An Encouraging Growth - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

The increase in circulation among professors is equally important, for many of them serve in a consulting capacity and are frequently the only ones co...
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INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Published by the yimeriean &ie?nieal Soeiety Eastonf Pa.


Managing Editor: ROBERT P. FISCHEUS




Detroit Follows Suit A check has been received b y officers of the American Chemical Society for t h e larger p a r t of t h e residual funds on h a n d after all obligations were m e t incident t o t h e recent successful na­ tional meeting of t h e Society in Detroit. A t t h e express wish of t h e Detroit Section, t h e s u m is t o b e applied t o t h e Endow­ ment Fund being created as a revolving fund for issuing De­ cennial Indexes to Chemical Abstracts. Support of this sort is highly encouraging to those w h o are confronted with t h e problem of financing t h e increasing de­ mands for publication in t h e field of chemistry and t h e whole science, n o t alone t h e American Chemical Society, is appreciative of this check from t h e Detroit Section.

Assistant to the Editor: N. A. PARKINSON Associate Editor: D. H. KIU,EFPIÎR EDITORIAL OFFICE: 706 Mills Building, Washington, D. C.

ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: 419 Fourth Ave., New York, Ν . Υ.

Second Decennial Index t o Chemical Abstracts

Entered as second class matter at Easton, Pa. Issued three times a month. Industrial Edition on the 1st, News Edition on t h e 10th and 20th. Subscription to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, $7.50 per year, News Edition only, $1.50 per year. Single copies, 10 cents. Subscriptions should be sent to Charles !L. Parsons, Secretary, 1709 G St., N. W., Washington, D. C.

No. 23

D E C E M B E R 10, 1927

Vol. 5

An Encouraging Growtli A comparison between t h e circulation of INDUSTRIAL AND EN­ GINEERING CHEMISTRY for 1926 and 1927 indicates an encourag­

ing growth. I t should be noted t h a t t h e d a t a given below are based upon actual fully paid subscriptions o n t h e 15th of July in both 1926 a n d 1927, and if t h e 1927 figures were to b e brought strictly down t o date, there would be a n additional 7O0, giving a total of well over 16,000 a t t h e present time. Additional copies are printed for various purposes, b u t t h e figures here given refer t o n e t paid circulation. T h e trend of growth among corporations, executives, and others identified with management, technical direction, and research, are particularly noteworthy. The increase i n circula­ tion among professors is equally important, for many of them serve in a consulting capacity and are frequently the only ones consulted with respect t o t h e purchase of large-scale equip­ ment, machinery, and devices for chemical works. W e are also encouraged b y t h e increase in circulation among students, who will direct t h e chemical industry of tomorrow. W e are sure t h a t those who have in mind t h e welfare of American chemistry will share our feeling of encouragement over the showing indicated by these statistics. Classification Corporations (subscribing in their corporate names) Executives of firms a n d corporations : Presidents, vice presidents, secretaries, treasurers, and chairmen of boards Managerial : Directors, purchasing agents, general managers, sales agents, superintendents, directors of departments, chiefs of de­ partments, and heads of departments Technical direction: Chief chemists, metallurgists, chemical engineers, a n d consultants Chemical d evelopment : Research chemists Chemical control: Works chemists and laboratory chemists Professors of chemistry Instructors in chemistry Students : Graduate a n d undergraduate students Libraries Miscellaneous Unclassified Total













1,167 1,387 805

1,044 1,670 740

710 348 262 821

1,014 422 212 519



All those who have subscribed t o the Second Decennial Index to Chemical A bstracts have been notified t h a t t h e two volumes of t h e author index are ready for mailing a n d will b e mailed December 10 t o those whose remittances are received prior t o December 1, 1927. With t h e appearance of t h e two volumes of t h e author index, the Society is prepared t o receive subscriptions a t t h e r a t e of $40. oO, including carrying charges t o t h e United States a n d Pan American Postal Union; $41.00 to C a n a d a ; a n d $41.75 to o t h e r foreign countries. This is t h e price for t h e complete index of five volumes payable in advance. T h e subject index, consisting of three volumes, will b e mailed approximately one year hence, in accordance with t h e original plan. Trie work of bringing together this cumulative index t o t h e world's chemical literature of the past ten years is really monu­ mental a n d t h e editor of Chemical Abstracts a n d his staff are to b e congratulated upon t h e progress made. T h e saving in time made possible b y t h e use of this Second Decennial Index to a n y o n e who searches t h e literature is very great, a n d t h e ser­ vice it c a n render is quite incalculable. Those who for one reason or another could n o t or did n o t sub­ scribe to t h e index heretofore are urged to send in their subscrip­ tions as p r o m p t l y a s possible, for such orders will be entered as received a n d procrastinators may be disappointed as t h e edition is limited.

Chemistry a t t h e Nashville Meeting A. A* A. of S, T h e program of Section C (Chemistry) includes several halfday sessions, mainlj^ on Tuesday a n d Wednesday, December 27 a n d 28, to avoid as far a s possible conflict with t h e Symposium in O r g a n i c Chemistry t o b e held in Columbus, Ohio, later in the week. Professor Lauder W. Jones, t h e retiring vice presi­ dent for t h e Section, has spent a considerable p a r t of t h e p a s t two years in E u r o p e and in his address will speak on t h e sub­ ject, "A Glimpse a t Chemistry Here a n d Abroad." Among others w h o will address Section C m a y b e mentioned a t this time Professor W . A. Noyes of t h e University of Illinois, Pro­ fessor H a r r y B . Weiser of Rice Institute, a n d Professor J a m e s Kendall of N e w York University. Professor Noyes will speak on " V a l e n c e . " Professor Weiser h a s chosen as t h e title of his address " I o n i c Antagonisms in Colloid Systems." Professor Kendall will give a paper entitled "Separations b y t h e Ionic Migration M e t h o d . " I n addition to t h e above there will be a number of shorter papers. Section C will meet with Section Ν o n Wednesday forenoon for a joint session on "Contributions of O t h e r Sciences t o Medicine." T h e headquarters for Section C will be a t t h e Sam Davis Hotel.

Gomberg t o Give Chandler Lecture a t C o l u m b i a F r i e n d s of Professor Chandler presented in 1910 t o t h e T r u s ­ tees of Columbia University a s u m of money which constitutes the Charles Frederick Chandler Foundation. T h e income from the fund is used t o provide a lecture b y a n eminent chemist a n d to p r o v i d e a medal to be presented t o t h e lecturer in further recognition of his achievements in Science. Previous lecturers of this Foundation were: Leo H . Baekeland, W. F . Hillebrand, W . R . Whitney, F . Gowland Hopkins, Edgar F . Smith, Robert E . Swain, E . C. Kendall, S. W . Parr. T h e lecturer this winter will be Dr. Moses Gomberg, professor and head of t h e department of chemistry, University of Michi­ gan. D r . Gomberg's subject will b e " F r e e Radicals in Chemistry Past a n d Present." X h e lecture will be in Havemeyer Hall, Columbia University, on December 16, 1927, a t 8:15 P . M.