American Institute of Chemical Engineers Holds Eighteenth Meeting

was convened at Gorham and Berlin in the heart of the White Mountains, the two main reasons being the location at Berlin of the extensive plants o...
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which Dr. Paul D. Merica, who delivered the introductory paper, is chairman. The first three papers covered the corrosive action of nitric, hydrochloric, and sulfuric acids on lead and i t s alloys and also on chromium alloys. The titles of these papers were as follows: "Corrosive Effect of Nitric Acid, Mixed Acid, and Sulfuric Acid on Some of the New Alloys with Special Reference to Stainless Steels," b y F. F . Chapman. "Corrosive Effect of Nitric Hydrochloric and Sulfuric Acid on Lead Containing Small Amounts of Copper and Antimony," by J. C. Olsen, M. H . Quell, and Wm. G. Holly. Published by the American Chemical Society "Chromium Alloys in Chemical Plant Apparatus," by C. EEaston, Pa. MacQuigg. Considerable discussion developed following these papers particularly on the chromium alloys and the percentage of chromium which was efficient in preventing chemical action. This was particularly brought out in Mr. Chapman's paper. Editor: HARRISON E. HOWE Managing Editor: ROBERT P. FISCHELIS A paper by John P. Hubbell and Wm. H. Finkeldey on "Rolled Assistant to the Editor: N. A. PARKINSON Associate Editor: D. H. KILLEFFER Zinc and Zinc Coated Products for Industrial Structures" gave the results of exposure tests and also observations on actual EDITORIAL OFFICE: ADVERTISING DEPARTMBNT: installations of zinc and zinc coated products. 706 Mills Building, 19 E. 24th St., A paper b y W. M . Barr and R. W. Savidge on "Corrosion of Washington, D. C. New York, N . Y. Flues and Sheets in Locomotive Boilers" gave the results of extended experience on corrosion in locomotive boilers. Two other papers on the corrosion symposium were also deEntered as second class matter at Easton, Pa. Issued three times a month; livered, the titles being as follows: Industrial Edition on the 1st, News Edition on the 10th and 20th. "Notes on the Fabrication of Corrosion-Resistant Metals," Subscription to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, $7.50 per year; News Edition only, $1.50 per year. Single copies, 10 cents. Subscriptions by W. S. Calcott. should be sent t o Charles L. Parsons, Secretary, 1709 G St., "Corrosion in t h e Laundry Industry," by J. N . Vermilya. N. W., Washington, D. C. A very interesting paper was presented by Percy C. Kingsbury and Floyd E . Mehrhof on "Stoneware Exhaust Fans and Blowers." This paper emphasized the long life and freedom Vol. 4 JULY 20. 1926 N o . 14 from corrosive action of this type of apparatus. A paper b y Evald Anderson entitled "Note on the Corrosive of Mist and Fume," gave the results of observations on American Institute of Chemical Engineers Holds Action acid mist on equipment used in Cottrell apparatus. The point was brought out that unless the mist is condensed on the apparaEighteenth Meeting tus no appreciable corrosive action follows. B Y J. C. OLSEN, Secretary Another important paper on this process was presented b y P. E . Landolt and N . W. Sultzer, entitled "Sulfur Dioxide For the second time the semi-annual meeting of the American Gas Cleaning for Sulfite Liquor Production from Pyrites." Institute of Chemical Engineers held June 21-24, was convened This paper gave a complete description of installations for proat Gorham and Berlin in the heart of the White Mountains, the ducing sulfur dioxide gas from pyrites particularly for sulfite two main reasons being the location at Berlin of the extensive liquor production. plants of the Brown Company and the natural attractions of Dr. R. H. Heilman read a paper entitled: "Apparatus for t h e this beautiful resort region. I t was necessary to distribute those Determination of Thermal Conductivities of High-Temperature in attendance at several hotels although the Mount Madison Insulation," describing a new and very efficient apparatus for House a t Gorham served as headquarters. M a n y of the memdetermining heat flow between surfaces at any desired tembers came by automobiles which were in constant service beperatures. tween the hotels and Berlin where the technical sessions were The paper b y Dr. W. A. Taylor on "Hydrogen-Ion Control held as well as the dinner on Wednesday evening and the plant in Paper Manufacture" proved very interesting to those in visits. attendance on account of the numerous results presented of The streets and buildings of Berlin were decorated with flags industrial liquids which could be most suitably controlled b y and welcome signs. Mayor King was in attendance at the this method. luncheon on Monday and welcomed the visitors and also at the The following papers were also presented: "Analysis of dinner on Wednesday evening at the Berlin Y. M. C. A. GoverStatistics," by John H. Graff; "Melting Points in the Ternary nor John G. Winant was also present at the dinner and delivered System Sulfuric Acid-Acetic Acid-Water," by Alexander an address of welcome. With the long list of prominent men and Lehrman. women on the various committees and in attendance at many of Ample time was given after each paper on the program for the functions, there could be no doubt but that the welcome was discussion during which many valuable points were brought out. genuine and that t h e chemical engineer was appreciated in BerThe papers with discussion will be published in a forthcoming lin and in New Hampshire. volume of Transactions of the Institute. The attendance o f the leaders in local business and social af The program for the ladies consisted largely of automobile fairs was unusually large, at the smoker on Monday evening, trips to the many points of interest in this scenic region as well the reception given b y Dr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Moore on Tuesday as attendance at the social functions arranged for the men conevening, and at the dinner on Wednesday evening. In addition, sisting of a lumberman's dinner, the reception a t the Androscogon Tuesday noon a t the Lumbermen's dinner a large number of gin Valley Country Club on Tuesday evening, and the subscripthe executives and employees of the Brown Company were tion dinner on Wednesday evening. present. At this dinner Mr. O. B. Brown delivered an address Following the meeting a delegation of about twenty-five proof welcome in which he expressed appreciation of the work of ceeded by automobile to the Rangeley Lakes where several days the chemical engineers in initiating and carrying on the numerous were spent at the Barker Camps fishing and enjoying this dechemical processes which have been developed b y the Brown lightful region. Company in connection with the paper and pulp industry. He emphasized particularly the work of President Moore and George A. Richter who had recently developed the process for producing Hague Tribunal Decides for Germany o n a highly purified cellulose known as alpha pulp. Cyanamide Plant During Tuesday afternoon following the Lumbermen's dinner a field day was held, including river sports. This proved a very The International Tribunal a t The Hague has decided in favor unique form of entertainment and was very largely attended. of Germany in the disposition of the large cyanamide plant at The plant excursions consisted of visits to the mills of the Brown Chorzow, operated for several years by the Polish Government, Company and that of the International Paper Company. On Acting Commercial Attache Ronald H. Allen a t Warsaw reports Monday afternoon t h e saw mill, debarking plant, and the Burgess to the Department of Commerce. This decision means that the sulfite mill were visited. On Wednesday afternoon the Casformer German owners may now sue for recovery in the Polish cade pulp and paper mill of the Brown Company was visited. courts. The visitors were especially interested in the recently developed alpha pulp being manufactured at this plant. A very high quality of paper was being made from this pulp which is also suitable W. A. Taylor, who was recently elected president of La Motte for nitration. The International Pulp and Paper Mill was Chemical Products Company, Baltimore, Md., was previously visited on Thursday morning. vice president and chemical director of that firm and not a reThe program of papers consisted of a symposium on corrosion search chemist for E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., as reported which had been arranged by the Committee on Corrosion of in our issue of June 10.