An experimental course in industrial chemistry - Journal of Chemical

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R. M. Hexter and Harold Wittcon University of Mmnesota Minneapolis

An Experimental Course in Industrial Chemistry

Strong interest exists in introducing the "real world" of industrial chemistry into academic chemical education. T h e chapter entitled "Continuing Education of Chemistry's Manpower" in the ACS' recently published, impressive volume "Chemistry in the Economy" discusses the possibility of reintroducing a "core-type curriculum" into first-year graduate programs, indicating that one of the key components would be a course in "industrial chemistry" (1).

This same chapter points out the importance of liaison between the universitv and indnstrv so that there can be "proper academic address to the special requirements of industrv and for the translation of these requirements into suitable course, curricula, and faculty" (2). Lippincott has pointed out that graduate education is frequently out of touch with "social reality" (3). Certainly, as Lippincott recognizes, one of the important realities in today's society is technologically oriented industry. T h e teaching of chemistry must reflect the needs of this allimportant "reality." Accordingly, a t the University of Minnesota, a first step has been taken to provide some "real world" industrial orientation to senior and graduate students. The ohjectives of the authors of this paper, accordingly, were (1) to evolve the overall philosophy of the course, (2) to evolve the course content, and (3) to integrate the course into the overall curriculum. The course was presented in four, 45-minute lectures per week over a period of one quarter. I n the first few weeks, two "no name" exams were given to provide the instructor with feedback about how well the material was being received. In addition, there were mid-quarter and final examinations. Two papers were required. There were eight guest lectures, two outside of regular class time, and one plant tour. Presented at Northwest Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, June 13-14, 1974. Eastern Washington State College, Cheney, Washington.

Since there was no textbook, the chemistry was presented by transparencies on an overhead projector. All the transparencies used were reproduced and given to the students so that they could make notes while the lecture was in progress. Outside reading assignments were made, largely in the "Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology" (4) and the "Encyclopedia of Polymer Technology" (5). Also, the students were asked to read two hooks: "The Limits to Growth" by Meadows, Meadows, Randers, and Behrens (6), and "Future Shock" by Tofler (7). The teacher of the course (HW) has devoted 31 years to industrial chemical research, development, and administration.

Objectives and Understandings Since anv well-run industrial enterprise has objectives, i t was decided a t the start to evolve with the studedts a series of obiectives for this course. T h e course, accordingly, was intended 1) To decrease the "induction period" (sometimes 2-5 years)

which the new Ph.D. in industry frequently must experience before he is able to make meaningful contributions. 2) To acquaint the student with the actual chemistry which provides the basis for the bulk of the world's chemical operations. 3) To acquaint the student with the parachemical areas which in industrv mav he eauallv ~, ~~, ~. as imoortant as the actual chemical research itself This includes insight into the relationslrip between scientific farls, on the one hnnd, and their rerhnologiral appheation, on the ocher. I t includes msightu into the t~rhnological problems of natural resource shortages, pollution, and the ethical problems which may be influenced by an interpretation of scientific data. The economics of the chemical industry is an important part of this area as is laboratory organization, and the various areas within an enterprise which are based on chemical knowledge, including scaleup, engineering, application research, market research, market development, technical service, patents and licensing, and liaison functions. Insight into management theory is important. Critical is an understanding of the interdisciplinary interfaces whose penetration is mandatory if overall success is to be achieved. ~~




4) T o provide insight into the perplexities of the future and into the importance of the ever-increasing rate of change on human activity. 5) To prepare the student so that he may be better able to choose both an ares and a company with which to continue his career.

It w a s h o p e d that t h e s e objectives would lead to t h e following understandings 1) The importance of achieving a knowledge of the vast amount of descriptive industrial chemistry necessary t o do effective reaenrch. -..--~-~~ 2) The economics of the chemical industry worldwide. 3) The various facets of industrial research mentioned in the objectives. 4) The interfaces which exist in the industrial enterprise and the importance of achieving "the other fellow's" frame of feference if these interfaces are to be penetrated. An understanding of the parameters of communication is, of course, haair here. ...~ ~ . ~ . ~ . 5) The importance of both written and oral communication. 6) The importance of economic evaluation in the chemical industry and the procedures for carrying out economic evaluation. 7) Tho importance of experimental design and other modern techniques in efficient research and development operations. 8 ) Some of the concepts of management including their application in industrial research and the pitfalls associated with them. . ' , 9) How theresearch operation interfaces with the rest of the business and its importance t o the overall business. 10) The moral and social responsibilities of science and teehnology as related t o ecology, raw material depletion, and the creation of life styles. 11) The importance of the future as well as the importance and impact of change as related t o the problems which the students will he called upon t o help solve.

The Methods for Achieving the Understandings Course c o n t e n t which was, of course, basic t o achieving

the desired understanding, involved the following I) About 60% of the course was devoted to the chemistry associated with the following areas. 1) The basic m w materials for organic chemicals. The role of fats and oils, carbohydrates, coal, petroleum, and natural gas in the chemical industry was discussed with, of course, major emphasis on petroleum. Because of the importance which coal may play in the chemical industry in the future, the chemistry associated with coal gasification and related processes was stressed. 2) The chemistry of chlorine. This was chosen because i t is a goad example of the inorganic "heavy" chemicals industry. At the same time, there is close interrelationship with the organic chemicals industry. This area provided a n excellent opportunity t o discuss some of the ecological implications of industrial chemistry as related, in this instance, to mercury pollution and the pros and cons of chlorinated insecticide usage. The chemistry of chlorine interfaces with specialty chemical areas sueh as bioeides and dyes. This made possible an introduction to the philosophy of specialty versus large volume chemicals including comparisons of what was required in the areas of research, development, technical service, and marketing. I t was possible, also, t o relate chlorine chemistry t o the monomers important for certain polymers. This provided a basis for what was t o he dis,cussed later in the polymer area. Chlorine chemistry also gives an excellent opportunity to provide insight into chemical economics. 3) The chemistry of polymerization. Although the students had a general understanding of condensation polymerization, they knew very little about addition or chain growth polymerization. Cationic, anionic, emulsion, dispersion, and solution polymerization were examples of whole new worlds to conquer. There was strong emphasis on Ziegler-Natta catalysis. Economics of the polymer industry was, of course, stressed. 4) Polymers. The chemistry of every important class of polymers was described, including physical chemistry and polymer applications. Polymer tech"ology was discussed from

the points of view of p l a s t i c o t h a t is, materials which can be molded, extruded, or otherwise shaped-synthetic fibers, elastomers, coatings, and adhesives. 5) The ehemrstry of petroleum refining reactions. This included the description of catalytic alkylstion, catalytic isomerizstion, catalytic reforming, catalytic cracking, and hvdrocrackine. , n I t was with this area that the students were least fam:liar and a k o it u,ns in thm ore= uhrre the information was most empirical.'l'he impmnnr n,le of catalysis was pornted out. The difference herwen hatch and cmrinuuus processing was described. The concept of yield versus conversion was introduced. This, incidentally, was a partieularly difficult concept for the students t o grasp. 6) Other areas. Other lectures described various asoects of the phnrmnrrutiral industry, fermentation chemistrv, the specialty chrmienls industry, pla;~icirer pnduecion, industrial produrrron of neld*, alcohols, anhylridc;, epoxidntion, and a number of other important chemical processes not otherwise covered. I t is this area which will he strengthened in future presentations of the course. The areas which were covered in detail, however, accounted for perhaps 70% of the organic chemical industry as measured by dollar volume. 11) About 40% of the course was devoted t o the following areas. 1) Economics. The economics of the chemical industry were described in terms of the role of the chemical industry in the national economy and its important contribution to the U.S.balance of payments. The world's major chemical campanies were discussed in terms of sales, return on investment. and research eaoenditures. Persoedive was orovided relative t o the economic impact of the chemical industry in comparison with other industries sueh as the food industry, the transportation industry, and all manufacturing. The 50 chemicals produced in largest volume were discussed with emphasis on the development of the processes t o produce them and the overall contribution these largevolume chemicals make to technology. The discussion of economics also included such concepts as capital casts, expense costs, return on investment as measured by techniques such as discounted cash flow, project evaluation, and the reading and understanding of balance sheets and profit and loss statements. 2) Management. Both the theory and practice of management was described briefly, emphasizing various methods for oreanizine laboratories. Centralized versus decentralized structures were compared. Discussion was devoted to the various technical functions in a laboratory including basic research, applied research, development, technical service, market research, market development, technical sales, and liaison functions. An understanding of the various aspects of industrial research, coupled with an understanding of the companies and their attitudes towards research, hopefully will rive the student a better conceot of the career ootions ~~~


useful when choosing a company t o work for. The importance of sueh management concepts as motivstian, communication, and management-by-objectives was stressed. Stressed also was the importance of report writing. The importance of oral reporting was discussed, hut the students did not have a chance to eive oral reoarts. This

more in future courses. 3) Industrial literature The literature of the chemical industry was discussed and the students were required to use "The Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology" (4, "The Encyclopedia of Polymer Technology" (5), and "The Chemical Economics Handbook" (a), together, of course, with other sources far their term papers which were written in the form of "reports t o management." These references provided the basis for much of the content of the course. Also valuable as references were classical texts including "Riegel's Handbook of Industrial Chemistry" (9), "The Chemical Process Industries" by Shrew (IOJ, and "Unit Processes in Organic Synthesis" by Groggins (11). A recently issued paperback, "Careers in Industrial Research and Development" by Saunders (12) is also useful. 4) The job. The pros and cons of advancement in a chemical Volume 52, Number 9, September 1975 / 597

laboratory via the scientific and the administrative routes were discussed. A ease history was described of a successful chemical venture and an effort was made to relate the success of the venture to the successful utilization of both management and technical principles with particular emphasis on the penetration of the interfaces between the numerous disciplines which were involved. Future courses will start with this ease history as a means of providing the student with an overall picture of the industrial environment. Who Can Teach industrial Chemistry

Industrial experience is the best prerequisite for the teacher of industrial chemistry. However, the industrial chemist, turned teacher, must have an understanding of the ohjectives and the rnodus operandi of academia if the course is t o be consistent with the department's overall pedagogical ohjectives. Less preferably, such a course can be taught hy a professor who has worked as an industrial consultant. I t is even possible that someone without any industrial experience may wish to use the above-cited references to organize a course, although there are some obvious possible pitfalls. The teachine of industrial chemistrv will become much easier once definitive textbooks are availahle. I t is no doubt simolv a matter of time before such a text will he availahle in the U S . Even with such texthooks, however, industry should he encouraged to provide pedagogically oriented personnel to lead such courses. Discussion of Results

What was learned in this experimental course will hopefully provide the basis for a stronger course in the future. As a result of a computer-graded questionnaire provided hy the university for the students' evaluation of the course, we can conclude that the course was well-accepted. The students felt that it was relevant to their future needs. They would recommend that their friends take it, and they felt, also, that the course should he extended beyond one quarter. As we had expected a t the start, the students knew very little about the chemistrv of industry as exemplified by the basic reactions on which the polyker, petrochemical, and petroleum refining industries are based. They found this chemistry simple as compced to the suhject matter of manv of their advanced courses, some of which were in theoretl'cal chemistry. An unexpected reaction was that they had not vreviouslv felt it was necessary to study the chemistry of industry since it would always he availahle in reference hooks. I t was necessary to stress repeatedly that success in solving difficult industrial chemical problems frequently depends on the reordering of old knowledge and that the scientist is incapable of reordering that with which he is not familiar. This course also made it possible to point out repeatedly the importance of the need for basic research, not only to provide explanations for much of the empiricism which characterizes industrial chemistry, hut

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aiso to provide the basis for new development. At the same time, the point was continually made that much of industrial chemistry's success depends on the correlation of properties of a material with existing needs and that the understandine these needs-an area totallv foreign to ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~ most academic chemistry-is basic to success in industrial research. As an examnle. . . the ahilitv of a surface-active molecule t o orient a t an interface may make it useful as a flotation reagent, a biocide, a textile softener, an adhesion promoter, or a corrosion inhibitor. The importance of the recoenition. first of all. of these needs and, secondly, of the property-use relationship was stressed as a means of arriving a t the o ~ t i m u mchemical structures required to fill industrial needs. Another interestine ~ o i n which t evolved from the questionnaire was the suggestion that the students he asked to learn much of the chemistry through outside reading assignments. This would leave more time in the classroom for discussions of various facets of industrial chemistry such as applications research, technical service, market research and market development, chemical economics, .organization within a lahor&ory, patents, the relationship of the technical function to the overall business, and the problems of interdisciplinary interfaces. All of these suhjects were discussed, hut it was obvious that the students desired greater insights. They also indicated a desire for additional outside speakers and more field trips. I t was. of course.. imnossihle to fulfill all of the obiectives and to achieve all of the understandings in a one-quarter course. This ~ o i nwas t stressed continuallv t o the students together with the point that it is important for them to know what they should learn in order to integrate successfully into the industrial world. This knowledge of the learnings important to them may actually help them t o achieve these from other courses as well as through their own efforts.' ~






Literature Cited i l l Hanis. M., and Tishler, M., "Chemi~fryin the Eeonomy"Amcrican Chemical Society. Wsshineton.D.C.. 1 9 7 3 . ~ 4 3 6 . , . ,

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13) Lippineoft. W. T., J. CHEM. EDUC.,Sl. 145 (19741. I41 "Kirk-Othmer Eneyelopedia of Chemical Technology." 2nd Ed.. Wiley-lntersienee. ,..n" .I".


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151 '"Encyclopediaof Polymer Technology," Wiley-lnterncicnce, New York,1964. 16) Meadows, 0. H.,Meadow, D. L.. Randers, J., and Behrena, W. W.. "The Limit! to Gmwth.ll New American Librani. Ine.. New York. 1972. 171 Toner, A . ; " F ~ ~Shock," u~ House, New York, 1970. (8) "Chemical E m n m i a Handbmk," Stanford Research Inst,Menlo Park. California. 191 Kent. J. A., "Riegel'n Handbmk of Industrial Chemistry," 7th Ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.,New York, 1971. Industries." 3rd Ed.. MeCralu-Hill Book Co.. llOI . . Shreve. N.. "The Chemical PvoI ~ ~ . Ymk. , N 1967. ~ 1111 Groggins, P. H., "Unit Pmcesses in Organic Synthesis;' 5th Ed., Mecraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1958. 1121 Saunden, J. H., "Careen in Industrial Rerearch and DevelopmenC Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York. 1974.

'The coune was subsequently expanded to two quarters, making the achievement of the above-indicated objectives more feasible.