An analysis of three mechanisms for the production ... - ACS Publications

A. L. Rockwood and E. A. McCullough. HD/S). bZ. bP. bP z 3(D/S) p bZ D/S d(ZP). dZ. P+ z. D/S. = P-Z. bP a z d(D/S)/dZIP. D/S b(Dis)imz. From eq A.l i...
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A. L. Rockwood and E. A. McCullough

From eq A.l it can be shown that

a ( D I S )a zl p = -P a(o/s)/aPI, z It follows from eq A.6 and A.8 that

*I az



Therefore plots of ka/kamvs. S I D are predicted by the stepladder model to be independent of the collision number, 2. Experimental values of k,, were obtained from the slope of D/Svs. u-l in the high pressure, nearly linear regime. Experimental values of k , were calculated from the expression k, = w(D/S). References and Notes (1) R. J. McCluskey and R. W. Carr, Jr., J. Phys. Chem., 80, 1393 (1976). (2) J. D. Rynbrandt and B. S.Rabinovitch, J . Phys. Chem., 74, 1679 (1970).

(3) H. M. Frey, G. E. Jackson, R. A. Smith, and R. Walsh, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. I, 71, 1991 (1975). (4) D. C. Tardy and B. S.Rablnovitch, J. Chem. Phys., 48, 5194 (1968). (5) F. Wang and B. S. Rabinovitch, Can. J. Chem., 54, 943 (1976). (6) R. L. Russell and F. S.Rowland, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 90, 1671 (1968). (7) J. L. Currie, H. W. Sidebottom, and J. M. Tedder, J. Chem. SOC., faraday Trans. 1 , 70, 1851 (1974). (8) D. G. Hendry and D. Schuetzle, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,97, 7123 (1975). (9) J. W. Simons, W. L. Hase, R. J. Phillips, E. J. Porter, and F. 6. Growcock, Int. J . Chem. Khef., 7, 879 (1975). (10) F. H.Dorer and B. S.Rabinovitch, J. Pbys. Chem., 69, 1973 (1965). (11) R. E. Wellman and W. D. Walters, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,79, 1542 (1957). (12) B. S.Rabinovitchand R. W. Diesen, J. Chem. Phys., 30, 735 (1959). (13) R. J. McCluskey and R. W. Carr, Jr., to be published. (14) S. W. Benson and H. E. O'Neal, Natl. Stand. Ref. Data Ser., Nail. Bur. Stand., No. 21 (1970). (15) W. D. Good, R. T. Moore, A. G. Osborn, and D. R. Douslin, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 6, 303 (1974). (16) R. L. Nuttall, A. H. Laufer, and M. V. Kllday, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 3, 167 (1971). (17) D. D. Wagman, W. H. Evans, I. Halow, V. 6.Parker, S.M. Bailey, and R. H. Schumm, Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) Techn. Note, No. 270-1 (1965). (18) J. W. Simons, B. S.Rablnovitch, and D. W. Setser, J. Chem. Phys., 41, 800 (1964). (19) H. W. Chang, N. L. Craig, and D. W. SetsBr, J. Phys. Chem., 41, 800 (1964); D. W. Setser and E. E. Seifert, J. Chem. Phys., 57, 3623 (1972), and references therein. (20) R. Atkinson and B. A. Thrush, Proc. R. SOC.(London), Ser. A , 316, 131 (1970). (21) Y. N. Lin and 6.S. Rabinovitch, J. Phys. Chem., 74, 3151 (1970); R. B. Serauskas and E. W. Schlag, J. Chem. Phys., 45,3706 (1966). (22) S.C. Chan, B. S.Rabinovitch, J. T. Bryant, L. D. Spicer, T. Fujimoto, Y. N. Lin, and S. P. Pavlou, J. Phys. Chem., 74, 3160 (1970). (23) J. Troe and S.H. Luu, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 77,325 (1973).

An Analysis of Three Mechanisms for the Production of Hg('P,) from Hg('P,) by CO Alan L. Rockwood and E. A. McCullough, Jr." Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry UMC 03, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322 (Received June 3, 1977) Publication costs assisted by the Division of Research, Utah State University

Three mechanisms for the formation of Hg(3P1)from Hg(lP1)in the presence of CO are considered. In the first, electronically excited CO(a311)serves as an intermediate in the formation of Hg(3P1).In the second, C o t in a highly excited vibrational state but electronic ground state serves as an intermediate. The third mechanism is a one-step quenching of Hg(lP1) to Hg(3P1)by CO. Relative 254-nm emission from Hg(3PJ is calculated as a function of [CO] for each mechanism using known and estimated rate constants. The first mechanism is shown to be inconsistent with experiment, and the second is shown to be unlikely. The third mechanism gives excellent agreement with experiment.

Introduction It has been found that the 3PJstates of Hg and Cd are formed from the respective lP1states in the presence of a wide variety of monatomic and simple polyatomic quencher gases.ld5 The mechanism for this process has been subject to some uncertainty. The Cd experiments have been interpreted in terms of a simple one-step quenching of lP1 to 3P~,4,5 while in the Hg experiments two-step mechanisms involving internally excited quencher molecules as intermediates have also been ~uggested.l-~ Except in favorable cases (e.g., the noble gas quenchers) it is not usually possible to decide immediately which mechanism is correct. The effect was first observed when Hg was irradiated at 185 nm to produce Hg(lP1).l In the presence of N2 or CO 254-nm emission was observed, indicating the presence of Hg(3P1). In the absence of quencher gas no emission was observed. When the 254-nm emission was corrected The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 22, 1977

for quenching of Hg(3P1)by Nz or CO and the reciprocal relative intensity, l/&':, was plotted against the reciprocal quencher pressure the result was linear over the pressure range 0 to >lo0 Torr.2 A two-step mechanism in which Nz(A32) or CO(a311) served as an intermediate in the production of Hg(3P1)was pr~posed,l-~ although two other mechanisms were noted as possibilities. One alternative featured a vibrationally excited quencher molecule in its electronic ground state as intermediate, while the other was a simple one-step quenching of Hg(lPI) to Hg(3Pl). In an attempt to discriminate between these three mechanisms, we carried out a series of calculations to see if the experimental data with CO as quencher could be reproduced. Calculations All three mechanisms begin with the following steps:

Mechanisms for the Production of Hg(3Pl) from Hg('P1)

205 1

Hg t h u ( 1 8 5 n m ) + Hg(lP,)


Hg('P,) + Hg t hu(185 n m )



+ CO






In these and subsequent reactions, if the electronic state of a species is not specified, the ground state is implied. Reaction 3 includes all processes which remove Hg(lP1) regardless of the final products. The steady state Hg(lP1) concentration is given by [Hg('PJl = I%k2 + h3 [COl) (4) where is the light intensity absorbed per unit volume. We now consider the three possible mechanisms for producing Hg(3P1). A. Electronic Intermediate Mechanism (EIM). This mechanism is based on the reactions Hg('P,) t CO CO(a%)


Hg t CO(a3n)

+ Hg -,Hg(3P,)+ CO

(5) (6)

CO(a3n) + CO .+ quenching





CO t hv(206 n m )

The experimental data were corrected for the quenching of Hg(3P1)so there is no need to include this step in the mechanism; the corrected emission at 254 nm is simply proportional to the rate of reaction 6. Previous treatments of the EIM have failed to give proper consideration to reaction 7. In fact, it will be shown that the inclusion of this step completely invalidates the EIM. Applying the steady state approximationto CO(a311)and employing eq 4 we obtain 1 / p2 5r4 r = (k2 + k3 [COi)(h6 LHgl + h7[C01 -k h8)/k5kd??5



or ,/,cor,2 5 4 = A E I M ( 1

+ h2/k3[COI)(l +h8/k6[Hgl +

k 7 [ co Ilk 6 [ Hgl) (10) where AEIMis a proportionality factor which depends on rate constants, the light absorbed, etc., but not on [CO]. Equation 10 contains a term linear in 1/[CO] multiplied by a correction factor linear in [CO]. In order for eq 10 to adequately represent the experimental data, which are linear in 1/[CO], the correction factor must be essentially constant over the pressure range of the experiments. The values of k7 and k8 are respectively 1.2 X cm3 Note that k7 is a very large molecule-l s-l and 1X lo2 rate constant. We estimate that k6 < 5 X 10-l' cm3 molecule-l s-l because the rate constants for the total quenching of CO(a3TI)by most molecules are smaller than this.6 Using the upper limit on k6, the correction factor in eq 10 varies from near unity at Pco = 0 to 2 x io4 at PCO= 100 Torr with PHg= 1.4 X Torr. Thus, the correction term is very far from remaining constant, and the EIM is immediately suspect. The possibility that eq 10 appears linear in 1/[CO] because kz/k3[CO] >> 1 over the whole pressure range can also be ruled out. The upper limit for kz is 7.7 X lo8 s-l, the value in the absence of radiation imprisonment.s For Cd('Pl) reaction 3 has a cross section of 140 A2;9therefore, we conservatively estimate that for Hg(lP1) the cross section must be >14 A2, leading to k3 > 7 X cm3 molecule-I s-l. Using these limits, at PCO= 100 Torr k2/k3[CO] < 3, probably very much less. Thus, the hypothesis that k2/k3[CO] >> 1 is untenable for pressures greater than about 50 Torr, Figure 1shows a plot of eq 10 using the ratios kz/k3 = 1.1 X 1019molecule cm-3 and k7/k6 = 0.24 obtained from






1IP (torr-')


Flgure 1. Double reciprocal plots for the EIM (- -), VIM (- --), and using the parameters discussed in the text. The exthe DM (-) perimental data (open circles) are from ref 2. The intensities have been normalized to unity at 0.1 Torr-'.

the limiting rate constants discussed above. Some experimental points extracted from Figure 6 of ref 2 are also shown. Clearly, the EIM is not in accord with experiment. B. Vibrational Intermediate Mechanism (VIM). In the VIM the intermediate is assumed to be vibrationally, but not electronically excited. The reactions are Hg( 'P, ) t CO + Hg

+ COf


COT t Hg + Hg(3P,)t CO COT

+ co





CO t hu (infrared)


In this mechanism COT refers to the complete manifold of vibrational levels for which reactions 11 and 12 are energetically possible, u = 21-30. At steady state 1/IE?=A , I M ( ~+ kz/k3[COI)(1 + ki4/JZi2[Hgl -t ki3[CO]/kiz [Hgl) (15) which again consists of a term linear in 1/[CO] multiplied by a correction factor. A proper analysis of the VIM requires some care. In particular, eq 15 must be applied cautiously since it lumps all the COTvibrational levels together, whereas complex, multistep sequences are actually involved, especially in those processes symbolized by reactions 13 and 14. We have based our analysis on a simple model which can be interpreted correctly in terms of eq 15. Suppose that reaction 11populates the first n accessible levels with the same rate constant, kll, for each level while reaction 12 quenches the n levels with the same rate constant, k12, for each. At low CO pressure there is no vibrational relaxation, and each level will have the same population. If the CO pressure is now raised to a point where relaxation is no longer negligible but still slow compared to quenching, the effective rate constant, k13, for relaxation of the manifold is k$,/n where kHg is the relaxation rate constant for level 21. This result can be derived rigorously, but it is easily seen from qualitative arguments. Only relaxation from level 21 depletes the population of the manifold since for any higher level the molecules removed are added to the level directly below and remain in the manifold. If relaxation is only a small perturbation, we can compute the relaxation rate by using the population of level 21 in the absence of relaxation. Mathematically speaking, such a calculation is correct to first order in (relaxation rate/quenching rate). In the absence of relaxation the population of level 21 is l / n times the population of the manifold, so k13 is l / n times the rate The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 22, 1977



constant for relaxation of level 21. Assuming single quantum transitions only, precisely the same result obtains for the effective infrared emission rate constant k14. At high [CO] this treatment generally underestimates kI3and k14.

From an examination of eq 15 it is evident that l/IE$ vs. 1/[CO] has a positive slope at low [CO], while at high [CO] the slope is negative. That is, there is a minimum in the curve at some [CO], and for the VIM to agree with experiment, this minimum must occur at PCO> 100 Torr. Our calculations show that the break in the curve at the minimum is rather sharp. Extrapolation of emission rate constants for u = 1-14 suggests a value of -3 X lo2 s-' for @:.lo A similar extrapolation of relaxation rate constants for u = 1-15'l leads cm3 molecule-' s-' for to an estimate of 5 f 2 x Based on the model discussed previously, we choose kI3 cm3molecule-' s-l to be in the range 5 X to 5 X and k14 to be in the range 3 X 10' to 3 X lo2s-', The larger values apply if only the lowest level (level 21) participates in the mechanism while the smaller values are appropriate if all ten levels contribute roughly equally. We shall see that with the value of k12 required to fit the experimental data, k14/k12[Hg]is negligible, hence the precise value of k14 is unimportant. Figure 1 gives a plot of eq 15 using k 2 / k 3 = 4.3 X 1017 molecule cmV3and k13/kl2 = 2 X The sharp upward break at low 1/[CO] is characteristic of the VIM and in clear disagreement with experiment. The crucial questions are: what is the smallest value of k12 that will shift the minimum above 100 Torr, and is this value acceptable? The minimum can be located from the equation d(l/l$;F)/d(l/[CO]) = 0 (16) which gives (neglecting the small effect of reaction 14) [COImin = (Jz2h12 [ Hgl/Jz3Jz 13 '2 (17) If the VIM is to agree with experiment at low pressure, kz/k3 must be 4.3 X 1017 molecule cmT3. Applying the ~ Torr, and conditions PH = 1.4 X loY3Torr, ( P c o )>~100 k13 > 5 X cm3 molecule-' s-', we obtain k12 > 2.8 X cm3 molecule-' s-' (cross section >55 A2). The uncertainty due to model-independent factors (e.g., extrapolations) is about f50%. We will consider possible errors in k12 introduced by the model itself in a later section. For now, we merely point out that the required k12is very large. C. Direct Mechanism (DM). The direct mechanism consists of a single step Hg('P,) + CO Hg(3P,) t CO (18) -+

The rate law is

l/I$;F= ADM(1 + k~/Jza[Co])


Of the three mechanisms, the DM is the only one giving a linear rate law without a correction factor. The DM will fit the experimental data exactly if we choose kz/k3 = 4.3 X 1017molecule ~ m -as ~ Figure , 1shows. Discussion The EIM with CO as quencher cannot be made to fit the experimental data using the known value of k7 and any reasonable value of kg. Even if k6 had the impossibly large value of 5 x cm3molecule-l s-l (cross section of 10OOO A2), the EIM still would not come close to agreeing with experiment. It may be concluded that this mechanism gives no contribution to the 254-nm emission. Some CO(a3n) may indeed be produced by Hg('P1), but it is removed in reaction 7 far too rapidly to lead to Hg(3P1). The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 22, 1977

L. Rockwood and E. A. McCullough

The fact that 254-nm emission is observed with noble gas quenchers shows that the EIM is not m a n d a t ~ r y . ~ For the VIM, analysis based on a simple model indicates that k12 must be greater than about 2.8 X cm3 molecule-' s-' if this mechanism is to be acceptable. This value is improbably, but not impossibly, large. However, when coupled with the fact that the VIM cannot be universal, as the noble gas experiments show, the very large k12 required seems sufficient reason to discard the VIM if more plausible alternatives exist. One may, of course, take exception to this conclusion by arguing that it is based upon an oversimplified model. In order to assess the sensitivity of the model to the assumptions made, we carried out exact computer calculations on the VIM, explicitly including all ten vibrational levels with different rate constants ky2, kq3, and kY4 for each. The kq3 and kY4 were extrapolated as described previously; the relative kez were varied to check the error introduced by assuming them to be independent of u. We found that the model was quite insensitive to the extrapolations used for kp3 and ky4 and the relative values of the kY2, provided the largest and smallest values were within an order of magnitude of each other. In particular, the approximate formula for the minimum in terms of average rate constants, eq 17, agreed with the exact calculations to i30% over a wide range of conditions. Thus, we are justified in basing our conclusions about the VIM on the simplified model, especially since the model usually errs on the conservative side. Furthermore, there is ample experimental evidence which suggests that quite probably only level 21 would be important in the VIM, in which case the model becomes exact. The vibrational distributions produced in the quenching of Hg(3Pl,o)by CO, NO, and HF and Na(2P) by CO have been measured,12and in all cases the rate constants fall off very rapidly for vibrational levels with energies above about 50% of the available energy. The threshold level for reaction 12, level 21, has an energy of 4.9 eV, appreciably more than half the available energy, 6.7 eV. Therefore, reaction 11may be effectively limited to level 21, unless the rate constants for reaction 12 increase with vibrational level rapidly enough to offset the expected decrease in rate constants for reaction 11. If only level 21 does participate, then the lower limit on k12increases tenfold to 2.8 X cm3 molecule-' s-', and the VIM almost certainly can be ruled out. In both the EIM and VIM we have made the simplifying assumption that quenching collisions between internally excited CO and Hg (reactions 6 and 12) primarily give Hg(3P1). If some quenching collisions yield products other than Hg(3P1),then k6 and k12 would be replaced with the rate constants for total quenching (AEIMand A V I M would also assume different values, of course); however, our conclusions regarding the validity of these two mechanisms would remain unaltered. Our treatment of the DM ignores Hg(3PJ and Hg(3Po), which almost certainly are f ~ r m e d A . ~detailed treatment, including individual production, quenching, and interconversion steps for 3P2,1,0, yields exactly the same rate law as eq 19. The 3Pz,0 species merely provide alternative paths for the formation and destruction of 3P1,and the relative contributions of these various paths cannot be determined from the steady-state Hg experiments. The DM is quite capable of reproducing the experimental data over the entire pressure range. The value of k2/k3 required to fit the data is acceptable, for if the upper limit on k2 is 7.7 x lo8 s-l (the unimprisoned value), the corresponding upper limit on k3 is 1.8 X lo4 cm3molecule-'


Study of Polyion Effect on Ionic Reactions

s-l, giving an upper limit cross section of 360 A for reaction 3.2 This value is not incompatible with that observed for Cd.’ Note that it is the total quenching rate constant, It3, which appears in eq 19; relative intensity data give no information about k18, except it obviously cannot be zero and it must be I k 3 . For quenchers other than CO and the noble gases, little can be said with certainty. It seems likely that the reactions analagous to 7 and 13 would be rapid for many molecules, making the EIM and VIM unfavorable prospects. Furthermore, the formation of Hg(3P1)occurs with so many different quenchers that a common mechanism seems probable. The DM is the best candidate among the three mechanisms considered here. In summary, our conclusions for the production of Hg(3P1)from Hg(lP1) by CO are as follows: (a) the EIM cannot be the dominant mechanism; (b) the VIM is probably not the dominant mechanism; (c) the DM is the most likely mechanism.


References and Notes (1) T. A. Gover and H. G. Bryant, Jr., J . Phys. Chem., 70, 2070 (1966). (2) A. Granzow, M. 2. Hoffman, N. N. Lichtin, and S.K. Wason, J. Phys. Chem., 72, 3741 (1968). (3) V. Madhaven, N. N. Lichtin, and M. 2. Hoffman, J . Phys. Chem., 77, 875 (1973). (4) P. J. Young, G. Greig, and 0. P. Strausz, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 92, 413 (1973). ( 5 ) W. H. Breckenridge and J. Fitzpatrick, J . Phys. Chem., 80, 1955 (1976). (6) G. W. Taylor and D. W. Setser, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 93,4930 (1971). (7) C. H. Johnson and R. S. Van Dyck, Jr., J. Chem. Phys., 56, 1506 (1972). (8) J. G. Calvert and J. N. Pitts, Jr., “Photochemistry”, Wiley, New York, N.Y., 1966, p 86. (9) P. D. Morten, C. G. Freeman, R. F. C. Claridge, and L. F. Phillips, J . Pbofochem., 3 , 285 (1974). (10) G. Hancock and I. W. M. Smith, Appl. Opt., 10, 1827 (1971). (11) H. T. Powell, J . Chem. Phys., 59, 4937 (1973). (12) G. Karl, P. Kruus, and J. C. Polanyi, J. Chem. Phys., 46, 224 (1967); G. Karl, P. Kruus. J. C. Polanyi, and I. W. M. Smith, bid., 46, 244 (1967); H. Heydtmann, J. C. Polanyi, and R. T. Tazychi, Appl. Opt., 10, 1755 (1971); Y. Fushiki and S.Tsuchiya, Chem. Phys. Lett., 22, 47 (1973); D. S. Y. Hsu and M. C. Lin, bid., 42, 78 (1976).

Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Polyion Effect on Ionic Reactions. 1. Reactions of Two Doubly Charged Counterions Masaakl Ishlkawa Department of Polymer Chemisfry, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (Received September 9, 1976; Revised Manuscrlpt Recelved July 26, 1977)

The acceleration factor of the reaction of two doubly charged counterions in the presence of a polyion was calculated using the Lifson-Katchalsky method of treating polyion solutions. The theoretical values were of the right order of magnitude when compared with various experimental values. The dependence of the acceleration factor on the radius, the charge spacing, and the concentration of a rodlike polyion were calculated. Good agreement between the theoretical and experimental values was found with regard to the dependence of the acceleration factor on the polyion concentration. The relationship between the acceleration factor and the distribution of divalent counterions in the vicinity of the polyion was also discussed. According to the calculation, the decrement of the dielectric constant of the solvent in the vicinity of polyion only has a small effect on the acceleration factor. The acceleration factor for reactions of two doubly charged counterions is theoretically due to the increment of the activation entropy. The author’s experimental results agreed with this prediction. The effect of the molecular charge (MC) on the acceleration factor and activation parameters for the Hg2+-inducedaquation of a cobalt complex with a 2+ charge was examined in solutions of oligo- and polyphosphates. The acceleration factor became significant at MC = 5, however, the acceleration parameters behaved in a complicated manner at MC = 4 and 5. It was concluded that the Lifson-Katchalsky theory is applicable to polyion effects on reactions of two doubly charged counterions.

I. Introduction A great number of experimental and theoretical studies of the polyion effect on interionic reactions have been carried 0 ~ t . l - lM~ o r a w e t ~interpreted ~,~ the effect in terms of a concentration of reactants in a polyion domain. He explained some experimental data on the basis of a simple model for the polyion solution in which a region containing a uniform density of fixed charges is in Donnan equilibrium with a region from which the fixed charges are ex~ l u d e d . ~He, ~also calculated an effective local concentration of reactants from kinetic and dialysis data.6 However, he did not calculate the acceleration factor theoretically except in a few cases.3 Ise et al.7-11explained the polyion effect in terms of an ionic activity coefficient and proposed that the acceleration effect may be interpreted in terms of an activated complex in analogy to Bransted’s theory using the Manning treatment of polyion

solutions. Good agreement between theoretical and experimental values for the acceleration factor was obtained in some interionic reactions between oppositely charged species.1° However, they could not calculate theoretical values of the acceleration factor for interionic reactions between similarly charged species, nor interpret its dependence on the radius and charge spacing of a rodlike polyion. Although the effect of simple salts on the activation parameters of interionic reactions has been clearly established, there has been no consensus of opinion with regard to polyions. Ise et al.s discussed the desolvation of reactants by polyions as reflected in the activation parameters. On the other hand, Morawetz5pointed out that these attempts were unwarranted because a number of factors may contribute to activation parameters, e.g., electrostatic and specific interactions between reactants The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 22, 1977