American Patents: 215,756 Process and apparatus for distilling

American Patents: 215,756 Process and apparatus for distilling petroleum. J Kirk. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1879, 1 (5), pp 180–180. DOI: 10.1021/ja02145a...
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T. M. M c M I L I , . w . ('rude parafflne oil from petroleum ia cooled cfoun to about 0 ' F . anti tlie liquid part separated while cold hy filtering under pressire

~ 1 ~ ~ , 4 7 1 . - E ' r o cf~isrs f r c x i n , I . (iisfil~iili~~pefivlruni.--J. L. Krnii Tlie crude petroleumenters in a continuous flow a series of parallel pipes connected at their alternatc ends, and placed in a furnace. The vapors evolved in the separate sections of the pipe pass tlirougli filters. and after being mixed with snlphuric acid vapors are separately cow densed.

A . KIESELE. The composition consists of a mixture of parafflne and starch

2 1 ~ i , 7 ~ i 7 . - ~ o m p o s i f i fo .nr casfiug ornmnentai ,$pres.

215,811.--Proa*s.r and appatzitus / > r n t a r A i n j . g r ~ ~ i n .T. A. EBERHARDT In order to prevent the formation of acids in the mash, the malt is mixed with the boiled grain in vacuo. nrafui ( l i f e r use in uirc drawing. A. B. BROWN. A mixture of a solution of alkaline phosphate and flour.


215,899.-Sofutions f o r g n i v o n i c batfeiirs. CHAK A. EHRENBERG.

Claim: The use of urine as an excitant in galvanic batteries

MISCELLANEOUS. At the convemazione of May 15tli, held at the Stevens Institute of Tech tiology, Hoboken, N. J., President Henry Morton and Mr. W m E. Geyer ex hibited a number of specimens and some experiments illustrating the formation of the new dyestuff now beginning to attract much attention, and known by the trade names of fast-red " and " rocceline," and which is, in fact, a compound from diazo-naphthaline and p naphthol, together with sulphuric acid, and by preference, also, with an alkaline base , in other words, a sodium salt of the sulplio acid of oxyazonaplithaline The process of buildiug up this compound, beginning with naphthaline, is a i follows Naplithaline. by treatment with nitric acid. is converted into nitro-naphthaline This, by distillation with acetic acid and iron, is converted into naphthylamine and this, by addition of hydrochloric acid, into hydrochlorate of naplithylamine If a solution of this salt, acidulated with hydrochloric acid, is poured into a solu tion of sodium nitrite, the naphthylamine will be converted into diazo-naphthaline by the introduction of an atom of nitrogen in place of the two hydrogen atom. of the amine root.