AMONG SOME 3700 ORGANICS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

DOI: 10.1021/cen-v037n001.p080. Publication Date: January 05, 1959. Copyright © 1959 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First P...
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. . . A M O N G SOME

ORGANICS over the field of action—Methanesulfonie Anhydride, Eastman 7654, packing not one but two methanesulfonyl groups t o the molecule. The customer for whom we first made it took not 20,000 pounds but 25 grams. We would supply a s much to anybody else with S7 to spend. That's the difference between our situation and that of the petrochemical company.


Block for sale Asked what virtues the methanesulfonyl group possesses, we would venture some non-committal comparison with the toluenesulfonyl group as a temporary protectant to block a reactive spot on a molecule while some other part was being worked on. We might mumble that the lower molecular weight and higher solubility in water of methanesulfonyl offer an efficiency advantage over toluenesulfonyl for such an operation. If we had any thoughts about extending the concept to modifying toxic and allergenic properties by means of methanesulfonyl groups, we would keep our thoughts to ourselves. Ducking the issue of the ends of methanesulfonation, we would quickly pass along to the means thereof. In tonnage commerce, the methanesulfonyl group was once obtainable as the sodium salt, which does not readily yield the more tractable Methanesulfonyl Chloride. This acid chloride we are pleased to offer as Eastman 5388 at S2.30 for 100 grams, a price which may well fall when and if it ever enters the commodity market. Methane sulfonic Acid once was likewise a commodity, but when last we inquired of a petrochemical company that produced it we were toid we would have to buy 20,000 pounds to justify their setting up for it again. W e have made other arrangements by which we offer it as Eastman 6320 at $2 for 25 grams. (In Practical Grade as Eastman P6320, it's only S6.75 for 500 grams.) And now we have something much stronger for carrying on methanesulfonation without liberating hydrochloric acid all

We have been counting on a man who needs a reagent for copper and zinc to go unerringly to our catalog and look up o- {2[a-(2-Hydroxy-5-suIfophenyfaz)benzylidene]hydrazino \ benzoic Acid Sodium Salt (Eastman 7199) in the alphabetical listing. To work like that, a man needs to be very smart in a n over-specialized sort of way. By neglecting to list this compound under its trivial name Zincon (zinc and rapper, get it?) we haven't shown much brilliance ourselves. O u r devotion to Chemical Abstracts nomenclature is commendable, justifiable, and sometimes fatuously self-sacrificing. We are holier than most chemical houses. Why, we know of some producers of dyestuffs very useful in the laboratory who refuse orders written in the systematic nomenclature, much less encourage them! Between trademarks—which specify only commercial origin for merchandise otherwise named as to kind—and systematic but pedantic chemical names lies the convenient middle ground of trivial names (trivial: three roads, i.e., the fork where the people meet to chat, get that?). Some are trademarks abandoned by their owners, some are pronounceable combinations of letters from the systematic name, some are little slogans concocted by enthusiastic chemists who discovered the uses. We keep a private book which lists all sorts of different names for our 3700-odd compounds. It has suddenly struck us that a small distillation from this book, comprising a few of the names neither cross-referenced in o u r catalog nor familiar to everybody gabbing at the crossroads, should be put in the hands of every chemist interested enough to ask. Sample entries: PAN—l-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol (Eastman 7192) PAR—4-(2-PyridyIazo)resorcinol (Eastman 7714} Tiron—4,5-Dihydroxy-m-benzenedisulfonic Acid Disodium Salt (Eastman 7 0 6 2 ) , r e a g e n t f o r titanium a n d i r o n (also called sodium catecholdisulfonate) Thoron—o-(2-Hydroxy-3/6-disulfo-l-naphthylazo)benzenearsonic Acid Disodium Salt (Eastman 6 7 4 8 ) , ( r e a g e n t f o r thorium) TOPO—Tri-n-octy!ç>hosphine O x i d e (Eastman 7 4 4 0 ) Pyrocatechin V i o l e t — Pyrocatecholsulfonephthalein (Eastman 7 5 8 9 ) Tetrazofium Chloride— 2 , 3 , 5 - T r i p h e n y l - 2 H - t e t r a z o l t u m Chloride (Eastman 6 5 3 3 )

Handy little reference when transcribing notes from a cocktail napkin. You get a copy from Distillation Products industries, Eastman Organic Chemicals Department, Rochester 3, Ν . Υ. To use it the way we want you t o , you must also have a copy ot Eastman Organic Chemicals, List No. 4 1 , which gives the prices and package sizes for all the 3700 organics we stock.

Eastman Organic Chemicals Also . . . v i t a m i n s A a n d Ε in b u l k . . . d i s t i l l e d

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