new ratio filter fluorometer which functions as a detector. ... are locked together at slightly different wavelengths and scanned. Beams .... Four inj...
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Fluorescence Instrumentation AMINCO-BOWMAN SPECTROPHOTOFLUOROMETER (SPF) (A) This famous research "workhorse" performs either fluorescence or phosphorescence studies by a simple interchanging of cell compartments. Sensitivity: one part per trillion, quinine sulfate, when excited at 250 or 350nm. Resolu­ tion: less than lnm. Cell compartment and lamp housing provide means to maintain optimum temperature tor sample and lamp. Less noise: low ripple power supply reduces arc wander. NEW RATIO ATTACHMENT provides superior stability, brings excitation and emission spectra closer to known spectral characteristics, corrects for low intensity peak shift in far UV, increases signal-to-noise ratio. NEW CORRECTED SPECTRA attachment provides both excitation and emission correction over the entire 200-800nm wavelength range. Attachments fit any SPF in the field. Applications include fluorescence probes, enzyme assays, phos­ phorescence studies, thin-layer chromatography, physical chemistry measurements. Circle No. 203. AMINCO SPF-1000 FULLY CORRECTED SPECTROPHOTOFLUOROMETER ( 0 The most sophisticated fluorescence instrument available. Operates in a corrected excitation and emission mode; as a ratio spectrophotofluorometer; and as a double beam spectrophotometer. Excitation spectra can be plotted as quantum intensity versus wavelength or wavenumber; or as watts versus wavelength. Emission spectra may be plotted in any of three modes·. 1) quantum intensity per unit wavenumber versus wavenumber; 2) quantum intensity per unit wavelength versus wavelength or; 3) watts per unit wavelength versus wavelength. Features: High Resolu­ tion: 0.2nm with digital readout; Bandpass of 0.2, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20 and 40nm. Monochromator wavelength range: 200-1000nm; Spectrum: start­ ing wavelength of 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 or 900nm and spectral width of 100, 200, or 400nm may be selected by front panel switches. Large up-front sample compartment. Ellipsoidal Condensing System included. 500w lamp permits highest light throughput of any commercial instrument. Photometer response time in corrected emission mode is less than 1 millisecond. Photometer operates in DC mode for highest sensitivity, ratio mode for maximum stability and two-cell differ­ ential mode for plotting spectra of samples having large blank correction. With integrator for quantum efficiency measurements. Circle No. 204. AMINCO SPF-125 (B) A direct reading spectrofluorometer designed espe­ cially to perform standard fluorometric determinations. Two monochrom-

ators for independent setting of excitation and emission wavelengths eliminate the guesswork and bother of filter combinations. Disc-mounted fixed slits allow resolution to be adjusted from 1.5 to 44nm; 85w high-pressure mercury lamp is utilized for its high intensity, line-source characteristics. Ideally suited to standard procedures, clinical tests and teaching. Other features include parts-per-trillion sensitivity for quinine sulfate; wavelength range of 200 to 800nm, each monochromator-, utilizes an S4 tube with a response beyond 600nm. SPF-125S available with xenon lamp and automatic scanning capability. Circle No. 205. FLU0R0/C0L0RIMETER (G) Direct-reading Filter Fluorometer serves as a Colorimeter, Turbidimeter, Nephelometer and Liquid Flow Monitor. Permits rapid (15 to 20 samples per minute), quantitative, sequential analysis of samples whose luminescence characteristics are known. Two solid-state models with blank subtraction in three ranges, allowing ten decade blank suppression, so that even small changes in signal can be measured with increased precision. 700V fixed voltage supply to photomultiplier tube may be regulated by: 1) continuous adjustment or 2) seven fixed steps of 100, 30, 10, 3, 1, 0.3 and 0.1. Meter readout permits optional use of recorder. Accessories include new Microcolorimeter Attachment, Flow Cell with Integral Debubbler for either absorption or fluorescence measurements. Permits incorporation of Fiuoro-tvlicrophotometer into Technicon AutoAnalyzer" system. The Uniscan" or TLC Scanner attachment allows absorption and fluorescence measurement of thin-layer separations. Circle No. 206. NEW AMINALYZER™ FLUOROMETRIC LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY SYSTEM (D) A high-speed, high resolution instrument designed specifically for the fluorometric determination of amino acids, peptides, and proteins at levels of 1 0 - 1 0 to 1 0 _ u moles of sample utilizing Fluram™ (fluorescamine), a new high-sensitivity fluorogenic reagent. The AMINALYZER System consists of a counter-top ion exchange chromatograph utilizing single-column, high-pressure amino acid separation techniques, and a new ratio filter fluorometer which functions as a detector. Fluorescence assay of the column effluent is automated by means of precision pumps adjusted to deliver reagents, buffer, and sample solution in appropriate proportions. Reaction time and temperature are automatically controlled for maximum sensitivity and stability. The ratio filter fluorometer pro­ vides freedom from drift, variations in sensitivity, and source fluctua­ tions. Circle No. 207. TM Fluram is trademark of Roche Diagnostics


—BSÉ • % « % % * *. A Aminco-Bowman Ratio Spectrophotofluorometer

C Aminco SPF-1000 High-Performance Spectrofluorometer

66 LG AUGUST 1973

WÊ&3? Aminco SPF-125 Spectrofluorometer

D Aminalyzer Fluorometric Liquid Chromatography System



AM IN CO Fluorescence News AMINCO FLUORESCENCE NEWS, published five times yearly, reports advances in methods and instrumentation to readers interested in the field of fluorescence. Bibliography of fluorescence papers is generally included. Subscriptions free on request. Circle No. 208.

UV-VIS Instrumentation DW-2™ UV-VIS SPECTROPHOTOMETER (R) A complete new instrument providing total sample handling capability with unparalleled flexibility of operation. TOTAL SAMPLE HANDLING CAPABILITY: Flexibility built into the cell compartment permits optimum positioning of turbid samples or solutions and allows easy insertion of the Diffuse Reflectance Attachment for opaque or solid samples. SIX MODES OF OPERATION: SPLIT BEAM MODE — A single monochromator is used to scan entire usable range (200 to 850nm) or as little as a 75nm increment of that range. The beam is time-shared through a reference and sample cell. DUAL WAVELENGTH MODE — One monochromator is set at reference wavelength (isosbestic point), the other at a nearby absorption peak. The reference and sample beams are time-shared through a single cell. DUAL WAVELENGTH-SCAN­ NING MODE-—One monochromator is set at a reference wavelength, the other scans a preselected wavelength increment. Beams are time-shared through a single cell. DERIVATIVE MODE —The two monochromators are locked together at slightly different wavelengths and scanned. Beams are time-shared through a single cell. RAPID KINETICS MODE —High speed chopper allows use of the Aminco-Morrow Stopped-Flow Apparatus to monitor rapid reactions in the single beam or dual wavelength mode. SINGLE BEAM MODE — Operates in energy mode. Circle No. 209.

CHEM-GLOW™ PHOTOMETER (F) A low cost, compact, sensitive instru­ ment which permits bioluminescence and chemiluminescence measure­ ments to be made with 10 μ\ samples and 100 μ\ reaction volumes, with

Ε Aminco Stopped-Flow Spectrophotometry System

a sensitivity of better than 1 0 - ' 4 mole. Applications include CPK AMP and ATP in blood, pyrophosphate in urine, and ATP in chlorella Circle No. 210.

Rapid Reactions Instrumentation AMINCO-MORROW STOPPED-FLOW APPARATUS (E) This unit is a fixed-ratio stopping-syringe type. It may be used with most single beam spectro­ photometers or monochromators. A unique method of porting eliminates problem bubbles and permits a change of solutions in about one minute. The unit may also be used for studies by fluorescence. Simple to operate, the unit is rugged. Depending upon the flow cell used, dead times of from 3 to 5 milliseconds are achieved. Complete spectrophotometric systems are available. AMINCO STOPPED-FLOW SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC SYSTEM is used to monitor absorbance or transmittance changes as rapidly as 3 milliseconds after mixing two reactant solutions. A DU Kit includes everything needed to convert a DU Spectrophotometer to a stopped-flow spectrophotometric system. Circle No. 211. NEW DASAR™ DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM (E) A new high speed, ultra accurate data collection device which preconditions the analog signal from the photomultiplier tube of a stopped-flow spectrophotometer, per­ forms a 12-bit analog-digital conversion and stores the data for later output as a graphical display, or X-Y plotting, of the analog information, typewritten digital record, or punched paper tape. Both display monitor and teletype are included. The Data Acquisition System records up to 456 data points at rates as fast as 50 ^sec/sample (optional 5 ^sec/ sample) with an accuracy of better than 0.03% full scale. It eliminates laborious hand-plotting of curves thereby providing a significant reduc­ tion in data preparation time, operational complexity and an increase in testing flexibility. At the same time, the kineticist can look forward to higher accuracy and resolution in his testing. The Aminco Stopped-Flow Data Acquisition System is easily adaptable to stopped-flow spectro­ photometers of any manufacture (it accepts either a current or voltage output). Circle No. 212.

F CHEM-GLOW Photometer

G Fluoro/Colorimeter

I H Aminco DW-2 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer


8 0 3 0 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 LABORATORY


AUGUST 1973 67 LG


( ± 1°C of the mean indicated temperature); simple, accurate tempera­ ture readout-control (better than ± 0.5°C); vacuum-gauge readout and low vacuum protection; speed control system of completely solid-state electronics; complete sample, rotor and machine protection; large cham­ ber size to accommodate all rotors and drive compatibility with most high-speed rotors, with protection for operation of titanium rotors. Circle No. 215.

Biochemical, Biomedical Instrumentation

HELIUM GLOW PHOTOMETER (0) Determines quantities of biologically significant metals in samples of microscopic size. In principle, the sample is vaporized from a heated iridium filament into a radio frequency helium-glow discharge, where excitation occurs. The characteristic emitted radiation passes through appropriate optical interference filters, and the resultant signals from two photomultiplier tubes are integrated and displayed digitally, allowing simultaneous determination of two components in a single sample. Renal physiologists have found the technique invaluable for simultaneous determination of the sodium and potassium content to kidney tubule fluids where available sample volumes are often less than 10 nanoliters. Other metals which have been deter­ mined in sub-picomole quantities by helium-glow photometry include calcium, magnesium, copper, lead, mercury, iron, cadmium and zinc. Circle No. 216.

ROTOCHEM™ II Parallel Fast Analyzer (J) Provides: A. FLEXIBILITY — The ROTOCHEM™ II Fast Analyzer is able to perform an enzyme rate or endpoint determination on up to 14 samples or profile testing on a num­ ber of samples, and automatically print out the test results in minutes. The unit is designed for routine clinical use with micro size samples of 5 to 50 μ\, for stat procedures, multi-phasic screening and clinical re­ search. Changing test parameters is as simple as changing a tape car­ tridge, because that's what makes the ROTOCHEM II Analyzer operate — an integrated computer module which is as flexible as your test proce­ dures may require —now and in the future. B. SIMPLICITY OF OPERA­ TION—The ROTOCHEM II Parallel Analyzer consists of a multi-channel photometric analyzer and data processing module. Optional modules in­ clude the ROTOFILL™ I Automatic Sample/Reagent Batch Dispenser, and CRT Terminal for display of photometric signal or for alphanumeric and graphic display. Operation is as easy as 1, 2, 3. C. QUALITY OF TEST RESULTS —The ROTOCHEM II Fast Analyzer is a precise diagnostic sys­ tem. With continuous monitoring of reaction rates, blank corrections, automatic standardization, accurate temperature control and automatic curve fitting, the unit provides more accurate and reproducible results than were previously available. Circle No. 213. HIGH PERFORMANCE GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY SYSTEMS (N) including chromatographic drug screening systems. Maximum performance capa­ bility at lower cost. Multi-phasic program control with temperature accuracy to ± 0.1°C. Positive Mass Flow Control. Unequalled detector sensitivity; up to four detectors can be operated simultaneously. Un­ paralleled versatility; complete line of accessories of modular design provide unlimited flexibility. Four injection ports. On-column and flash heater injection give capacity equal to two dual-column gas chromatographs. Complete computer interfacing; wide dynamic range, low noise, built-in computer terminal in all models. Proven dependability — over 10,000 units in operation in a wide variety of applications. Circle No. 214. AMINCO ULTRA PREP® ULTRACENTRIFUGE (L) provides high speed-force capability coupled with rugged reliability for extended-run operation. Other features include: refrigeration by a hermetically sealed system which permits selection of any rotor temperature from ambient to 0°C

I ROTOCHEM™ Automated Chemical Analyzer

MPETRI-SCAN™ Automatic Colony Counter

68 LG AUGUST 1973

OXYGEN DISSOCIATION APPARATUS Generates dissociation curve by spectrophotometrically monitoring oxygen saturation of whole blood. Using less than 50 microliters of whole blood or hemoglobin solution, this dualwavelength technique can be performed using a new filter instrument or with a new accessory for the DW-2™ UV-VIS Spectrophotometer. In the procedure, whole blood or hemoglobin solution is dispersed in deoxygenated liquid fluorocarbon by vigorous stirring. Oxygenated fluorocarbon is then metered into the observation cell. As oxygen diffuses into the red blood cells there is a change in optical absorbance which is con­ tinuously plotted on the ordinate of the recorder as percentage of oxygen saturation. The dual-wavelength technique negates non-specific lightscattering from whole blood. Oxygen partial pressure, which is propor­ tional to the volume of oxygenated fluorocarbon added, can be easily calculated from the time axis of the recorder. Circle No. 218. PETRI-SCAN™ AUTOMATIC BACTERIA COLONY COUNTER (M) A low cost, automatic, bacteria-colony counter that scans a standard petri dish in one second and presents the count on a built-in three digit counter.

Κ CELLTRIFUGE» Blood Cell Separator


CELLTRIFUGE CONTINUOUS-FLOW BLOOD CELL SEPARATOR (K) Separates whole blood into red blood cells, plasma, platelet rich plasma and white blood cells. The leukocyte fraction can be prepared with a pre­ dominance of either lymphocytes or granulocytes. Separation of the blood components is accomplished in a closed system on the basis of density difference in a gravitational force field created in a rotating centrifuge bowl. Any or all of the separated blood components can be recombined in the proportions desired and drawn off into sterile containers. Circle No. 217.

Ν Shimadju Gas Chromatography Systems

LAminco ULTRA PREP Ultracentrifuge


O.Aminco Helium Glow Photometer



There is no deviation from present preparation and handling techniques required. The PETRI-SCAN unit counts colonies or plaques on or in the agar, in a covered or uncovered petri dish. The count displayed is actually the number of colonies seen. Circle No. 219.


ENTHALPIMETER (U) A new instrument for measuring heat of reactions which permits taking the measurements without the aid of adulterative indicators and in the presence of any amount of turbidity. Circle No. 220. KJELDAHL EQUIPMENT (P) with new proportioning heat control for micro and semimicro nitrogen determinations. A rotary digestion rack plus distillation equipment and flasks. Circle No. 221.

permits computation of surface areas and particle size distributions. Five models are available: 60,000 psi model: 30A to .18mm; 30,000 psi model: 60.4 to .18mm; 15,000 psi model· 120A to 18mm; 5,000 psi model: 350A to .18mm and 1,000 mm Hg model: .009mm to 1.0mm The 60,000 psi model offers isostatic pressing capability. High pressure gauges offer 0 . 1 % accuracy; penetration volume displayed by digital readouts to 0.1 μ\. Circle No. 225.

AMINCO SOLID-STATE CHLORIDE TITRATOR (T) with Direct Milli-equivalent Readout determines ionic chloride, bromide, iodide and thiocyanate in biological and industrial samples. Circle No. 222.

AMINCO ROLLER PARTICLE-SIZE ANALYZER (S) Analyzes and physically separates subsieve powdered materials according to micron sizes. Any number of size fractions may be obtained within the range 5-75 microns. Because material is separated into groups of specific size particles, it may be recombined with particle sizes in any proportions desired. Per­ centage weight of separated fractions is reproducible to ± 0 . 5 % . Circle No. 226.

Physico-Chemical Instrumentation AMINCO ADSORPTOMAT (R) Automates determination of complete nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms for accurate measurement of size and size distribution of pores from 14 to 600A in diameter, total pore volume and surface area. Surface areas as small as 0.1 square meter/gram can be measured in samples having a total surface area of 2 to 5 square meters. Surface area is derived by the B.E.T. method. Pore size distribution is derived from Kelvin vapor pressure lowering in capillary pores, and corrected for the absorbed volume according to the method of Barrett, Helenda and Joyner. Results are printed out in digital form suitable for computer calculation of pore distribution. No operator attention is required during a run. Multi-sample accessory for sequential analysis of up to five samples. Circle No. 223. AMINCO Sor-BET (W) Performs rapid, accurate surface-area measurements on adsorbents, catalyst materials, etc. The unit operates according to the classic procedure of measuring the pressure decrease after adsorption of nitrogen by the sample. However, the nitrogen is adsorbed from a binary gas mixture. Operation is simple and direct, requiring no vacuum, no mercury manometers, no traps. Both piping and sample are purged by helium flow. SorBET's binary-gas-flow principle provides exceptional simplicity of operation and speed of measurement because of the rapid transfer of nitrogen to the sample. Circle No. 224. AMINCO-WINSLOW MERCURY INTRUSION POROSIMETERS (V) Determine volume and size distributions of pores from 1mm to 30A diameter in solids and particulate materials. Test data also allow accurate determination of density, provides significant evidence of pore shape and

P Kieldahl Apparatus

AMINCO OFFERS A WIDE RANGE OF INSTRUMENTS FOR COORDINATED RESEARCH Readers not familiar with Aminco's complete line of instru­ mentation are invited to request a copy of our Condensed Catalog, which in short form lists those instruments described here and the many others offered by Aminco. Circle No. 227.

Environmental Equipment NEW 32-page catalog describes Constant Temperature-Humidity Cabinets, Sub-Zero Cabinets, Environmental Room Assemblies, Ovens, Baths and Accessories. Circle No. 228.

Aminco Laboratory News AMINCO LABORATORY NEWS reports new methods and techniques de­ veloped in medical and industrial research laboratories throughout the world. Areas covered include chemistry, biochemistry, materials testing and evaluation, high-pressure and aerospace technologies. Issued quar­ terly; circulation, approx. 45,000, world-wide; subscription free on request Circle No. 229.

Β Aerosol Photometer

S Aminco Adsorptomat

S Aminco Particle Size Classifier

U Aminco Enthalpimeter

V Aminco Porosimeter

WAminco SorBET

• ! -^"fflWr#'

Τ Chloride Titrator


8 0 3 0 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 LABORATORY


AUGUST 1973 69 LG