american instrument co., inc. - ACS Publications

for every necessary application: rapid routine analysis ... catalog describes applications and design of analytical and ... and blocks. American Agile...
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Readings m a y b e m a d e to 0.005 inch a n d either a standard 50-mv. potentiometric recorder or a 0 t o 1 m a . amperometric model m a y b e used. 13

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A n a l y t i c a l Instruments. Twelve-page catalog describes applications a n d design of analytical and control instruments which operate on t h e mass spectrom­ eter principle. Consolidated Engi­ neering Corp. (Bull. CEC1302B). 14 Demineralizer. Four-page brochure describes operation and applications of permanent cartridge-type water de­ mineralizer for a t t a c h m e n t directly t o a regular water t a p . Enley Products, Inc. ' 15 Photometric Units. Six-page bulletins cover applications, operations, and specifications of automatic and m a n u a l photometric units for measurement of color, gloss, and reflectance. Gardner Laboratory, Inc. (Bull. 161, 162). 16 C a t a l o g S u p p l e m e n t . Catalog of 112 pages describes instruments, a p p a r a t u s , glassware, laboratory furniture, and accessories added t o company's line since publication of catalog in 1952. Fisher Scientific Co. (Suppl. to Cat.). 1 7



Into a Corner Of Your Lab PORTABLE^V ELECTROPHORESIS "Produces Schlieren


Standard equipment in almost all universities and research centers, the Portable is trouble-free and operates in all climates. Its schlieren system is temperature controlled by me­ chanical refrigeration.

Notice how clearly various proteins are identified on both schlieren and interference patterns in the above photograph. Test sample was hu­ man serum. Breakdown of compo­ nents shows albumin, alpha-1, alpha-2, beta, and gamma compo­ nents. Tracings are typical of the excellent patterns produced in the Model B, which offers capabilities for every necessary application: rapid routine analysis, preparatory work on a large scale, interferometric analysis for basic research, or specialized procedures such as diffusion or adsorption studies.

Write for Bulletin 2263-H

Other important laboratory aids available from AMINCO Metabolic Shaker-Incubator . . . Kjeldahl Digestion Apparatus . . . Ovens, Incubators, and Sterilizers . . . Constant-Temperature Baths . . . Optical Absorption Cells . . . Interference Refractonteter . . . Polyfluorometer . . . Light Scattering Microphotometer . . . Photomultiplier Microphotometer . . . Peristaltic Action Pumps . . . Compensators, Motor-Driven and Electrolytic

AMERICAN INSTRUMENT CO., INC. Silver S p r i n g , M a r y l a n d ·

Laboratory A p p a r a t u s . Catalog of 44 pages covers company's line of labora­ tory equipment, featuring shakers, stirrers, electroanalyzers, a n d slide cab­ inets. E b e r b a c h Corp. (Cat. 55D). 18 Polyethyleneware. Eight-page price list covers line of plastic laboratoryware, t a n k s , hoods, exhaust fans, ducts, pipe fittings, valves, sheets, rods, bars, and blocks. American Agile Corp. 1 9 F l a m e P h o t o m e t e r . Eight-page book­ let gives detailed description of design, operation, and parts and accessories of Coleman flame photometer with directatomizing burner. E . M a c h l e t t & Son. (Bull. 23IB). 20 Laboratory A p p a r a t u s . Sixteen-page catalog describes variety of Laboratory a p p a r a t u s a n d equipment, including air conditioners, coolers, refrigeration sys­ tems, heating tapes, timers, pumps, vessels, and v a c u u m control instru­ ments. A. Daigger & Co. (Bull). 21 Laboratory A p p a r a t u s . Supplement of over 136 pages presents over 700 se­ lected items of laboratory equipment, instruments, supplies, and sectional fur­ niture. Will Corp. (Suppl. A-6). 22

In M e t r o p o l i t a n W a s h i n g t o n , D.C.

Fraction Collectors. Four-page bulle­ tin describes automatic fraction collecFor furtber information, circle number 98 A on Readers' Service Card, page 79 A

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