High volume air sampler is capable of operation for extended periods at high pressure differentials and is equipped with independent motor cooling. It is ideally suited to the collection of ra dioactive fallout or hazardous materi als such as beryllium, plutonium, uranium, etc. and can be used in smog control studies. Model 8 0 0 0 is portable and lightweight making it suitable for indoor as well as outdoor use. The flowmeter is physically sep arated from the motor cooling air which prevents carbon brush particles from entering. Electro-Neutronics, Inc., 9 4 0 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Calif. 94710 419
Multibulb Viscometer
This unique viscometer requires only five m l of sample. Fluid viscosity is measured by determining the time i t takes for the liquid level to drop through each of three successive sam pling regions. Six specifically developed meniscus detectors are used to initiate and stop the timing operations of the instrument. The liquid containing por tion plus the detectors are designed to operate while submerged in a tempera ture-regulated water bath. The detec tors work by light transmission with the light source and light sensitive cells lo cated outside the water bath. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tonn.
pH Meters Photovolt introduces three new p H meters. Simplified operation is pro vided by a single control which is used for routine p H measurements. Re peated standardizations with buffers are unnecessary. Once set, the meters may be used for days without restandardization. A novel electrode compensating circuit simplifies electrode asymmetry corrections. Photovolt Corp., 1115 Broadway, New York, Ν . Υ . 10010 420
Direct determinations of solution concentrations ...with a single drop of sample! Countless Applications: The N e w M o d e l 10402 Goldberg T / C * Refractometer can be used as a "concelitrimeter" to check and adjust concentrations of laboratory reagents and preparations, pharmacy batches and prescriptions. It's an ideal teaching and research tool for chemistry and physics laboratories. Automatic Temperature Compen sation: U n i q u e , h e r m e t i c a l l y sealed l i q u i d p r i s m eliminates error due to temperature changes. N o w a t e r b a t h or t e m p e r a t u r e controller needed. Ultra-Micro Analysis: Small sample needed; no more than 0.02 m l . . . a single drop of solution. Instant Readings: Read index of refraction and index of refraction difference direct from built-in double scale. Accurate: Refractive index scale reads directly to 0.0002, compar able i n accuracy to large benchtype A b b e refractometers.
Optional Illuminated Table Stand provides utmost convenience for l a b o r a t o r y applications.
Tables Available: Table of Properties of aqueous solutions related to index of refraction, consisting of 70 common laboratory reagents and other solutions is available from A m e r i c a n Optical at $15.00. * The new Goldberg Refractometer and its use as a "concentrimeter" •were developed in cooperation with Dr. A. V. Wolf, Head of the Dept. of Physiology, University of Illinois, College of Medicine.
I N S T R U M E N T D I V I S I O N · B U F F A L O . N E W Y O R K 1421S Circle No. 14 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 39, NO. 14, DECEMBER 1967 ·
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