Edward Hart. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1902, 24 (7), pp 698–698. DOI: 10.1021/ja02021a020. Publication Date: July 1902. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu ...
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bisulphate of potassa, etc. T h e work of the translator has, however, been admirably done. T h e German has been intelligently and accurately converted into excellent English and the paper, typography, and binding are first-class. T h e book is well indexed. CHARLES L A T f I R O P P;\RSOXS. AMMONIA A N D ITS COMPOUNDS-THEIR MANUFACTURE A X D USES. By CAMILLEVINCENT. Translated from the French by 31.T. SALTER. London : Scott, Greenwood & Co. 1901. viii - 114 pp. Price, gz.00.

T h e author, Camille Vincent, is well known for his methdd of preparing methyl chloride from the vinasse of the beet-root sugar. I n this book he has described in some detail the methods used in France for the production of ammonia and the ammonium conipounds. So far as it goes the book is well conceived and well written, but it by no means exhausts the subject and is notable for the almost entire neglect of the commercial side-the cost. O n e of the large sources of ammonia, the English shales, some of which give p pounds of sulphate per ton, is not mentioned. S o r is any attention given to the synthetic preparation of ammonia--n problem I ? O W apparently nearing solutioi?. En\\. \ n i l H.\RT.