American Chemical Society NEWS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Mr. Killeffer has had long experience in chemical writing, editing, and publicity. He continues as contributing editor of Scientific American. Mr. Kil...
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Killeffer Resigns from l&EC and C&EN D. H. Killeffer, successively Associate and Contributing Editor of Industrial and En­ gineering Chemistry and CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS, has joined the staff

of the Hazard Advertising Co., 295 Madison Ave., New York, to direct publicity and public relations activities for the industrial clients of the agency. Mr. Killeffer first became associated with Industrial and Engineering Chemistry when he joined the staff as associate editor in September 1922, shortly after the editorial offices were moved from New York tq Wash­ ington, and has been a member of the organi­ sation since that time except for two years.

Dayton Section Student Awards Fall Meeting The A M E R I C A N C H E M I C A L SOCIETY

hat accepted the invitation of the North Jersey Section to meet in New . York City from September 11 to 15. 1944. Headquarters *né officiel hotels have not been designated and the housing bureau has not been organized. Members are requested to await the appearance of the preliminary program in CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS for June 1 0 be-

fore making hotel reservations. NOTE. Divisional secretaries mutt receive on or before July 1 .titles,abstracts, and, in some divisions, complete manuscripts of all the papers to be included in the program. The complete program will be printed in CHEMICAL A N D ENGINEERING NEWS

of August 10. The early deadline and publication dates are necessary because of unavoidable wartime delays in printing and pianogrephing plants. Please cooperate!

At the Dayton Section, A.C.S., Annual High School Meeting on April 11, the principal event was the Charles Allen Thomas Award address by R. B. Seymour on "Synthetic Rubber". This is the topic chosen for the essays to be entered in competition for the 1944 award by high school chemistry students in the Miami Valley area. The subject for the essays t o be entered in competition for the Carroll A. Hochwalt Award for 1944 is "Magnesium**.

A.C.S. Specifications for Analytical Reagents A.C.S. Specifications for Analytical Reagents, brought up to date as of March 1941. have been reprinted. Copies are sold at one dollar each by Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington C, D.C. (remittance with order requested). A thirteenth group of spécifications is to be printed in the Analytical Edition of Industriel and Engineering Chemistry for May 15.

MmEASTMAN KODAK 5488 D. H. Killeffer Mr. Killeffer has had long experience in chemical writing, editing, and publicity. He continues as contributing editor of Scientific American. Mr. Killeffer'e practice as public relations counsellor for the past 10 years provides the background for his new assignment. Mr. Killeffer is a doUar-a-year consultant to the Office of Production Research and De­ velopment of the War Production Board.

5445 Ρ 5470 5481 Ρ 5464


Ethyl bis-(2, 4-Dini*rophenyl)acetate · · · · · · · · n-Hexyl Sulfide BP126-1290/9 m sm

l g . $1.000 l O g . 2.0OA

2-Mercapto-4, 5-dimethylthiazole (Pract.) MP 160-165° . . · 5 0 0 g . 500g.

9.50 D

2-Vinylpyridine (Prod.) (Stabilized with 0.25% tert.-Butylcatechol) BP46-47°/8mnt 500g.

4.0O D

Potassium lodoaceSate


4.75 D

He is a member of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL

SOCIETY, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American In­ stitute of the City of New York, and The Chemists' Club. He is also a member of the National Panel of Arbitrators of the American Arbitration Association. He re­ sides in Crestwood, Ν . Υ., where he is active in the Boy Scout organisation.


Τ 1579 Xylene Cyanoie F F (Tech.) .


500 g.

6.70 D


22, N O . 8 » » » A P R I L 2 5 , 1 9 4 4