Among Chemists - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Arthur Lowenstein, who for many years has been prominent in the packing industry, now offers his services for consulting business practice. He is loca...
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Equipment for Physical Research Offers L o w e s t Thermal E x p a n s i o n H i g h Thermal C o n d u c t i v i t y H i g h Electrical R e s i s t a n c e H i g h Compressive S t r e n g t h Translucency to Ultra-Violet Light Insolubility in W a t e r Indifference t o Chemical A g e n t s C o n s t a n c y of W e i g h t and V o l u m e S e n d for L i t e r a t u r e Special




THE THERMAL SYNDICATE, Ltd. 70 Schenectady Avenue, BROOKLYN, N. Y.

C. P. Inorganic Chemicals C. P. Organic Chemicals Chemical Indicators Biological Stains Reagents in Solution Test Papers Catalogue upon request

The Coleman & Bell Co. Manufacturing Chemists

Norwood, Ohio, U. S. A.

News Edition

W. E. Lawson, of the du Pont Company, has been appointed a consultant to the Chemical Warfare Service. His name was inadvertently omitted from the list furnished by the Service for publication in the News Edition of May 20. Ernest Little, professor of analytical chemistry at Rutgers University, has been granted a year's leave of absence by the Rutgers Trustees in order to act as Dean of the New Jersey College of Pharmacy in Newark. Dr. Little has been teaching chemistry at the New Jersey College of Pharmacy for the past eight years in addition to teaching at Rutgers. Arthur Lowenstein, who for many years has been prominent in the packing industry, now offers his services for consulting business practice. He is located in the First National Bank Building, Chicago, and is well known to a wide circle of chemical and business friends. Karl S. Means has resigned his position as assistant professor of chemistry a t the Michigan College of Mines to take charge of the chemistry and physics department at Milligan College, Milligan College, Tenn. H. G. Mitchell, formerly on the research staff of the U. S. Industrial Alcohol Company, Baltimore, Md., is now research engineer for the Speer Carbon Co., St. Marys, Pa. Elmer M. Nelson, formerly assistant with Dr. Steenbock of the University of Wisconsin, has accepted a position in the Bureau of Chemistry, Washington, D . C , where he will have charge of the vitamin investigations. Louis A. Olney, professor of chemistry and head of the department of textile chemistry and coloring at the Lowell Textile School, was the recipient of the honorary degree of Doctor of Science at the Fifty-Eighth Commencement Exercises of Lehigh University held June 15. August C. Orthmann has been appointed chief chemist for the Pfister & Vogel Leather Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Orthmann has been in their employ for the past 18 years and has been assistant chief for the past 13 years. J. C. Palmer, of the San Francisco Food and Drug Inspection Laboratory of the Bureau of Chemistry, has been transferred to the Food Control Laboratory of the bureau in Washington, where he will be engaged in research work on cereal products. Charles C. Phelps, 473 Getty Ave., Paterson, New Jersey, announces that he and Charles J. Schmid, his associate, have been appointed metropolitan New York and northern New Jersey representatives for the Uehling Instrument Co. of Paterson, the Williams Gauge Co. of Pittsburgh, the Combustion Control Division of the A. W. Cash Co., of Decatur, I11. and the National Boiler Protector Co. of Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Phelps still retains his former connection with Uehling as treasurer of that organization. Mr. Schmid was formerly the Boston representative of the Uehling Instrument Co. Louis Pine has resigned his position as chemist in charge of the Navy Supply Depot, Brooklyn, N. Y., and has accepted a position as chemist with the American Fur Dyeing Company of North Bergen, N. J. B. G. Potdar, formerly of Syracuse, N. Y., has gone t o Bombay, India, where he will have charge of the Pioneer Alkali Works, Ltd. Lloyd K. Riggs, formerly research chemist for E. R. Squibb & Sons, New Brunswick, N. J., has been made director of research a t the New Jersey College of Pharmacy. Francis L. Simons, who for the past three years has been instructor in chemistry at Brown University, has joined the research staff of Skinner, Sherman and Esselen, Inc., of Boston. H . C. Vacher has satisfied the Chaloner Fellowship requirements at the Mackay School of Mines and will work in the chemical division of the Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. W. E. Vail, who was formerly a research chemist for the Manhattan Electrical Supply Co., is now in the research laboratory of Lazote, Inc., Wilmington, Del. S. I. Vles has gone to Holland to take up work with the Netherlands Artificial Silk Company, "Erika" at Arnhem. A. W. Wahlgren, after having served the General Chemical Company at their Calumet Plant, Hegewisch, I11., for four years as chief chemist, has been transferred to the Laurel Hill Research Laboratories of the company, located at Laurel Hill, Long Island, N . Y. J. C. Warner, of Goshen, Ind., a graduate of the University of Indiana, has been appointed instructor in chemical engineering at the Carnegie Institute of Technology for the coming year. John Morris Weiss, of Weiss and Downs, 50 East 41st Street, New York City, has been chosen to serve on several Class Juries of the Sesqui-Centennial International Exposition at Philadelphia, June to December, 1926. The Class Juries will make recommendations for awards at the Exposition.