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H. Schlesinger. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1932, 24 (5), pp 587–588. DOI: 10.1021/ie50269a028. Publication Date: May 1932. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind...
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aehool period was spent nt thc gymnasium in JUL~USSTIeeLITs instead of the technical routiire which chnrKarlsruhe; hi&?r education was pursued n t the actorizod the andyticnl chsmiitry of those University 01 Hellin, ~vhcrounder Thiem:mn he to& t l w d o c f . ~ ' . slays, they rceeived training not only in the precise lnhoratory degree in organic chemistry. To eertain aspects of his ( : ~ ~ I I I I L L I Ircl~nico n which Pwfrsrur Stieglit,s has alwilys insisted, but in f mining Professor Stieglitz a.scribcs much of his siu fuod:uneiitd principles u,pplieable to the whole field of ohemisIarly to the thorough intellectual discipline received in the gymtry. Out. of t,hesr courses developed his classic textbook on n,lsium, and, conversely, to the freedom from direction while he "(~u:tlitntive Analysis" which has revolutioiiised the t,eaching of was doing his thesis aork. H i s ideal of erluca1,ion ever since h a this subject,. This breadth of vision was even niore valushle to been to give cart3iullyixepared hind e l o i ~ l supervised y elementary his advanced students m d in his research. One of its first courses in order tliat st, wnsequoores wau his theory oi indicators, which for the first time iodependenrr in the later reconciled tlre properties of thefie substances as organic comSlrortly d t e r Iris retor pounds witti their physieo-chemical behavior, and which is still derided t,o tmtc of industrid w r k with I'arke, Davis s,od Con- the fouod:it,ioo stone of indic.zl.intheory. Similarly, his grasp of pnny, but this taste convinced him that his interests lay in thr t h e fundamentals of both physical and ovgmic rticrnist,ryled him aradrmic fidd. sind it is rharnctcristie of tlre man that, once hie to approach a. g r ~ a viwi t of orgmii: reactions fnm a point of ciireer w a s dc?ridcd upon, he did not hcsit,ate to tiLke Iris view which ool m l y nddeil g r r d y to our knimledge :and underKith the rnivcrsity 01 Chicago, :