Amberlite deionized water stops corrosion and scale in Diesel-train

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Amberlite deionized water stops corrosion and scale in Diesel-train heaters Water impinges on t h e surface of t h e flash boiter in a Diesel train . . . t u r n s instantly into steam . . ^ leaves no deposit t o clog a n d corrode steam l i n e s . I t ' s A M B E R L I T E deionized water! Industry after industry has t u r n e d to A M B E R L I T E Ion Exchange Resins t o produce deionized water comparable in quality t o single distilled; to soften boiler feed water; t o reduce alkalinity and. total dissolved solids; and regulate make-up q u a l i t y with a minimum of equipment, space a n d maintenance, You'll find, too, t h a t in m a n y chemical processes you can eliminate costly steps and improve cjuality with t h e A M B E R L I T E S . O u r staff will be glad t o discuss potential applications of A M B E R L I T E I R 100 (cation exchanger) and A M B E R L I T E IR-4P (acid adsorbent). AMBERLITE is cz trade-mark, Res·

Time-Tested Uses a n d N e w Ideas Worth Investigating Our booklet " T H E AMBERLITES" suggests many applications/or these time-tested Ion Exchange Resins—some amplications already co?nmcrcially established, others {miztlng the way to neio fields of investigation. For your copy c?f this booklet, address The Resinous Prodmis & Chemical Company, Department CE-1, Washington Square, Philadelphia 5, Pa.

U.S. JPat. OJf.