GENERAL OFFICES: 1210 LEON PLACE, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS. Regional Offices: Atlanta ·. Boston ·. Chicago ·. Columbus ·. Dallas ·. Kansas City. Los An...
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Beckman expanded scale pH meter

increases readability sevenfold With the new line operated Beckman Model 76 Thermomatic Constant Temperature Block and Expanded Scale pH Meter, readability to 0.003 micro electrodes are available where tempera­ ture maintenance and use of small samples are pH is now possible. In addition to the standard 0 to 14 pH scale, this new Beckman unit incor­ vital, as in blood pH. porates an expanded scale with a 2.0 pH full No. 65123A—Beckman Model 76 Expanded Scale pH scale range graduated in 0.01 pH units. Thus, any two pH units can be chosen from the full Meter with general purpose electrodes and buffer $445.00 0 to 14 pH range and read on the expanded solution No. 65123B—Thermomatic Constant Temperature scale. Likewise any 200 mv span can be selected $125.00 from the 0 to 1400 mv scale with a readability Block No. 65123C—Micro Electrode Assembly $65.00 of 0.3 mv. Features push-button operation, full 0 to 100°C temperature compensation, and For routine use . . . New line operated Model 72. Beckman recorder jack. reliability at a moderate price $175.00

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scientific products D I V I S I O N OF A M E R I C A N H O S P I T A L S U P P L Y C O R P O R A T I O N GENERAL OFFICES: 1210 LEON PLACE, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Regional Offices: Atlanta · Boston · Chicago · Columbus · Dallas · Kansas City Los Angeles · Miami · Minneapolis · New York · San Francisco · Washington tort Department—Flushing 58, L. I., New York. In Canada: Canadian Laboratory Supplies Limited. In Mexico: Hoffmann-Pinther & Bosworth, S. A. Circle No. 128 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 33, NO. 1, JANUARY 1961


91 A