May 6, 1970 - 553. Author Index. 6 A. Briefs. 13 A. Calendar of Events. 75 A. New Chemicals. 129 A. Future Articles. 148 A. Manufacturers' Literature...
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Volume 42, No. 6

MAY 1970


ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Contents REPORT FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS Results of the lunar sample analysis program from Apollo 11 are discussed by Kenneth M. Reese 26 A NEWS SECTION

The Moon, long an enigma in our sky, is at last yielding some of its secrets. The Editors take great pleasure in presenting for both information and reading pleasure the article, "Chemical Analysis of Moon Samples," which begins on page 26 A. Free-lance writer Kenneth M. Reese takes great care in presenting many heretofore undiscussed facets of the lunar sampling and analysis program, and in particular he focuses on significance of the results of the meeting of principal investigators held at NASA in Houston (Jan. 5-8,1970). It is clear from Mr. Reese's article and from the summaries of the many results that little new analytical methodology was involved in the analysis program; rather a tremendous amount of good, solid analytical chemistry came into play, and some adjustments had to be made to accommodate existing procedures. Surely the Lunar Science Conference in Houston was an auspicious introduction to the shape of analytical activities in the space program in this decade, and the Editors hope that Ken Reese's article will provide good insight into the background and proceedings of the Houston meeting for those who are interested but did not attend.

Programs for the Joint CIC-ACS Analytical Divisions' meeting in Toronto, Canada, May 24 to 29, and the Mid-America Symposium on Spectroscopy, Chicago, III., June 2 to 5, are given 49 A BOOK REVIEWS Books on photometric methods of analysis, chemical separation methods, and physical chemistry—a modern laboratory course are reviewed by D. F. Boltz, Harold F. Walton, and David M. Cates 91 A

EDITORS' COLUMN New nomenclature reports, certain aspects of the lunar science program, and a new fiber optics device are discussed 97 A INSTRUMENTATION J. H. Davies of Barringer Research introduces correlation spectroscopy; applications to new generations of laboratory analytical equipment are in the offing. 101 A

EDITORIAL Professor Laitinen discusses foreign authorship and readership of the journal 553 Author Index Briefs

13 A

Calendar of Events



75 A

New Chemicals

129 A

Future Articles

148 A

Manufacturers' Literature New Products

2 A

6 A

135 A

119 A

Readers' Information Service

115 A

Scheduled Technical Courses

72 A