
ior Model Water Still, is a. “hard water” model at no extra cost. Double walled evaporator is thermally in- sulated, and immersion heating coils i...
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19, N O .

FOR Chemical AtuMjAU Through the .Measurement of TRANSMISSION REFLECTION ( TURBIDITY FLUORESCENCE PHOTOELECTRIC COLORIMETER and FLUORESCENCE METER CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: by transmission in the visible and ultra violet range. VITAMIN DETERMINATION: by fluorescence (Vitamins Bi and Bs). COLOR MEASUREMENTS: on liquids, solids, p o w d e r s , paste*, paper, fabrics, lacquers, paints, and many other materials.

SCHAAR & COMPANY Complete Laboratory 7 4 8 W . LEXINGTON STREET


Clean, efficient, the "Pre- ". cision" Electric Heat Senior Model Water Still, is a "hard water" model at no extra cost. Double walled evaporator is thermally insulated, and immersion heating coils insure maximum efficiency. Three separate coils may be controlled by individual switches to yield two, four or six gallons of distillate per hour without wasting current. Separate coils are easily replaceable. T h e "Precision" Senior Model Electric Water Still is not built larger than six gallons per hour. Double and triple stills heated by electricity are also available, to suit specific requirements. Write for detailed literature No. 88.6C. See fyW* JI