©1996 Amoco
A premature baby's life hangs in the balance. Strands of wires wind their way around its tiny body, connecting it to an intricate life-support system. A CAT scan would help doctors analyze problem areas, but because the wires obstruct
AN ADVANCED NEW FIBER be r e m v e d d u r i n CD^\IUI
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f n f f C r l U oped by Minnesota Wire & Cable Company. It uses an advanced radiotranslucent carbon fiber from Amoco Polymers. Its unique chemical properties allow it to conduct electricity while remaining invisible to x-rays. As a result, all of the baby's monitoring equipment can remain intact during x-rays or MRIs. Ifs fast becoming the standard monitoring wire for all patients. Today, Amoco is one of America's top ten producers of quality chemicals and plastics. As a result, we're positioned to help our customers innovate in such varied fields as packaging, fibers, electronics, fabrics, automotive and other industries on the leading edge of technology. Call (800) 621-0626, ext. 731 in the United States. Or you can contact our offices in Geneva, Hong Kong, Mexico City or Sao Paulo. Learn how we can help you grow. /IJWOCC A m o c o Chemicals {& < W H l J v # ' V ^ S tfit>n*h4>CO.™ For more information write Amoco Chemicals, MC7802, Dept. M731,200 E. Randolph Drive, Chicago, IL 60601-7125. CIRCLE 2 ON READER SERVICE CARD