Aluminum Oxide C - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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Aluminum Oxide C Here's a Degussa product that will give you a positive charge

Degussa's Aluminum Oxide C, made synthetically, is unlike any other. An extremely pure, pyrogenically produced white powder, with submicron size particles, its surface is positively charged. As a result, Aluminum Oxide C performs with great efficiency in a number of industrial applications. Among them: •

Reduction of electrostatic charges in powders and plastic granules • Increased sag resistance in amine cured epoxy systems • Suspension agent in aqueous systems • Dirt repellency in fibers • Improved light emission and reduced corrosion in flourescent tubes The unusual properties of Aluminum Oxide C lend themselves to many other uses as well. Why not see what you get from a positive charge. Sample available on request.

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New Chemistry from the ACS Monograph Series No. 174 Coordination Chemistry, Vol. 2, Arthur E. Martell, Editor. 636 pages (1978) Cloth $90.00

No. 168 Coordination Chemistry, Vol. 1, Arthur E. Martell Editor. 578 pages (1971) Cloth $46.25

No. 173 Chemical Carcinogens, Charles E. Searle, Editor. 788 pages (1976) Cloth $78.00

No. 167 Isotope Effects in Chemical Reactions, Clair J. Collins and Newell S. Bowman, Editors. 436 pages (1971) Cloth $34.75

No. 172 Chemical Mechanisms in Bioenergetics, D. Rao Sanadi, Editor. 272 pages (1976) Cloth $33.00 No. 171 Zeolite Chemistry and Catalysis, Jule A. Rabof Editor. 796 pages (1976) Cloth $75.00

No. 166 Bacteriophage Biochemistry, by Christopher K. Mathews. 382 pages (1971) Cloth $31.75 No. 165 Membranes of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts, Efraim Racker, Editor. 322 pages (1970) Cloth $28.50

No. 170 Regulation of Purine Biosynthesis, by ]. Frank Henderson. 303 pages (1972) Cloth $26.50

No. 164 Molecular Basis of Virology, H. Fraenkel-Conrat, Editor. 642 pages (1968) Cloth $46.25

No. 169 High Energy Electron Scattering, by Russell A. Bonham and Manfred Fink. 311 pages (1974) Cloth $33.00

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June 2, 1980 C&EN