An EM Industries Company

W.W. Yau, S.W. Rementer, J.J. Kirk- land. 2:50 Measurement of Particle. Size Distribution of Polymer La- texes Using an. Integrated Hydro- dynamic Chr...
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News Determination of EDTA and HEDTA by High Performance Liq­ uid Chromatography with Atomic Absorption Detection. S.G. Metcalf, J.D. Ingle, Jr. Rapid Analysis of Halogenated Biphenyls by Electrothermal Va­ porization into a Microwave In­ duced Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopic Detector. J.W. Carnahan, J.A. Caruso. Portable Field Monitor for PCBs. M.S. Denton, S.R. Dinsmore. Application of the Solvophobic Theory to the Prediction of Reten­ tion Data for the C1-C5 ΛΓ-Alkylbenzamides in Reversed-Phase Liq­ uid Chromatography. M.M. Wells, C.R. Clark, R.M. Patterson. 4:00-5:00 Relationship of Chromatograph­ ic Retention to Chemical Toxicity of Organotin Compounds. G.V. Har­ rison, T.M. Vickrey. Resolution of Enantiomeric Al­ cohols as the Diastereomeric Es­ ters Using High Performance Liq­ uid Chromatography. G.L. Asleson, P.J. Stout. High Pressure Liquid Chromato­ graphic Analysis of Polyphenolics

of Tobacco. M.E. Snook, O.T. Chortyk. Analysis of Extracellular Fluid in Brain Tissue for DOPAC and HVA. L.D. Saraswat, J.D. Salamone, D.B. Neill, J.B. Justice, Jr. Analysis of Urinary Proteins by High Performance Liquid Chroma­ tography. D.L. Orti, R.H. Hill, Jr., L.L. Needham. High Performance Liquid Chro­ matographic Analysis of the Im­ purities in Technical Methoxychlor. P.R. West, S.K. Chaudhary, R.H. Mitchell, G.R. Branton.


Symposium on Instrumental and Physical Characterization of Macromolecules: Polymer Character­ ization by Chromatographic Tech­ niques. Joint with Macromoiecular Secretariat and Divisions of: Cellu­ lose, Paper, and Textiles; Colloid and Surface Chemistry; Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry; Polymer Chemistry; and Rubber.

T. Provder, Presiding

1:30 Introductory Remarks. 1:35 Plenary Lecture. Field-Flow Fractionation: Versatile Method for the Separation and Character­ ization of Macromolecules. J.C. Giddings, M.N. Myers, K.D. Caldwell. 2:20 Programming Separation Variables in Sedimentation FieldFlow Fractionation (SFFF) for Particle Size Distribution Analysis. W.W. Yau, S.W. Rementer, J.J. Kirkland. 2:50 Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Polymer La­ texes Using an Integrated Hydrodynamic Chromatograph. J.P. Oli­ vier, C.E. Brown. 3:25 Foam Fractionation of Poly­ mers in Nonaqueous Solvents. R.P. Chartoff, L.T. Chen, R.J. Roe. 3:50 Orthogonal Chromatogra­ phy: Polymer Cross-Fractionation by Coupled GPC. S.T. Balke, R.D. Patel. 4:15 Size Exclusion Chromatog­ raphy (SEC) Characterization of Copolymers. II. L.H. Garcia Rubio, J.R. MacGregor, A.E. Hamielec. 4:40 Calibration in Aqueous Size Exclusion Chromatography. J.E.


News Rollings, A. Bose, J.M. Caruthers, M.R. Okos, G.T. Tsao. THURSDAY


Symposium on Electrochemistry and Spectrochemistry of Biological Redox Components

G.S. Wilson, Presiding 9:00 Photosynthetic Energy Transduction: Spectral and Redox Characteristics of Chlorophyll Radicals in vitro and in vivo. I. Fujita, M.S. Davis, L.K. Hanson, K.M. Smith, J. Fajer. 9:30 Porphyrin and Quinone Model Systems for Photosynthesis and Oxidative Metabolism. P.A. Loach, J.A. Runquist, J.L.Y. Kong, T.J. Dannhauser. 10:00 Electrochemical Studies in Iron, Ruthenium, and Cobalt Por­ phyrin Complexes (Including Faceto-Face Dimers) and Dioxygen Re­ duction. J.'K. Becker, D. Dolphin, G. Domazetis, B.R. James, S. Pickett. 10:45 Reaction Chemistry of Su­ peroxide Ion in Aprotic Media. D.T.

Sawyer, E.J. Nanni, Jr., J.L. Roberts, Jr. 11:15 Electrochemistry of Water Soluble Iron Porphyrins and Mech­ anistic Aspects in the EC Catalysis of Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide. P.A. Forshey, T. Kuwana, N. Kobayashi, T. Osa. SECTION Β

General VII: Chromatography

J.G. Nikelly, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks. 9:05 Design Considerations of an Improved Mechanical Pulse Dampener for Liquid Chromatography. J.G. Nikelly. 9:25 A System and Applications for Very High Speed Liquid Chro­ matography. J.L. DiCesare. 9:45 The Development of Organo-Silane Treated Silica for Drug Extraction. R.K. Lantz, K.C. Brooks, M.J. Berg. 10:05 Sensitive HPLC Analysis for Chloroquine in Body Fluids: Application to Studies of Drug Re­ sistance in Plasmodium Falcipar­ um. M.A. Staiger, F.C. Churchill II.

10:45 Application of High Perfor­ mance Liquid Chromatography to the Separation and Quantification of a Homologous Antibiotic Com­ plex. S.L. Abidi. 11:05 Determination of 2,4- and 2,6-Toluenediamine in Boil-in-Bag and Retortable Pouch Extracts Using Ion-Suppression HPLC. R.C. Snyder, C.V. Breder. 11:25 Investigation of Separation Mechanisms in the Normal and Re­ versed Phase Separation of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons on an Amino Bonded Phase Column. D. Karlesky, D.C. SKelly, I.M. Warner.


Symposium on Use of Surface S c i e n c e Techniques in Solving A n ­ alytical Problems

L.D. Hulett, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks. 9:05 Laser Mass Spectrometry of Solids. R.J. Conzemius, H.J. Svec. 9:35 Low Energy Positron Spec­ troscopy of Solid Surfaces. J.M. Dale, L.D. Hulett.

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M C B M a n u f a c t u r i n g Chemists, Inc. A n Associateof E.Merck, Darmstadt, Germ any 4 8 0 Democrat Road G i b b s t o w n , NJ 0 8 0 2 7

A n EM Industries C o m p a n y