Altex Scientific, Inc

The Smart Components for HPLC. CIRCLE 61 ON READER SERVICE CARD. Gasoline Separation with ULTRASPHERE-ODS. Meet us at the Pittsburgh ...
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ULTRNSPHERE™ HPLC Columns High Efficiency. Super Reproducibility. Extended Column Lifetime.

"That's what I call High Performance." New Altex Prepacked HPLC Columns Dramatically Improve Your Liquid Chromatography. Altex introduces Maximum Coverage pack­ ings in ODS and Octyl columns for Reverse Phase LC. And a totally NEW column especially for Ion Pairing. Densely packed 5ΜΠΙ spherical particles are e n d c a p p e d for an u n p r e c e d e n t e d level of column stability. Minimum efficiency of 65,000 p l a t e s / meter and peak asymmetry between 0.9 < As S 1.4. Call your nearest Altex Dealer, or write to: Altex Scientific, Inc., a subsidiary of Beckman Instruments, Inc., 1780 Fourth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710 (415) 527-5900 Telex: 33-5403 Gasoline Separation with ULTRASPHERE-ODS

ALTEX The Smart Components for HPLC

Meet us at the Pittsburgh Conference in March, Booth 9 0 1 0