American Chemical Society Education Department - Environmental

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A New A C S Audio Course to help you understand a n d solve industrial and municipal waste-water problems . . . .

ACTIVATED SLUDGE: Stoichiometry, Kinetics, and Mass Balances Whether you're a chemist or chemical engineer, a biological scientist or civil engineer, if you need to understand aerobic, suspended growth, mixed culture systems, ACTIVATED SLUDGE will give you the most φ-to-date information.

The bulk of the course focuses o n the development of mass balance

principles and their application t o biological reactors. Using these principles, you'll learn how to apply stoichiometric and kinetic relationships to select appropriate system sizing, oxygen needs, nutrient levels and sludge-disposal methods.

INSTRUCTOR Dr. Robert L. Irvine, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Notre Dame, is a recognized expert on biological treatment in sequencing batch reactors.


In addition t o treating common industrial waste problems, the author introduces advanced concepts and procedures required to analyze more complex problems.

Five audiotape cassettes (6.2 hours playing time) and a 127-page manual, $275.00. Additional manuals for group use, 1 t o 9 copies . . . $16.00 each; 10 or more copies . . . $12.80 each. (Catalog no. Z-57.)

To test your understanding, numerous problems are presented with detailed solutions.

Order now! If you're not completely satisfied, just return the course within ten days for a full refund or cancellation of invoice.


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Activated Sludge: Stoichiometry, Kinetics, and Mass Balances at $275.00 each to: Also send Name

additional manuals for group study. ;

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American Chemical Society Education Department 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C., 20036 (202) 874-4588

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