American Chemical Society: Condensed Norms: ACS Cooperative

Form 1970, Advanced High School Chemistry Form 1970ADV,. Graduate Level Placement in Inorganic Chemistry ... versity of South Florida, Tamps, Fla. 336...
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Condensed Norms:

ACS Cooperative Examinations

Four new tests were published by the Examinations Committee in 1970: General Chemistry Form 1970, Quantitative Analysis Form 1970, Advanced High School Chemistry Form 1970ADV, Graduate Level Placement in Inorganic Chemistry Form 1970-1. Although data for Quantitative Analysis Form 1970 are still being collected, the norms for the other 1970 tests are presented. I n addilion, the n o r m for Qualitative Andysis Form 1969 and Physical Chemistry Form 1969 also appear. The condensed norms presented here areseleoted froma. larger body of data, which may be obtained from Examinations Committee-ACS, University of South Florida, Tamps, Fla. 33620,. Condensed norms for other currently used American Chemical Society Cooperative 37, 166 Examinations have been published in THIS JOURNAL, (1960); 38, 211 (1961); 39, 151 (1962); 40, 144 (1963); 41, 166 (1964); 42, 170 (1965); 43, 217 (1966); 44, 243 (1967); 45, 273 (1968); 46, 182 (1969); 47, 321 (1970).

General Chemistry Form 1 9 7 0 Maximum possible scare--60 Percentile Raw scores ranks

Percentile ranks

Raw scores


18.4 Reliability coefficient-0.887 The scoring formula u e d wa, R - W/3. The reliability coefficient was ertimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula No. 21. The arouo consists of 3049 students from 47 institutions who

from 3-to 6 with a mean of 3.6. G r a d u a t e Level Placement Examination Inorganic Chemistry Form 1970-1 Maximum pomible scorePercentile ranks

Part I 50 Raw scores

Part I1 40 Raw scores

Total 90 Raw acmes


Qualitotive Analysis Form 1 9 6 9

Max. possible score Percentile ranks

Part I 43 Raw scores

Part I1 12 Raw scores


Part 111 45 Raw soores

Total 100 Raw scores


coefficient 0.914 0.938 0.945 The scoring formula for Part I was R - W/4; the score on Part I1 was the sum of the four cluestions a t t e m ~ t e dfrom a. choice of seven; the total score wai the sum of t h i scores on Part I and pn.,+ T. T. ~ . -...

The reliability coefficient was estimated by the Kuder-Riohardson Formula No. 21. Thegroupconsists of 516studentsin31 institutions. 58% of the

The scoring formulas used were I2 - W/3, 2(R - W/3), and 3(R - W/3) for Parts I, 11, and 111, respectwely. The reliability coeffiwent was est~matedby the Knder-Richardson Fnrmwln. No. 21 The group consivts of 280 studenb from 7 institutions who took the test a t the end of a. one-semeuter course in Qualitative Analysis. Freshmen (53%), sophon~ores(34%), and juniors (12%) composed the group. The leoture hours per week ranged from 2 t,o 3 wilh n. mean of 2.7. Lnhnrst,orv hours oer week raneed from Volume 48, Number 7, July 1 9 7 1

/ 487

Advanced High School Chemistry Form 1970ADV

Physical Chemistry Form 1969 Percentile rank8

Maximum possible score--60 Percentile Raw scores rmks

Raw scores ~


Part I 40 Raw scores

Maximum possible score-Percentile ranks

Part I1 40 Raw scorns

Part 111 80 Raw scores



20.5 Relisbility caeffioient0.848 The scoring formula used was R - W/3. The reliabiit coefficient was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula d o . 21. The group consists of 342 students in 22 institutions who took the test s t the completion of a two-semester course in physical chemistry. Juniors (63%), seniors (33%), and graduate students (4%) composed the group. The lecture hours were 3.0 per week in each case and laboratory hours range from 0 to 6 per week with a mean of 3.2.

Graduate Level Placement in Organic Chemistry A new Graduate Level Plscement Examination in Organic Chemistry Form 1971-0 will be relessed by the Examinations Committee of the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society in July, 1971. The examination containing seventy multiple-chbice cp&tions, has been prepared by a subcommittee consistin. of E. L. Eliel (chairman). University of Notre Dame; H. L. &rey, Oregon Graduate center for ~ t u d y and Research; J. E. Baldwin, Univemity of Oregon; M. Gates, University of Rochester; P. J. Hawkins, Oberlin College; 11. G. Hiskey, University of NorthCarolina; E. S. Huyser, University of Kansas; H. G. Kuivils, New York State University (Albany). The purpose of the examination is to test the undergraduate prepamtion in organic chemistry of students entering graduate schools in chemistry. A Large number of graduate depsrtments offering the PbD degree use the examination for purposes of graduate placement. Previous Graduste Level Placement Examinations in Organic Chemistry were prepared in 1961, 1965, and 1968 by committees under the chairmanship first of J. F. Bunnett (Brawn University) and then of E. L. Eliel. The new examination differs from its



Journol of Chemical Education

Reliability coefficient 0.942 0.929 0.967 The scoring formulas used were R - W/3 m d 2(R - W/3) for Parts I and 11, respectively. The reliability coeffimentwas estimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula No. 21. The group consists of 585 junior6 (35%) and seniors (65%). ,,?me raneed from 90 to 450 rnin oer week with a mean of ~-~~~~ 206.9. Lshoratorv time ranzed from 50 io 450 min Der week with a mean of 158.7. "







predecessor, Form 1968-0, by the inclusion of some recent material. dthoueh the bdanoe and deeree of difficultv of the auestions ~~~,~~ have not becn mxteriallg rlungcd. The distrlhurion of the questirma amme; the major areas of phyaical and spcrtrxl propercxganic chemistry--~.ome~~~.latttrr, ties, structure identiliostion, synthesis, mechanism and theory, and stereocbemistry-is provided with the examinations. The tests are released only to departments offering masters and/or doctoral degree program in chemistry, chemical engineering, be ordered and bioehemistrv. Confidential mecimen c o ~ i e mav s mder tlw algmture of the Head or Chairman of the I)epnrtmrnr trj: writirlg 10 I h . T . A. .Llifunl, Clluirnun, Exxrnn.nrio!.s Comnrlttea-A('$, Unwenity of South Florida, Tamps, Floridn 33620.



