starting point for those who want to acquaint themselves with the technol- ogy, and ... Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. The volume includes a genera...
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Books Section III. Section IV deals with calibration of x-ray spectrometers. A variety of methods using thin films, solution deposits, and particle deposits are presented. Section V covers the problem of attenuation corrections for particle analysis, and the problems of spectral analysis, treated in Section VI, include corrections for background, interelement interferences, gain and baseline shift, and x-ray attenuation. Block Copolymers: Overview and Critical Survey. Allen Noshay and James E. McGrath. xvi + 516 pages. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 1977. $45

This monograph written by two experts in the field of block copolymers is divided into two parts. P a r t one presents a concise and critical overview of block copolymer technology, and part two provides a comprehensive critical survey on the synthesis, characterization, properties, and applications of the specific block copolymer structures reported in the literature. Accordingly, part one will serve as a starting point for those who want to acquaint themselves with the technology, and part two will be more useful to those who need to delve more deeply into the subject. Analytical chemists engaged in the characterization and molecular weight determination of block copolymers will find the critical reviews of the analytical methods and the extensive references to the original methods particularly useful. Chapter titles in the first part are: Polymer Hybrids, Block Copolymer Architecture, and Block Copolymer Synopsis; the second part presents chapters on A-B diblock copolymers, A-B-A triblock copolymers, and -(AB)H multiblock copolymers.

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Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements, Vol. X. Allen J. Bard, Ed. xxi + 440 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1976. $75

"Volume X: Fused Salt Systems" is a special volume that deals exclusively with chemistry of the elements and their compounds in fused salt systems. Unlike the previous volumes, it is a monograph written by a single expert in the field, James A. Plambeck, Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., Canada. T h e volume includes a general introductory chapter followed by 14 chapters, each treating a single fused salt


mixture as a solvent system. For each solvent system the data are presented for each element. The volume emphasizes electrochemical measurements— especially electrochemical potential— although data obtained by other measurement methods are also included where needed to help systematize the chemistry of the elements in the solvent systems. Extensive author and subject indexes are also provided. T h e book is priced rather high, especially for a photo-offset copy of typewritten text. Residue Reviews, Vol. 64. Francis A. Gunther, Ed. viii + 142 pages. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010. 1976. $16.50

This volume presents, as do the previous volumes, critical review articles concerned with pesticide residues and other chemical contaminants in the total environment. Of the four articles in the volume, one is specifically devoted to a review of the collaborative studies of analytical methods for analysis of pesticide residues. Other articles discuss interactions between insecticides and soil microbes, cyclic hydroxamic acids found in plants, and nitrosamines in foodstuff. T h e article on nitrosamines (the longest) contains an in-depth review of analytical methods used for the determination of nitrosamines in foods. Topics considered are: methods of isolation, cleanup and concentration, identification and estimation, derivative methods, and collaborative studies. NMR: Basic Principles and Progress, Vol. 12. Bjom Lindman and Sture Forsén. xiii + 368 pages. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010. 1976. $39.40

Since its initiation in 1969, this series edited by Diehl E. Fluck and R. Kosfeld has dealt primarily with the theoretical and physical aspects of the N M R method. Volume 12 is a monograph on the N M R study of a set of three related quadrupolar nuclei, chlorine (35C1 and 37C1), bromine ( 79 Br and 81 Br), and iodine ( 127 I). T h e book is divided into nine chapters: Introductory Aspects; Relaxation in Molecules or Ions with Covalently Bonded Halogens; Shielding Effects in Covalent Halogen Compounds; Scalar Spin Couplings; Relaxation of Chloride, Bromide and Iodide Ions; Shielding of Halide Ions; Quadrupole Splittings in Liquid Crystals, Halide Ions in Biological Systems; and Studies of the Perchlorate Ion. The 530 entries to the literature references include some as recent as January 1976.