Ambient aerosol sampling. History, present thinking, and a proposed

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Environ. Sci. Technol. 1982, 16, 154-161

blsten, R. F.; Glaspll, L.; Waltz, J. P. Nucl. Technol. 1977, 35,314-27. Campbell, W. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1976,10, 436-9. Law, S.L.;Gordon, G. E. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1979,13, 432-8. Sullivan, P. M.; Makar, H. V. In “Proceedings of the 5th Mineral Waste Utilization Symposium”;Leshin, E. A., Ed.; Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute Chicago, IL, 1976;pp 223-33. Greenberg, R. R.; Zoller, W. H.; Gordon, G. E. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1978,12,566-72. Greenberg, R. R.; Gordon, G. E.; Zoller, W. H.; Jacko, R. B.; Neuendorf, D. W.; Yost, K. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1978,12,1329-32. Davison, R. L.; Natusch, D. F. S.; Wallace, J. R.; Evans, C. A., Jr. Enuiron. Sci. Technol. 1974,8,1107-13. Kaakinen, J. W.; Jorden, R. M.; Lawasani, M. H.; West, R. E. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1975,9,862-9. Klein, D.H.;Andren, A. W.; Carter, J. A.; Emery, J. F.; Feldman, C.; Fulkerson, W.; Lyon, W. S.; Ogle, J. C.; Talmi, Y.; Van Hook, R. I.; Bolton, N. Enuiron. Sci. Technol. 1975, 9,973-9. Natusch, D. F. S.; Bauer, C. F.; Matusiewicz, H.; Evans, C. A., Jr.; Baker, J.; Loh, A.; Linton, R. W.; Hopke, P. K. in “Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment”; Toronto, 1975;Vol. 11,Part 2, pp 553-75. Block, C.; Dams, R. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1975,10,1011-7. Campbell, J. A.;Laul, J. C.; Nielson, K. K.; Smith, R. D. Anal. Chem. 1978,50,1032-40.

Natusch, D. F. S.; Enuiron. Health Perspect. 1978, 22, 79-90. Coles, D. G.; Ragaini, R. C.; Ondov, J. M.; Fisher, G. L.; Silberman, D.; Prentice, B. A. Enuiron. Sci. Technol. 1979, 13,455-9. Smith, R. D.; Campbell, J. A,; Nielson, K. K. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1979,13,553-8. Smith, R. D.;Campbell, J. A,; Felix, W. D. Min. Eng. (Littleton, Colo.) 1980,32,1603-13. Fisher, G. L.;Prentice, B. A.; Silberman, D.; Ondov, J. M.; Biermann, A. H.; Ragaini, R. C.; McFarland, A. R. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1978,12,447-51. Hansen, L.D.;Fisher, G. L. Enuiron. Sci. Technol. 1980, 14,450-6. Natusch D.F. S.; Taylor, D. R. “Environmental Effects of Western Coal Combustion”;U.S.Environmental Protection Dec 1980;Part IV. Agency Report No. 600/3-80-094, Linton, R. W.; Williams, P.; Evans, C. A., Jr.; Natusch, D. F. S. Anal. Chem. 1977,49,1514-20. Natusch, D.F. S.; Wallace, J. R. Science 1974,186,695-9. Braman, R. S.;Johnson, D. L.; Foreback, C. C.; Ammons, J. M.; Bricker, J. L. Anal. Chem. 1977,49,621-5. Maney, J. P.; Fasching, J. L.; Hopke, P. K. Comput. Chem. 1977,I , 257-64. Received for review May 29,1979. Revised manuscript received September 21,1981.Accepted October 13,1981.This research was supported in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Grant Nos. R803950 and R806051.

Ambient Aerosol Sampling. History, Present Thinking, and a Proposed Inlet for Inhalable Particles James B. Wedding Aerosol Science Laboratory,?Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523

w This paper will chronologically review the various approaches to ambient aerosol sampling and will present data describing the wind-tunnel performance of a prototype inhalable particles (IP) inlet developed at the Aerosol Science Laboratory based upon the D M = 15 pm sampling strategy, prevalent during 1980. The inlet utilizes an aerodynamically sound housing and fluid flow design that efficiently transports the particles to the fractionating element. The inlet uses a unique omnidirectional/cyclone fractionator. Over the range of wind speeds from 0.5 to 24 km/h the 50% cut point was seen to be virtually invariant, 14.4-13.7 pm. The slope of these curves was found to be quite steep. The present inlet is currently undergoing design improvements but represents a working device that can serve as a viable inlet system for IP sampling.

Introduction History. The effective sampling of aerosols in the ambient atmosphere has received considerable and increasing attention over the past 5 years. To obtain a representative measurement of the particulate mass present, one must draw a sample containing the particle size range of interest through an inlet device onto a suitable sampling substrate. To provide meaningful data, the inlet must allow all particles of interest to be collected with the same slope and shape of the collection-effectivenesscurve (see ref 1 and Figure 1) independent of sampling conditions. These conditions include mean velocity (magnitude and three‘Affiliated with the Research Institute of Colorado. 154 Envlron. Sci. Technol., Vol. 16, No. 3, 1982

dimensional direction), turbulence scale and intensity, and extraneous airborne matter (rain, snow, insects, debris, etc.). Up until 1972, characterization of atmospheric particulate matter had been accomplished through use of the standard Hi-Vol samplers ( 2 , 3 )which measured total suspended particulate (TSP) and operated at a flow rate of 1.41 m3/min (50 cfm). (See Figure 2.) Even though the national ambient air quality standards for particulate matter are defined in terms of TSP ( 4 ) ,this approach did not supply acceptable information for a variety of reasons. Initially, the collection capability of the samplers has been found to be strongly a function of particle size, approach flow wind speed, and sampler orientation (see ref 1 and the next section). Additionally, characterization of the aerosol concentration becomes nearly impossible when the upper size limit is variable. Hi-Vol samples are not size segregated near the center of the bimodal mass distribution (3). These shortcomingsprompted the US. Environmental Protection Agency in 1972 to examine conventional impactors as a means of fractionating the sample prior to collection. The drawback of particle bounce documented by Dzubay and Stevens (5) led to the adoption of the virtual impaction principle as an appropriate alternative. The single-stage version was first described by Hounam and Sherwood (6). This device produces two samples separated into what has been termed respirable vs. nonrespirable particle sizes. Subsequent analysis of samples collected by these devices has revealed a different chemical constituency of the two size modes providing a reasonable basis for the need to size segregate samples. The smallparticle mode is acidic-composed mostly of lead, bromine,


0 1982 American Chemical Society

I r m D I N I Y K OlAULTls

Flgure 1.

Effectiveness performance envelope for IP (9).

-0 42,.

Figure 2. Standard (11'12 X 14) in!



Hi-VoI ( 4 ) and Rocky Flats

(Rockwell International)sampler (36).

and a number of other elements in trace concentrations. The large-particle mode is generally basic-composed of a variety of minerals including quartz, limestone, calcite, mica, and clay and trace quantities of tire dust, pollen, and lead oxides. Thus, at the present time, there are two basic approaches to the sampling of atmospheric particulate matter: the Hi-Vol and the dichotomous samplers. Present Thinking. Recent EPA emphasis is aimed at developing air quality standards based upon the collection of a specific size fraction-termed inhalable particulate (IP)matter. Miller et al. (9) define IP as particles having aerodynamic diameters of 515 pm. Additionally, there exists a strong possibility that the IP standard may be based upon 10 pm. The impetus for this thinking came from the International Standards Organization (IS0 TC146,1981), which proposed consideration of a standard based upon those particles depositing in the tracheobronchial and alveolar regions of the human respiratory tract-subsequently termed thoracic deposition or TP (thoracic particle) fraction. Inlets for IP must have well-defined large particle cut size characteristics necessitating the usage of a suitable fractionating device to remove unwanted aerosol from collection substrates. Figure 1reveals the September 1980 strategy on performance for an acceptable inlet for IP based on the 15-pm IP definition, but it is currently undergoing intense scrutiny. The effectiveness of an inlet is defined as the ratio of the mass collected on the sampler substrates to that collected by an isokmetic sampler, the latter providing the reference on cloud concentration approaching the inlet. The adoption of these D m guidelines (aerodynamic diameter at an effectiveness of 50%) may undergo further changes as knowledge increases on the overall effects of various par-

Figure 3.

u u

Sizeselective HI-VOI (IO).

ticle sizes on public health and environment. Note that the ultimate shape of the fractionating curve has at this point been left quite flexible. However, one would desire an inlet with the curve shape and D, independent of wind speed for consistent sampling. Additionally, the present dichotomous sampler operates at a flow rate of 16.67 L/ min with both manual and automatic filter changing options available. The need for all samplers to have a sizesegregating capability can be questioned, as well as a need for larger flow rates to enable collection of more mass. These thoughts have resulted in the continuing presence of the Hi-Vol approach. If one does not wish to fractionate the sample and more mass is desired to he collected in a shorter period of time, one alternative to the dichotomous sampler is the size-selective Hi-Vol system. (See Figure 3.) This unit, developed by McFarland et al. (10)under funding by the Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL) of the US. Environmental Protection Agency, collects particles at a flow rate of 1.13 m3/min (40 cfm), has a D , = 15 pm, and utilizes the standard glassfiber filter. The latter makes chemical analysis difficult or impossible, acting as a chemical reactor and causing so-called artifact formation. Thus, an intermediate flow rate sampler (4 cfm) utilizing a membrane filter seems advisable. If the standards are indeed set at Dm = 10 pm, this system will be obsolete. This paper will chronologically review a great percentage of the various approaches to ambient aerosol sampling. Data have been collected on many of the devices in the Aerosol Science Laboratory and will be presented here. Also presented will he data on a Dso = 15 pm inlet for the dichotomous sampler designed and tested at the Aerosol Science Laboratory to meet the 15-pm IP sampling criteria Inlet Designs for Ambient Aerosol Sampling

Until recently, there had been relatively little rigorous attention given to examining the basic fluid and aerosol mechanics associated with the challenging problem of collecting an unbiased sample of atmospheric particulate matter independent of the environmental conditions. Several investigators (11-26) have studied the basic problems associated with the sampling of particles for simple collector geometries. Davies (16) has developed a model for the sampling efficiency of tubes as a function of particle size, mean velocity, and sampling rates. Davies (27),Kaslow and Emrich (28). and Agarwal and Liu (29) have investigated sampling of aerosol under quiescent conditions. Agarwal (29, 30) solved the Navier-Stokes equation to obtain insight into the fluid flow pattern of cylindrically shaped inlets. Davies (31)and Davies and Subari (32)have investigated the sampling of these walled tubes in a crosswind. Zebel(33) applied a potential flow Environ. Scl. Technol., Vol. 16, No. 3. 1982




Comparative Performance Data for Ambient Aerosol Samplers/Inlets D50

SamplerIInlet Standard Hi-Vol: Oo,45O Sampler Standard HI-Vol: @ IRF'M Sampler

12,18 16.5,31,730

Test Wind Speed km/hr 13.65


L i t e r a t u r e Reference Wedding e t a l . ( 1 )



15 (-100%)



Wedding e t a l . ( I ) Sehmel (17)

1 5 ( 3 0 . 1 ) , ZO(16.91,


Rockwell I n t e r n a t i o n a l Sampler

0': 2 4 , 1 3 . 5 , 1 3 . 5 45':

Southern Research Institute Inlet Beckman I n l e t

Sierra Inlet


Size Selective Sampler

5.49,21.95, 43.89 5.49,21.95, 43.89



12 ( 3 5 , 1 2 , 3 5 )


15.5 13 10.5 11 *^ LL

Dzubay ( 5 )


15 40

13.4 14.4 12.5

2 8 24

Envlron. Sci. Technol., Vol. 16, No. 3, 1982





(20 cfm)

3 (31 cfm)


d i a

2 Beid e t a l . (38)

McFarland (10)


Wedding e t a l . ( 3 7 )




solution to determine fluid streamlines existing around a slit or hole in an infinite wall. May et al. (34) performed a field study on the capability of various sampling devices to collect windborne particles. Burton et al. (35) field tested a 566 L/min (20 cfm) Hi-Vol cascade impactor, further evaluated by Sehmel(17). Studies by Steen et al. (13-15) evaluated the performance of samplers used in Europe to sample ambient aerosols. Wedding et al. (1) studied the performance of the standard Hi-Vol sampler, followed by a broader study conducted by McFarland et al. (10). Also evaluated in the study by Wedding (1) was the rotating cowl and impactor system designed and utilized in field studies by Sehmel (see ref 17 and Figure 4) and an inlet employing a virtual impactor fractionator (see ref 5 and Figure 5). Wedding et al. (36) also evaluated a Hi-Vol sampler in use by Rockwell International at Rocky Flats, Co (see Figure 2). Beginning with the study by Wedding et al. ( I ) which revealed the extreme biasing of the Hi-Vol performance, much-needed attention began to focus seriously on the inlet required for the successful introduction of atmospheric particulate into the dichotomous sampler. A prototype inlet conceptualized,fabricated (made of Plexiglas), and partially evaluated (see ref 1) under the same study during the summer of 1975 at the Aerosol Science Laboratory was intended to provide a means to collect particles independent of wind direction and environmental conditions. The device was performance tested by using an Andersen impactor on the outlet (see ref 1). No special shape of the fractionation curve or design rationale was specified for that device. The inlet was later recommended to EPA for adoption on their IP network. An ensuing rigorous analytical and experimental evaluation of that inlet was later performed by Wedding et al. (37),and its performance was found to be unsuitably dependent upon wind speed. A study just completed by Wedding (unpublished) on the size-selective Hi-Vol shown in Figure 3 indicates that the sampler tested is marginally unaccept158

Wedding e t a l .


Primary i n l e t 20lL/min (7.10 cfm) Secondary i n l e t 14LImin ( . 4 9 cfm)


2 8 24





& (50

( IO)


15(6.3), 20(6.51), 25(2.9)

Test Flow Rate




R o t a t i n g Wind and Impactor Sample V i r t u a l Impactor I n l e t


D(efficiency, %)

& ( . 5 9 cfm) L

( . 5 9 cfm)


Wedding (unpublished)



3 -& (40 c f m )





Flgure 4. Rotating cowl and impactor (77, 7).

able by the Figure 1 criteria. Unpublished data by McFarland indicate modifications made to the SSI have resulted in a D, of 14 pm at 2,8, and 24 km/h. The only other inlet device found in the literature at this time was designed and tested by Bird et al. (38). (See Figure 6 . ) The results of all of the above referenced work confirm the difficulty that one encounters in designing an inlet/ sampler system to operate independently of sampling conditions. Table I summarizes the results of the work, with literature references given for convenience and figures accompanying for elucidation of design and principle of operation. Proposed Inlet for I P

Design Rationale. The design rationale is based upon the need for an ambient aerosol sampling inlet capable of collecting all particles of interest with the same D,, slope

0-0 N

-- -








8 m 5-





3 '


















ERC virtual impactor (5).


Flgure 8. Southern Research Institute Inlet (38).

and shape of the collection-effectiveness curve vs. aerodynamic diameter independent of the sampling conditions. An inlet for IP must a t this time meet the criteria as illustrated in Figure 1,which means that the inlet sampling-effectiveness curves must lie within the shaded region. At this point in time Figure 1 represents only a proposed guideline for IP inlets. The resulting effectiveness curve of an inlet system is the product of the frac-

' 1



Flgurr 7. Wedding I P inlet, section view, not to scale.

tionating device efficiency used to establish the desired DM and the efficiency of the inlet geometry which transports the aerosol to the fractionator and protects the system from environmental factors. As it is not practical or necessary to achieve isokinetic sampling in the field, the inlet must only effectively transport to the fractionating device the particle sizes of interest with consistent or predictable losses independent of fluid mechanics (wind speed, three-dimensional direction, turbulence intensity, and scale) and environmental conditions (precipitation, airborne debris, insects, etc.). Thus, separated flow regions within the device must be avoided as these areas will cause varying deposition loss as a function of fluid energy. The inlet geometry must serve to self-limit the number of entering fluid streamlines commensurate with the approach flow velocity so as to collect a particle phase sample with mass and size range of interest independent of ambient conditions. The choice of the fractionation device is practically limited to a conventional impactor, a virtual impactor, or a cyclone. The conventional impactor suffers from particle bounce problems which may be reduced for a time with an appropriate coating or an angled collection surface to alter the bounce trajectory but will always require unpredictable periodic maintenance. The virtual impactor may be a candidate, but to date no workable prototypes have emerged. The inlet shown in Figure 5 performed poorly (41).The cyclone, if designed to be omnidirectional, would appear to be the best candidate as the slope of the fractionation curve is comparable to that for an impactor. It possesses a large surface area for deposition, and it has Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 16, No. 3, 1982














Figure 8. Effectiveness curve for the Wedding I P inlet.

considerably less susceptibility, if any, to particle bounce. Note that no force of sufficient magnitude exists to cause reentrainment or bounce from the surface of a properly designed cyclone unless that particle is elastic enough to add energy to the particle phase during the particlewall collision. A particle of this nature would not represent those commonly found in the atmosphere. It is for these reasons that the cyclone approach was adopted for this proposed IPM inlet. Design of the Cyclone Fractionator. As shown in Figure 7, this cyclone is unique. It is omnidirectional, allowing the aerosol entry from any angle of approach. An 158 Envlron. Sci. Technol.. Vol. 16. No. 3. 1982

angular impetus is imparted to the particle motion via the eight evenly spaced entrance vanes. The body of the cyclone is cylindrical in cross section. As the particle enters the cyclone (see Figure 7), it follows the circular path defined by the vanes and accelerates toward the outer radius of the cyclone defined by R2. The particle arrives at R2with velocity U, where it begins it upward ascension at velocity U,. If the particle is not removed, it will travel the distance 1, negotiate the turn at R1,and travel downward to the exit plane of the inlet. Particles that are removed will d e p i t on the inside collector surface as shown in Figure 8.

niques failed to satisfy performance criteria or would prove susceptible to environmental factors. Additionally, the approach has a wealth of data available on its performance as well as a predictable model. Experimental Measurements

B Flgure 9. Inlets for the dichotomous virtual Impactor: (A) Sierra 244E and (B) Beckman ( 7 , 70).

The present design allows a potential collection area of over 200 cm2 and an additional volume for storage of collected particulate matter exceeding 500 om3. This unit should be capable of operating in the field maintenancefree for a considerable period of time. Design of the Fractionator Housing. Figure 7 shows the bell-shaped housing and lower radius similar in concept to the inlet developed at the Aerosol Science Laboratory in the summer of 1975 (see ref 1 and 11) and later sold commercially by Sierra and Beckman (Figure 9). This design is a modification of these units following the theoretical predictions from the model presented by Wedding et al. (37). This approach was adopted after other tech-

The proposed I P inlet operating at 16.67 L/min is shown in Figure 7 and was tested in the closed-loop Aerosol Science Laboratory wind tunnel at Colorado State University (shown in Figure 10). The tunnel has a cross-sectional dimensional of 1.22-m square at the test section. The longitudinal component of turbulence intensity at the test location was found by hot-wire anemometer measurements to be 4%. Similarly, the longitudinal macroscale was -20 cm, and the vertical macroscale was