Contributed Articles
Interelement Interferences in Atomic Absorption Analy ses with the Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene Flame. J. Y. Marks and G. G. Welcher 1033
An Analytical Method for Polynuclear Aromatic Com pounds in Coke Oven Effluents by Combined Use of Gas Chromatography and Ultraviolet Absorption Spec trometry. T. D. Searf, F. J. Cassidy, W. H. King, and R. A. Brown
Determination of Composition of Polyamide Resins by Trimethylsilylation and Gas Chromatography. Sadao Mori, Motohisa Furusawa, and Tsug/o Takeuchi
Sources of Error in Measurement of Retention Times. Michael Goedert and Georges Gu/ochon
The Palladium Generator-Separator—A Combined Elec trolytic Source and Sink for Hydrogen in Closed Circuit Gas Chromatography. J. E. Lovelock, P. G. Simmonds, and G. R. Shoemake
Flame Emission Method for Determining Heats of Com bustion of Selected Compounds. J. J. Kroeten, H. W. Moody, and M. L. Parsons 1040 Computerized Analysis and Correction of Differential Scanning Calorimetric Data for Effects Due to Thermal Lag and Heat Capacity Changes. H. M. Heuvel and K. C. J. B. Lind 1044 Computer-Based System for Neutron Activation Anal ysis. D. D. Tunnicliff, R. C. Bowers, and G. E. A. Wy/d 1048
Fixed-Time Digital Counting System for Reaction Rate Methods. J. D. Ingle, Jr., and S. R. Crouch 1055 Analysis of Thin Films by Ion Microprobe Mass Spec trometry. C. A. Evans, Jr., and J. P. Pemsler 1060
Improved Gas Chromatographic Separations of Enan tiomeric Secondary Amine Derivatives. J. A. Corbin and L. B. Rogers
Ensemble Averaging in Gas Chromatography. Lorenz, R. A. Culp, and L. B. Rogers
L. J.
Separation of Rare Earth Ions by Precipitation during Electromigration. Joris Deman
pH Effects on Fluorescence of Umbelliferone. Fink and W. R. Koehler
D. W.
Determination of Oxygen in Copper by Helium-3 Activa tion Analysis. D. M. Lee, C. V. Stauflacher, and S. S. Markowitz
Calibration Method for lron-55 X-Ray Sulfur Gauges without Sulfur Standards. B. A. Fries
Ion-Selective Electrode Study of Trace Silver Ion Ad sorption on Selected Surfaces. R. A. Durst and Β. Τ. Dunhart 1002 Effect of Static Magnetic Field on Oscillopolarography. Polarographic Maxima in Oscillopolarography. Shizuo Fujiwara, Yoshio Umezawa, Teruhiko Kugo, and Masaru Hikasa 1005 Photoluminescence Decay Curves: An Analysis of the Effects of Flash Duration and Linear Instrumental Dis tortions. J. N. Demas and G. A. Crosby 1010 Alternate Current Polarography: On the Existence of Inductive and Negative Faradaic Admittances Arising from Coupled Homogeneous Chemical Reactions. D. E. Smith and H. R. Sobel 1018 Apparatus Using Semiconductor Electrodes for the Measurement of Acid Concentrations. J. P. McKaveney and C. J. Byrnes 1023 Atomic Flourescence Spectrometry of Aluminum, Mo lybdenum, Titanium, Vanadium, and Zirconium in Inert Gas Separated Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene Flame. R. M. Dagnall, G. F. Kirkbright, T. S. West, and R. Wood 1029
Application of Photoelectron Spectrometry to Pesticide Analysis. Photoelectron Spectra of Five-Membered Heterocycles and Related Molecules. A. D. Baker, D. Betteridge, N. R. Kemp, and R. E. Kirby 1064 Determination of Actinides in Biological Samples with Bidentate Organophosphorus Extractant. F. E. Butler and R. M. Hall 1073 Anodic Oxidation of Lithium, Cadmium, Silver, and Tetra-n-Butylammonium Nitrates. R. R. Rao, S. B. Milliken, S. L. Robinson, and C. K. Mann 1076 Identification and Determination of Freezing-PointDepressant Anti-Icing Additives in Hydrocarbon Fuels by Infrared Spectrometry. R. K. Ritchie and D. Ku/aw/c 1080
Notes Quantitative Analysis of Ternary and Quaternary Semi conducting Alloys with Electron Microprobe. M. C. Finn
1084 Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Mercury(ll) by Extraction with Bindschedler's Green. Masahiro Tsubouchi 1087 Amperometric Determination of Mercury in Organomercurials and Proteins. Sarah Ehrlich-Rogozinsky and Ruth Sperling 1089 Ultraviolet Spectrophotometric Determination of Sulfur Dioxide. M. W. Scoggins 1091 Simultaneous Detection of Tritium and Radiocarbon in Solid Scintillation Thin-Layer Radiochromatography. T. B. Me/o and Sve/n Prydz 1093 Potentiometric Titration of Halides in Their Mixtures.
T. S. Prokopov
Spectrophotometric Studies of Complexes of 2-Benzoylpyridine-2-Pyridylhydrazone. J, E. Going and R. T. Pflaum 1098
A.A. A.E.
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Determination of Cobalt Using Cobalt-60 and Paper Chromatography. R. S. Morse and G. A. Wetford 1100
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Determination of Nitrogen Dioxide and Nitric Oxide in the Parts per Million Range in Flowing Gaseous Mixtures by Means of the Nitrate-Specific-Ion Electrode. Raymond Di Martini 1102
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Application of Isotopically-Labeled Bromine for the Determination of Trace Unsaturation in Alkanes. 0. C. Gadeken, R. L. Ayres, and E. P. Rack 1105
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Determination of Picomole Amounts of Enzymatically Formed Adenosine 3',5'-Cyclic Monophosphate by High Pressure Anion Exchange Chromatography. Gary Brooker 1108
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New Semimicroprocedure for Determination of Ferrous Iron in Refractory Silicate Minerals Using a Sodium Metafluoborate Decomposition. Robert Meyrowitz 1110
Aids for Analytical Chemists Preparation and Properties of Thin Gold and Platinum Films on Glass or Quartz for Transparent Electrodes. William von Benken and Theodore Kuwana 1114
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An Automatic Sample Changer for Infrared Spectrometry. E. J. Bakker, J. S. Frost, and G. D. Ogilvie 1117
Improved Exponential Dilution Flask for Gas Chromatography. L. J. Lorenz, R. A. Culp, and R. T. Dixon 1119
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