AMERIPOL CB the new cis-polybutadiene rubber offers unique advantages
It wears longer
Ameripol CB, the unique 9 8 % cis-polybutadiene, has greater abrasion resistance than either natural rubber or SBR. In tire tread usage, the margin of superiority of Ameripol CB in creases with severe driving . . . such as c o r n e r i n g at high speeds, or excessive braking or accelera t i o n . Under these conditions, Ameripol CB d e l i v e r s f r o m 3 5 % to 100% greater tread life. (All graphical data shown based on averages of a variety of compo sitions.)
It has more bounce
Only Ameripol CB improves on the cis-structure of natural itself. One of the results of this is exceptional resilience. A m e r i p o l CB i m p r o v e s on b o t h natural and SBR in resistance to heat and oxidation.
It has low hysteresis It stays flexible in the superfreeze
Because of the great regularity of its structure, Ameripol CB has low hysteresis t e m p e r a t u r e build-up, and excellent rebound characteristics. This low heat build-up is a major reason A m e r i p o l CB is a leading contender in the truck tire field.
Even at 100 degrees below zero, Ameripol CB retains flexibility. Both natural rubber and SBR bec o m e b r i t t l e , and break like m a t c h s t i c k s at m u c h " w a r m e r " temperatures. This characteristic is increasingly important in the airc r a f t and m i s s i l e field. Ameripol CB can impart low-temperature flexibility to other rubbers by blending.
Goodrich-Gulf C h e m i c a l s , Inc. Cleveland: 1717 East Ninth Street • Phone: TOwer 1-3500 New York: 2 0 0 East 42nd Street • Phone: MUrray Hill 7-4255 Chicago:306 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, III. Phone:698-3210
West Coast distributor: H. M. Royal, Inc., 1 1 9 1 1 Woodruff Avenue, Downey, California • P h o n e : Topaz 1 - 0 3 7 1