Among Chemists - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Gear & Machine Company as Manager of Production. B. E. Beard is enrolled in the ... He will assume his new duties December 1. Nathan L. Drake was rece...
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J, M . Allen has recently joined the factory organization of the Foote Bros. Gear & Machine Company as Manager of Production. Ε. Ε. Beard is enrolled in the graduate school at Ohio State University. H. A. Beekuis, Jr., has left Woodlawn, Pa., to accept a position v/ith the Atmospheric Nitrogen Corporation, Syracuse, Ν. Υ . Henry R. Couch has resigned his position with the R. H. Hussey Co., of Watertown, Mass., to go with the Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, Ν. Υ. A. E. Craver, research chemist of the Grasselli Chemical Com­ pany at Cleveland, recently resigned to accept a position with "Weiss and Downs, New York, Ν. Υ. C. R. Delong has tendered his resignation to the Tarif! Commission in order to accept a position with the Federal Phosphorus Company, Birmingham, Ala. He will assume his new duties December 1. Nathan L. Drake was recently appointed professor of industrial chemistry at the University of Maryland. Dr. Drake received his undergraduate and graduate training at Harvard, where he received his Ph.D. in 1922. The following year he spent in Europe as a Sheldon Traveling Fellow specializing in dye studies. Since his return from Europe in the spring of 1923, he has been engaged in industrial research and plant development work with the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works at St. Louis, and the Procter and Gamble Company at Ivorydale, Ohio. Jorin B. Faust, formerly chief chemist of the Grace Nitrate Company, near Iquique, Chile, and more recently with the Henry A. Gardner paint and varnish research laboratories, has been appointed a foreign service officer and vice consul of career. He has been assigned to duty in the State Department at Wash­ ington. S. M . Gordon has been appointed a National Research Council Fellow in the Biological Sciences. He will continue his studies on the biochemistry of the mints in the laboratory of Professor Edward Kremers in the University of Wisconsin. L. F. Hoyt, who was associated for a short time with the du Pont Rayon Company of Buffalo, has resigned to return to his former position of research department manager of Larkin Co. Inc., Buffalo, Ν . Υ. C. H . Kao has returned to his alma mater, Tsing Hua College, Peking, as professor of chemistry. Carl Loepler is now employed as chemist at the Bellman Brook Bleachery Co., Box 35, Fairview, Bergen Co., N. J. Joseph M. Looney (B.A, and M.D., Harvard), well known through his methods in biochemistry associated with Professor Otto Folin, and George A. Williams (Ph.D., Yale) have recently joined the faculty of Jefferson Medical College. Dr. Looney will continue his investigations begun at Harvard and continued at Enoch Pratt-Shepard Hospital, Towson, Md. Dr. Williams is engaged in a study of the utilization of bran in the human body. He will give the lectures in Toxicology. The chemical work of the Chest Department of Jefferson Hospital will be con­ ducted by E. von Stanley, formerly of Rutgers College. F* A. McDermott, formerly research chemist and bacteriologist at the du Pont Experimental Station, Wilmington, Delaware, has been appointed chief chemist of the Eastern Alcohol Corporation, Deepwater, N . J. R. W. Parkes is now chief chemist for the Cerro de Pasco Copper Corporation, La Fundicion, Peru, S. A. Peter P. T. Sah has been reappointed to a Tsing Hua College fellowship and will pursue research in organic chemistry under Professor T. B. Johnson at Yale. E. Schotte has accepted a position as chief chemist with the Lavo Company of America, Milwaukee, Wis. Henry S. Simms has been transferred from the Division of Chemistry of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York City to the Department of Animal Pathology of the same Institute, Princeton, N . J., where he has charge of the division of chemistry. A. J. Stamm is now with the Forest Products Laboratory, Madison. C. S. Teitsworth has resigned his position as research engineer with The Celite Company and joined the development staff of the General Petroleum Corporation. R. N. Traxler has been appointed professor of chemistry at MacAlester College, St. Paul. ML H . Veazey is now on the staff of the American Meat Packers Institute, Chicago. L. S. Ward is now associate professor of chemistry in the Michi­ gan School of Mines at Houghton.


November 10, 1026



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