American Chemical Society - Environmental Science & Technology

May 30, 2012 - American Chemical Society. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1983, 17 (9), pp 452A–452A. DOI: 10.1021/es00115a734. Publication Date: September...
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Fate of Chemicals in the Environment Compartmental Modeling for Predictions

NEW R o b e r t L. S w a n n , Editor Dow Chemical Company Alan E s c h e n r o e d e r , Arthur D. Little, Inc.


Brings together user-oriented informa­ t i o n covering many aspects of environ­ mental fate m o d e l i n g . Presents a c o m ­ prehensive view of the models available and their practical applica­ t i o n s . Includes a generic overview of the main building b l o c k s of models and the framework of logic c o n n e c t i n g the c o m p o n e n t s . Five sections cover chemical release, environmental models, multimedia models, model val­ i d a t i o n , model parameters, and human risk assessment. CONTENTS Release of Chemicals into the Environment · Fate of Chemicals in Aquatic Systems · Soil and Groundwater Fate Modeling · Modeling of Human Exposure to Airborne Toxic Materials · Role of Multimedia Fate Models in Chemical Risk Assessment · Partition Models for Equilib­ rium Distribution of Chemicals in Environmen­ tal Compartments · New Mathematical Model­ ing System · Model Predictions vs. Field Observations · Application of Fugacity Models to Estimation of Chemical Distribution and Per­ sistence in the Environment · Environmental Fate and Transport at Terrestrial-Atmospheric Interface · Interactions Between Dissolved Humic and Fulvic Acids and Pollutants in Aquatic Environments · Relationships Between the Mo­ bility of Alachlor, Butylate, and Metolachlor in Soil and Their Physicochemical Properties · Application of Mathematical Modeling for Envi­ ronmental Risk Assessments · Application of Preliminary Pollutant Limit Value · Assessment of Human Exposure and Health Risks Using Outputs of Environmental Fate Models Based on a symposium sponsored by the Divi­ sion of Pesticide Chemistry of the American Chemical Society ACS Symposium Series No. 225 326 pages (1983) Clothbound LC 83-12209 ISBN 0-8412-0792-5 US & Canada $44.95 Export $53.95 Order from: American Chemical Society Distribution Office Dept. 43 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE 800-424-6747 and use your VISA or MasterCard.


Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 17, No. 9, 1983

Biotechnology. Vol. 3. H. Dellweg, Ed. xix + 642 pages. Verlag Chemie In­ ternational Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010. 1983. $265. "The number of substances which may be excreted by microorganisms is almost endless." Examples are ethanol, simple organic acids, and many others. Among the topics considered in this volume are: biomass from higher nalkanes, nitrogen fixation, ethanol fermentation, energy from renewable resources. Water Chemicals Codex. National Research Council, Committee on Water Treatment Chemicals, viii + 73 pages. National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. 1982. $7.25, paper. This book covers at least 35 chemi­ cals used in water treatment, their descriptions, purity requirements, sample collection, and how to analyze for them {ES&T, November 1982, p. 616A). Emerging Technologies for the Control of Hazardous Wastes. Β. Η . Edwards et al. xiii + 146 pages. Noyes Data Corp., Mill Road at Grand Avenue, Park Ridge, N . J . 07656. 1983. $24, hardcover. This book presents recent technol­ ogy for handling hazardous wastes. Included are molten salt combustion, fluidized-bed incineration, ultravio­ let/ozone destruction, and catalytic methods. Some theory is presented. Natural Resources: Environmental Myths and Bureaucratic Management. Richard Stroup, John Baden. 150 pages. Pacific Institute for Public Policy Research, 635 Mason St., San Francisco, Calif. 94108. 1983. $25, cloth; $9.95, paper. The authors maintain that "the single greatest cause of environmental destruction is government control." They propose that the "twin institu­ tions of private property and 'voluntary exchange' invariably produce results that are environmentally and eco­ nomically superior to those produced by the political and bureaucratic pro­ cesses of government." Human and Environmental Risks of Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds. Richard E. Tucker et al., Eds. xii + 823 pages. Plenum Press, 233 Spring St., New York, N.Y. 10013. 1983. $95, hardcover. Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, -furans, and similar compounds seem

to be environmentally ubiquitous; yet little is known about them. This book examines the source of the problem, analytical and environmental chem­ istry, health effects, risk assessment, safe handling, and other topics. Aquatic and Terrestrial Humic Mate­ rials. Russell F. Christman, Egil T. Gjessing, Eds. xi + 558 pages. Ann Arbor Science Publishers Inc. (Butterworth), P.O. Box 1425, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. 1983. $49.95, hard­ cover. Symposium papers included in this book consider molecular structure, 13 C analysis, ion speciation, metal complexation and bonding to xenobiotics, and possible health significance. Priorities for future research are pro­ posed. Dictionary of Energy. Malcolm Slesser, Ed. 299 pages. Schocken Books, Inc., 200 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1983. $29.95, hard­ cover. This dictionary gives definitions of energy-related terms from "absolute price" to "zirconium." A glossary of acronyms is furnished, as are conver­ sion tables. U.S. EPA Polychlorinated Biphenyl Regulations (40 CFR 761). S.L. Berglin, Positive Technologies, Inc., 2323-K Bluemound Rd., Waukesha, Wis. 53186. 1983. $94. This publication includes regula­ tions concerning PCBs from the Fed­ eral Register through April 7, 1983. Key words, phrases, terms, and dates are provided, and the regulations have been "made readable." Environmental Statutes. 1983 ed. 704 pages. Government Institutes, Inc., P.O. Box 1096, Rockville, Md. 20850. 1983. $34.95, hardcover; $24.95, softcover. This book provides an update of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, R C R A , TSCA, Superfund, and other current environmental laws. Energy Alternatives in Latin America. Francisco Szekely, Ed. xii + 180 pages. Tycooly International Pub­ lishing Ltd., 6 Crofton Terrace, Dun Laoghaire Co., Dublin, Ireland. 1983. $20, paper; $40, library edition; $13 for developing countries. This work examines energy options including renewable resources, indus­ trial development potential, energy marketing.