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Publication Date: January 1880. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1880, 2, 1, 42-44. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's...
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Abstracts from American and Foreign Journals.

American Chemical Journal. Abstractor, J. 1'.


, PH. D.

O n t?be S U n t h e s i u of H e l i c i i ~n?uE €Vieno2gliccosirle, MICHAEL( I , 305).


ActioiL of acetochlorhyrlrose viL U I L alcoholic solutioii cfpotassium piieiiate.-AcetochlorIi~dr~ise mixed with absolute alcoliol, was added t o an alcoholic solution of potassium phenate, t h e mixtnre allowed t o stand a few hours, and the ~ ~ r y s t a l l i nprecipitate e formed (pot:isaiuni chloride), reniovetl by filtration. On evaporating the tiltrate, cliisters of needles were obtained,, when purified by r u - c r y ~ t a l l i z ~ t ~ i o i ~ , fused a t 171-172'. This compound turns the plane of polarized light to the right, and, on treatment with dilute acids, potassinin Iiydratc or emulsin, is rleuompoeed into glricosr and phenol. 'lie i~nalysis gave results corresponding to the formula Cy2111606[=C61I6(OCtiH5) (OHJCHO], and the author assigns t o the new body thc nanic pkeiaol-

yhecosicZe. ilrtioia of Acetochlorhydrose on aiL alcoholic solutioil. of p t a s s i u i i c sa2icylite.-'l'he result of this reaction was t h e synthesis of a crystalline compound which fuses a t 1i5-1$6", has the composition C131?160, [= C,H,(OC,H,CIIO)(OII),CIfO], and is evidently identical with lielicin. I t is decomposed into glucose and salicylic aldehyde by treatment with dilute acids, emulsin or hot alkaline solutions. T h e foregoing reactions will, it is hoped, indicate the spiitliesis of many of the glucosides, and assist i n explaining t h e constitution of these compounds. O I Zu n e w forinntion of Stilbene, rciid sovne of it8 Der-iz'ativen,

ARTIIVR ~ ~ I C H A E I( I, , 3 1 2 ) . Sodium acetate was allowed t o act 011 benzoic aldehyde and phenylacetic acid, t h e mixture being heated in a closed tube for twelve hours. On treating the contents of the tube with hot water, a residue remains which, when purified, possesses the empirical formula of stilbene (C!JI12),and coincides in its properties with this hydrocarbon. I t s formation is expressed by the equation: C,H,CITO C,H, - CH, COOII = CJ16 - CH = CH - CJIb CO, II,O. A mixture of eqiinl parts of cumic aldehyde mid phenylacetic acid, with sodium acetate, when treated in a similar manner, gave il substance which crystallizes in fine scales, fuses a t 83-81", and has the composition C1711,8. T o this body the author gives t h e name isopropylstilbeize.








On substituting salicylic for cumic aldehyde, although the reaction does not take place in so satisfactory a manner as in the preceding case, a crystalline body was obtained, which fuses a t 135-156', has the composition C,,H,,O, and is probably orthoozystilbene. On a .Yew Metkod f o r the Separatiorb a n d Subseqiccnt Treatment of Precipitates .InCJbemical Anulvsis, F. A. GOOCH( I, 3 17). See this JOURNAL, I, 582. O n sezwrd Spaniel&Minerals. F. A. GENTH,JK. (I, 323). (AbaZt(ferous gersdor@te, from Benahanis, Proviiice of Malaga, is found associated with large, white, crystalline masses of calcite; H = 5 ; sp. pi'. = 5.856; color, grey. l'he pure mineral is not affected by HCI, but is decomposed by treatment with HNO,. The analysis gave:

s .................................... A s . . ................................... F e ................................... N i .....................................

c o ..................................... Cu


22.01 39.71 1.12 24.83 12.54 0.25 100.46

corresponding to R(SAs),, in which the Ni and Co are as 2 : 1, and the S : As as 14 : 11. Associated with the gersdorfite and calcite, were found chalcopyrite, erythrite, pharmacolite, lavendulite, olivenite and arragoni te. Jumesonite, from the Province of Huelva, is massive; H = 2.5; sp. gr.=5.467; color, steel grey. It is dissolved by HCI, with evolution of H,S, plumbic chloride separating; and by "Os, with separation of antimonious oxide, plumbic sulphate and siilphur. Analysis: F e ..................................... 5.95 AgCu. ................................. 0.2 8 P b . . ................................. 38.29 Sb .................................... 33.15 S ..................................... 23.60 101.27

which, on deducting the pyrite, gives the formula: (PbFe),Sb,Y,. A Method for Estirnmtiwg Bismuth VdumetricaUu, M,

KUHARA (I, 326).

Noticed elsewhere. New Results i n Electrdyjsie, EDGARF. ticed elsewhere.




ing tlic potassium or ammonium salt of t h e prewding acid with an excess of ammonium sulphide, evaporating, filtering, and adding IICI. It forms warty mrisses, which are with ditticrilty solublc i n boiling water. T h e Ba s d t was made :tiid examined. l'he +uthor regards this acid as itlentic~d with that ~)rel):meil1)s' Griess from me t,amidobenzo i e ac i (1. P~'co.triiit~~oortkostc~,hoht;i~zoic cicid.-'l'he Ka salt of this acid was obtained b y osiclizitig the C':t salt of t o l i i e i i e ~ ) ~ r a n i t r c ) o r t ~ i i ) ~ i i ~ r J h ~ r i i c ~ a c i d with pot:issiiirn l)(.ri~i:~ri~~iti:It~i. 'l'hca neutral ancl acitl K:i,:inti the (':I salts, \vert>p r c p i w l . Z ' ~ t r ~ r ~ t i i ~ l o o t ~ t / c o s ~ r l ~ ~ hucitl o h l : ~ W:IS i r ~ ~ i rii;itle c 11y treating t l i c s ]~ot;is.siiinisalt of tlie ;thove :wid with : t i i i i n o i i i i i i i i sulpliitlcx, evalmratilig, and prccil'itatiiig with IEC1. It forms loiig tlclicate nccdleb, nhic*li :tw slightly solnble in cold water. 'L'lic. ISn salt \v:is c~umiiirvl. Ortliotc i t l ' c j i " [ r " Y ' L l ~ / ~ ~ h ~acid ~ i ~ owas ~ ( ~ preparcd by treating ortlivnitrot,oluenc with fuiriing siilphuric acid, neutralizing with c:halk, evaporating the filtrate, and oxidizing t h e Icodiict with potnssinrn perninng:inatc. 'l'he solution is then filteiwl, :tilt1 tlit acid t,lirown down by addirig H('L 'L'hcl K:t :me1 Ba salts w c w p w p r w l . Orthorcii/i ( l o J ~ ~ ( i r c t s i t ~ i l i o l , c . i , ztrr icii cc?~, ni:itlc f'ivni tlic nitro acid b y treating tlic potassiuiii salt u-it,h :tmiiioiiiiini sulpliiclc~,cryst,:illizes i r i rhombic plates, nliieh tlissolvci i n hot wntei'. Dilutc1 solutions of the acid show it fine hiue flucrrcsc~c~nct~.