An Embargo on Research Work - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

An Embargo on Research Work. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1918, 10 (12), pp 968–968. DOI: 10.1021/ie50108a006. Publication Date: December 1918. Note: In lieu o...
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I think the following letter from a manufacturer may int h e public-at-large a n d t h e chemists. It was f e l t t h a t terest you, as it indicates what amounts to a government emthis purpose could be served best by see,cing to de- bargo, in all probability unintentional, on research work in velop i n each Local Section t a l e n t for popular presenta- chemistry in the United States. “We cannot ship you any phosgene for the reason t i o n of chemical f a c t s . Contributions of s h o r t articles were therefore asked of t h e members, a n d a that the Government has pfit in new regulations regarding shipments of phosgene gas. p a y m e n t of $5.00 w a s offered for each article accepted. “The new regulations provide that this must be shipped in special trains accompanied by messenger. T h e results of t h e experiment h a v e j u s t been compiled for t h e Directors. These show, first, t h a t t h e Hence you can see the impossibility of our making shipment. I ’ administration a n d mechanical carrving - - on of t h e I deem it imperative that this restriction on the transport of work is a m u c h less formidable undertaking t h a n was all chemicals, a t least as far as universities and the chemical originally supposed, hence f u n d s for continuance of industry are concerned, be removed at the earliest possible date, t h i s p a r t of t h e work c a n be largely curtailed n e x t and I trust your Journal will consider this question of sufficient year. Fifty bulletins h a v e been issued t o d a t e . R e - importance to give publicity to the law herewith concerned, and will also suggest whatever remedy the situation may warrant. t u r n s f r o m t h e clipping bureau, necessarily incom- Furthermore, I am certain chemists will be interested in knowplete, show t h a t t h e bulletins were used i n v a r y i n g ing just what chemicals come under this embargo. I know that metallic sodium, as well as phosgene, is under the ban. Now n u m b e r s b y I 2 0 newspapers a n d magazines distributed how far can the organic chemist go without sodium? If we t h r o u g h 7 2 cities i n 26 states. Nineteen bf t h e fifty consider its use in the manufacture of veronal, luminal, adalim, bulletins were contributed b y members of Local Sec- and phenyl ethyl alcohol, substances for which there is a great demand and a limited supply, I think the predicament of the tions other t h a n t h e members of t h e General Com- research chemists in this country, who may be engaged in demittee or its office staff. All of t h e nineteen were re- veloping methods €or the manuiacture of these important is sufficiently emphasized. We are progressing ceived a f t e r July 30, 1918, a n d most of t h e m origina- pharmaceuticals, with giant strides in building up chemical industries in the t e d within t h e Minnesota Section, n o t , we believe, United States, but we should not lose sight of the fact that the because t h a t Section h a s a n y special monopoly o n only solid foundation on which successfully to rear a permanent in this direction is restarch. popular writing b u t because i t took hold of t h e m a t t e r business Before the war there was a way to get any chemical from i n a live way a n d p u t some real p u n c h i n t o t h e effort. Germany to our laboratories. It is true there were certain T h i s is best illustrated b y t h e following e x t r a c t s f r o m rules that had to be observed in reference to containers, but the important fact is there was a “way” to get phosgene, metallic an announcement s e n t out i n mimeograph f o r m t o sodium, picric acid, etc. The question arises, would it not be a happy solution of the problem in hand for the Government to each member of the Section: call to its assistance a few representative chemists and have Does $5.00 look good to you? them indicate how the needs for chemicals of every description Now that you are interested we will tell you how you can make which our laboratories and industrial plants require may be met? that much money in less than 30 minutes. You are a chemist: All the chemicals at present under embargo, with the proper you have a chemical hobby; you think it is really the only phase safeguards, have been in the past, and could be now, transported of chemistry worth working a t ; you feel sorry for others because without extra hazard. they can’t see all of the interesting phases of your work; you It may be interesting to call attention to the fact that, if I are even in a line of work which is of great scientific and practical am correctly informed, the only practical way for the manuvalue to the nation. facturer to obtain metallic sodium is t o incur the expense of an Sit down and write a soo-word article full of interest with lots auto truck to and from Niagara Falls. of “news punch” about-your favorite line of science and write it so that people may not only be interested but that they may T h e point raised is one which will affect every realso gain some information as to the importance of chemistry search laboratory. With t h e early r e t u r n t o t h e uniin its relation to the every-day things of life. Send this article to Chairman Publicity Committee, AMERICAN versities f r o m war service of professors a n d g r a d u a t e CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 35 East 41st St., New York City. If the students, general research should soon get u n d e r full article is of general interest and is accepted you will receive swing, b u t t h i s i m p o r t a n t work will be sorely handi$5.00 in the return mail. If vnu don’t need the monev. write an article anyhow and buy capped if a change f r o m conditions here depicted i s Thrift-Stamps with the ptocikds. We are asked by the Society officers to do all that we can to n o t quickly obtained. It is therefore earnestly urged bring chemistry home to the people. Pay your annual dues by t h a t t h e proper officials of t h e Railroad Administrawriting two articles of general interest. The Chairman of the tion modify existing regulations so as t o give t h e Comm-ittee on Publicity has requested that we bring this to your attention. Individuals and local sections will re- necessary relief. ceive credit for accepted articles. These articles will be published all over the country, If you have chemical items of local interest, don’t fail to write them up. THE RETURN OF THE CHEMISTS If each Local Section i n preparation for t h e new year I n t h e development of t h e Chemical Warfare Serwould follow t h e w o r t h y example of t h e Minnesota vice i n t o a n effective war machine invaluable service Section i n presenting t h i s m a t t e r directly t o each was rendered b y M a j o r Allen Rogers, chief of t h e member, we a r e confident that h e a d q u a r t e r s would b e I n d u s t r i a l Relations B r a n c h , i n establishing a sensioverwhelmed with material for consideration, a n d t h a t ble balance between t h e supply of chemists for serresults of incalculable value would b e secured, whether vice in t h e military r a n k s a n d in essential industries. o r n o t t h e contributions were accepted. Now t h a t t h e demobilization of t h i s g r e a t force of T r y y o u r h a n d , who knows? soldier chemists is a b o u t t o begin, i t is f o r t u n a t e t h a t t h e work is t o r e m a i n in charge of t h e s a m e efficient officer, as n o t e d f r o m t h e following a n n o u n c e m e n t : AN EMBARGO ON RESEARCH WORK

We p r i n t here a letter which h a s been received f r o m a research chemist whose amiable disposition precludes his being classified a s a chronic kicker:

When the United States entered the European War one of the first problems to be considered was the effect of the draft upon our essential industries. I t was early appreciated that in order t o maintain our full efficiency it would be necessary to conserve