norton Company. Agency-James Thomas Chirurg Company, Inc.










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Palmer Thermometers, Inc.. Agency-The Bohnett Co. Ralph M. Parsons Co.. Agency-Dozier, Eastman & Co. Patterson Foundry & Machine Co.. Agency-Downing Industrial Advertising, Inc. Perkin-Elmer Corp.. Agency-G. M. Basford Co. Photovolt Corporation. Agency-Leonard Adv. Agency, Inc. Powell Valves.. Agency-The Ralph H. Jones Co.

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