Among Chemists - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

to go to the University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., as assistant: professor of ... City, N. J., secured through the Bureau of Employment of The Ch...
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Vol. 9 , X o . 7


' Retgistration at Inclianapolis MEMBER STATB

Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Kansas Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska New Hampsbi . New Jersey New York North Carolina North Dakota Oklahoma Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin District of Columbia Foreign Countries: Germany China Canada England Japan Totals

Men β 3 β 3 9 22 3 4 228 217 22 26 18 2 1 18 26 69 23 54 7 3 69 137 7 2 11 201 111 7 4 1 8 2 18 1 16 41 23


TOTAU 7 3 δ 3 10 22 4 4 292 392 26 33 20 2 2 18 30 89 24 1 66 7 4 78 159 7 2 14 255 127 8 4 1 8 5 18 1 22 49 37

Women 1 1

1 1

1 10 10 4 1

28 96 2 2 1

26 69 2 1 1 12

1 1

1 3 1 9


1 6

5 9

1 3 7

8 5

2 26 4 1

1 20 7




1 7

2 6 1

4 1 6

3 5

4 1 1 4 1_


1 1 1 Ϊ432*




4 1 208

167 1873


Notice The Indiana Section advises that, in connection with the Indianapolis






tickets were purchased for luncheons, dinners, etc., which in some cases were not used. The section will be glad to refund the amount paid, provided claims are presented within 30 days. These should be sent t o R. M. Lingle, Eli Lilly & Co., Indian­ apolis, Ind.

Future A. C. S. Meetings Scheduled Week of August 31, 1931 Spring of 1932 August 29 t o September 2, 1932

Buffalo N e w Orleans Denver

The sign "PaintTand Varnish" on t h e highly decorated doors of the Severin roof-garden seemed like redundancy.

Ajmong» Chemists p L - D. S a v e r has rececntly tef t the Alabama Polytechnic Insti­ tute, where h e was asso-ciatc s5oil chexmist, to g o to t h e University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., as assistant: professor of soils, a n d will devote most o f t h i s time to pfciysical-chernical problems in soil research. L. C. Billings, formeErrydty chemist of Grand Rapids» Mich., operating the water ptaxificafcion plant, i s n o w with the city of Dallas, Xex., i n a similatr capacity. Albert C. B o u c e k hass left tJbe Sclden Co., Pittsburgh, P a . , a n d has accepted a position inthe= Research Department of trie A. O. Smith Corp·, Milwaukee, WisW . H . itoynton, forscacrly of Hearst Enterprises, Inc., N*ew York, has accepted a possition s i s chemist with t h e Richards Chemi­ cal "Works, Jersey City-, N. IT., secured through t h e Bureau of Employment o f T h e GÊemists* ClubJoseph. S. Chamberlain, h e a d of tfcie Department o f Chemistry, Massachusetts Agricultural College:, who has been spending a year's leave of absence &X Oxford, EXngland, a n d traveling· on t h e Continent, will return t*o Atntnerst tfcie last of June. E . Jack Coulson has h>ecn a p p o i n t e d to the position of associate biochemist in the Nutrition ^Department of t h e U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, and has becra assig^ned to> the laboratory of t h e South Carolina Food Research». Comanaission to carry o n an investigation concerning t h e nutrttiwe valrzae of marine products. T h e first project will be a study o f the Enincral content o f oysters with relation to nutritional anermia. W . F. Pulton h a s left the Calmer Oas Products Corp., Shreveport, La., to become ht-ead o f the Chemical Department of t h e United G a s Public Service C i o . , Houston, Tex., where h e is in charge of all laboratories of time system. Fred K . Hauck, development engineer of t h e Gillette Rubber Co., Eau Claire, Wis., Haasbe^en transferred t o the Development Department o f T h e United Spates R u b b e r Co., Detroit, M i c h . W . H. Lucking, form«erlyo^ New "York, sales manager o f J. M . Huber, Inc., nas been appointed assistant sales manager of t h e C. K . Williams C o . , Easton-, Pa., manufacturers of pigments. The connection was sccrurcd t Tirougta the Bureau of Employment of T h e Chemists' Club. T . E. W . Schumann, since JTanuary 1 professor of mathematical physics a t West Virghkda University, Morgantown, W. Va., h a s been appointed director* of t h e Fuel "Research Board of t h e Union of South Africa, a n d wilil take -up his duties there in June. Doctor Schumann w a s educated at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa and at t h e University of Gôttingen, and subsequently studied at Yale* and a t Coluimbia. H e had several years of teaching experience, sa^d entered industrial work i n 1926, when he became a member ol? the research* organization of Combustion Utilities in this counury. TTae Kuel Research Institute, which Doctor Schumann i s to Ihead, jfaasbu* recently been created by t h e South African Governiment ^uid l i a s a considerable field of research awaiting its attention.

Award in Analytical Chemistry Made

Many blessings were heaped upon the heads of the buttonletterers a t Indianapolis b y men of short memory who found the large printing a wonderful aid to proper warmth of greeting.

The J . T. Baker Oicmmcal C o . Research Fellowship in Analytical Chemistry, Midwest Division, 1931-32, h a s been awarded to H . C. Fogg:, formmerly instructor i n chemistry at t h e University of New Haacipshine. He; will work at t h e University of Michigan under _thc direction of H. H.JJVillard.

Harrison Hale Gives Student Membership in A. C. S.

A. C. S . Meetidg Registrations, 1925 t o 1931

A t the annual banquet of Alpha Sigma chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma held recently at the University of Arkansas, Joe Fleming was awarded a student membership in the AMERICAN CHEMICAL

SOCIETY. H e was selected as one of t h e four seniors having t h e highest grade-point average. Mr. Fleming is also one of the fc officers' of fcthVIdeal cKarJfer: ·» The award was given b y Harrison Hale. In the future i t will be made from the chapter treasury.

A. C. S. Membership Given as Prize The Virginia Dare prize for excellency i n chemistry, which consists of a year's membership in the AMERICAN


SOCIETY, a n d is given by Β . Η . Smith, w h o i s a graduate of Massachusetts Agricultural College and president of t h e Virginia Dare Co., h a s been awarded this year t o Albert H . Gower.


1925 1925 1926 1926 1927 1927 1928 1928 1929 1929 1930 1930 1931


Spring: Fall: Spring: Fall: Spring: Fall: Spring: Fall: Spring: Fall: Spring: Fall: Spring:


Baltinaorc, ΚΛά., Arpril 6 to 10 Los Amgcles» Calif., August 3 to 8 Tulsa, Okla., April 5 to 9 Philad&elphiav, Pa., September 6 to 10 Richnmond, V a . , April 11 to 16 Detrofet, Micih., September 5 to 9 St. Lo*uis,MEo., Apxil 16 to 19 Swamipscott-» Mass., September 10 t o 14 Colunmhus, Ohio, Arpril 29 to May 3 Minnesapolis*, Minnt., September 9 t o 13 AHanfca,Ga—, April 7 to 11 Cincinvnati, «Ohio, September 8 to 12 IndianaapolW, Ind., March 30 to April 3

1524 880 448 2249 1317 1618 1307 1922 1755 1175 1449 1668 1873