Direct determinations of solution concentrations ...with a single dropof ... difference direct from built-in double scale. ... 186 on Readers' Service...
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It Doesn't Make Sense Not To Have One Of These Nearby, Does It?

Direct determinations of solution concentrations ...with a single drop of sample! Countless Applications: The New Model 10402 Goldberg T/C* Refractometer can be used as a "concentrimeter" to check and adjust concentrations of laboratory reagents and preparations, pharmacy batches and prescriptions. It's an ideal teaching and research tool for chemistry and physics laboratories. Automatic Temperature Compensation: Unique, hermeticallysealed liquid prism eliminates error due to temperature changes. No water bath or t e m p e r a t u r e controller needed.

Order yours today We're sure you agree that a nearby Spills Bucket is one of the most basic safety aids for any lab. So where is yours? Too many of us overlook this unglamourous essential, so we're conducting a campaign to put a Spills Bucket near every lab bench. The MC&B Spills Bucket contains about 7 lbs. of sand and soda ash, as recommended by safety engineers, and is packed with a plastic scoop.

Ultra-Micro Analysis: Small sample needed; no more than 0.02 m l . . . a single drop of solution. Instant Readings: Read index of refraction and index of refraction difference direct from built-in double scale. Accurate: Refractive index scale reads directly to 0.0002, comparable in accuracy to large benchtype Abbe refractometers.

You need it.

Optional Illuminated Table Stand provides utmost convenience for laboratory applications. Tables Available: Table of Properties of aqueous solutions related to index of refraction, consisting of 70 common laboratory reagents and other solutions is available from American Optical at $15.00. *The new Goldberg Refractometer and its use as a "concentrimeter" were developed in cooperation with Dr. A. V. Wolf, Head of the Dept. of Physiology, University of Illinois, College of Medicine.




I N S T R U M E N T D I V I S I O N · B U F F A L O , N E W Y O R K 14215 Circle No.186on Readers' Service Card

Order Now! $3.75 Delivered in U.S. Send order to MC&B, 2909 Highland, Norwood, Ohio 45212

MC/B Norwood, Ohio East Rutherford, New Jersey Los Angeles Circle No. 135 on Readers' Service Card

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