American Chemical Society Announces 3 New Titles in the Advances

provoking, controversial points of view. In a sense this book is a tribute to the fundamental work ofW. A. Zisman, 1963 recipient of the Kendall. Awar...
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American Chemical Society Announces 3 New Titles

in the Advances in Chemistry BORON-NITROGEN CHEMISTRY

CONTACT ANGLE wettability and adhesion

No. 42/ BORON-NITROGEN CHEMISTRY contains thirty-two papers presented at the BoronNitrogen Chemistry Symposium sponsored by the U. S. Army Research Office—Durham. These papers contain contributions from many subdisciplines of chemistry and emphasize the close collaboration of classical chemistry with advanced techniques and modern theoretical treatments. Laubengayer's synthesis of B-trichloroborazine, which tended to replace high vacuum techniques by more classical approaches, and the use of spectroscopy as a tool for explaining structures and mechanisms, stimulated by the work of Goubeau and his school, are two major advances which have influenced the growth of research in boron-nitrogen chemistry. Both of these leaders along with M. F. Lappert, W. N. Lipscomb, M. Kubo, and M. J. S. Dewar are represented. Principal topics discussed: Amineboranes and related compounds, 6 papers; physical chemistry of aminoboranes, 4 papers; preparative aspects of aminoboranes,5 papers; pseudoaromaticB-Ncompounds, 6 papers; general B-N chemistry, 11 papers. Partial Contents Chemistry of Areneboronic Acids with Neighboring Amine Groups; Reactions of Triphenylphosphinimines with Boron Compounds, Certain Organometals, and Lewis Acids; Relations between Structure and Coordination Stability in Boroxazolidines; Kinetics of the Gas-Phase Association of Donors and Acceptors. 330 Pages, cloth bound $7.50 No. 43/ CONTACT ANGLE, WETTABILITY, AND ADHESION contains twenty-six papers given at the 1963 Kendall Award Symposium. This is the largest and best collection of up-to-date papers giving both theoretical and practical approaches to wettability and adhesion—a subject important to many areas of science and technology. Papers report the latest work, survey progress, and suggest new directions for research and application. Moreover, the papers are sufficiently current and broad in scope so as to include thoughtprovoking, controversial points of view.

and Serum Proteins

In a sense this book is a tribute to the fundamental work of W. A. Zisman, 1963 recipient of the Kendall Award. It contains the best summary available on the surface chemical studies of Dr. Zisman and his staff. In fact, he opens the symposium with a 48-page article which includes 107 references to other work. As you will see from the table of contents some papers deal with the chemical structure of solid

surfaces, solid-fluid interfacial tensions, and flow in capillaries as related to contact angle discussed in other papers. Still others explore adhesion theories, thermodynamics of wettability, chemisorption, coadsorption on metals, spreading of oils on surfaces and its prevention, a computer study of wettability, and other areas. Partial Contents Relation of Equilibrium Contact Angle to Liquid and Solid Constitution ; The Chemical Structure of Solid Surfaces as Deduced from Contact Angles; The Status of Contact Angle as a Thermodynamic Property; Theory for the Estimation of Surface and Interfacial Energies. 389 Pages, cloth bound $8.00 No. 44/ AMINO ACIDS AND SERUM PROTEINS Perhaps more individuals are concerned with amino acid and protein research than any other area of biochemistry not only from the standpoint of nutrition and nutritional and physiological effects, but the growing evidence of a possible link to the genetic code. AMINO ACIDS AND SERUM PROTEINS is based on the Richard J. Block Memorial Symposium, organized by the Division of Biological Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. The 10 papers by 20 contributors reflect work at the frontier of today's research activity in amino acids and protein chemistry. In the opening paper Julius Schultz discusses the nature and origin of serum proteins and suggests that undifferentiated proteins may be continuous systems rather than discrete molecular species. Other papers on biosynthesis examine the role of the liver in the biosynthesis of plasma proteins, aminoacyl transfer in ribosomes, and the role of phosphates in the urea cycle. A paper by Nobel Laureate Vincent du Vigneaud reports the fate of cystathionine in a human cystinuric. The book includes a biography of Richard J. Block and a bibliography of Block's published work, where you will find a number of reviews and books which are useful guides to today's laboratory procedures and research. Partial Contents Bibliography of the Published Work of Richard J. Block; The Nature and Origin of the Serum Proteins; Dominant Role of the Liver in Biosynthesis of the Plasma Proteins with Special Reference to the Plasma Mucoproteins (Seromucoid), Ceruloplasmin, and Fibrinogen; Protein Biosynthesis-Aminoacyl Transfer from sRNA to Ribosomes; Refractive Indices of Amino Acids, Proteins, and Related Substances. 154 Pages, cloth bound $5.50

,m- cn 4 - cMNH.-ύ AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Special Issue Sales 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W./Washington, D.C.


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copies of BORON-NITROGEN CHEMISTRY, Number 42, at $7.50 each. copies of CONTACT ANGLE, WETTABILITY, AND ADHESION, Number 43, at 18.00 each copies of AMINO ACIDS AND SERUM PROTEINS, Number 44, at $5.50 each Additional for postage per copy: PUAS $0.10; foreign $0.15. My payment in the amount of $



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