An Industrial Perspective toward Analytical ... - ACS Publications

Analytical chemistry has been defined as the development and application of methods, instruments and strategies to ... Thus, the availability of jobs ...
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Chapter 2

An Industrial Perspective toward Analytical Chemical Education Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN on August 28, 2017 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0970.ch002

Dorothy J . Phillips Waters Corporation, 34 Maple Street, Milford, M A 01757

The active learning process is critical to a successful profession as an industrial chemist in the 21 Century. Active learning is a requirement not an option for analytical chemists in industry. The educational process that requires active not passive learning begins not ends when a scientist enters the industry sector. The knowledge that one brings to a new position is the basis on which the person grows. Since an analytical-industrial chemist must stay current with technology, learning is a nonstop process. This chapter covers the types of training that analytical chemists should bring to industry to be prepared for the chemical enterprise in 2015 and beyond. In addition, the chapter discusses the training analytical scientists should receive during their vocation to strengthen or apply their basic education. st

© 2007 American Chemical Society

Mabrouk; Active Learning ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.


Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN on August 28, 2017 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0970.ch002

Introduction A n extensive career in industry gives the scientist an opportunity to assess the importance of basic education and the success that is possible by participating in active learning throughout one's career. During an industrial career chemists have the opportunity to strengthen their multi-disciplinary academic training, for example, in biochemistry and analytical chemistry. Writing this chapter allows the author to give an industrial scientist's perspective on what are currently the valuable components in training analytical chemists for the future. Analytical chemistry has been defined as the development and application of methods, instruments and strategies to obtain information on the composition and nature of matter in space and time (1). This field has been in great demand in industry because every chemical endeavor requires some sort of measurement to help answer a question, and analytical chemists should be experts at making valid measurements. Based on the demographics of the American Chemical Society (ACS) most analytical chemists work in industry About 60% of the more than 158,000 A C S members have chosen industrial over academic or government professions (2). In addition, the majority of the approximately 8% of A C S members who belong to the Division of Analytical Chemistry work in industry. The training required to be successful in industry depends on the positions analytical chemists should be prepared to fill in the 21 century. st

Industries and Positions for Analytical Chemists The 2005 President of A C S , Dr. William Carroll, led a Society-wide effort during his presidential succession period to develop scenarios of how the chemical enterprise (education, industry and government) would change in the next ten years (3). The goal of his program "Chemical Enterprise 2015" was to understand how A C S can help its current and future members adapt to these changes and how the society can take advantage of these new opportunities. The industry component of the chemical enterprise in the final report was extended beyond traditional chemicals and petrochemicals to include energy, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals as well. The report indicates that the analytical chemist of 2015 is more likely to work in a small company instead of one of the large businesses with a readily recognizable name and the projects will cross the boundaries of science and often be multidisciplinary, forcing continuous training. The additional challenge will be outsourcing, moving jobs outside the boundaries of United States to Asia and India for cost-reduction and technology advantages. Traditional chemical companies and the pharmaceutical industry are investing in joint ventures for manufacturing in developing

Mabrouk; Active Learning ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN on August 28, 2017 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0970.ch002

16 countries. Thus, the availability of jobs will decrease forcing companies to hire only the best and the brightest. The better prepared the analytical chemist the greater probability of getting an industrial position. In agreement with Dr. Carroll's report, companies that require analytical chemists include (7) pharmaceutical firms (requiring expertise in mass spectrometry and separations instruments), and biomedical start-up companies (for example, biomedical analysis and instrumentation). Other industries requiring analytical chemists include the basic chemical industry, the energy industry (for example, petroleum and battery developers), electronics (for example, R & D in molecular diodes and LEDs) and also instrument manufacturers (for example, developers of liquid chromatography systems). A 2005 issue of Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN) contained an article on positions held by analytical chemists today, "Analyze This, Analyze That" (4). Three analytical chemists interviewed in this article held very different positions; one scientist works in a traditional chemical company; another is a professor in a cell biology department; and the third is a Ph.D. chemist in analytical instrument sales. The projects for the chemist in a traditional chemical plant include optimizing the additive system in a plant, improving how products get to customers, and coordinating analytical services for a business unit. The professor's interdisciplinary research in cell biology includes mass spectrometry and proteomics. Traditional positions in universities did not cross boundaries of disciplines. In contrast analytical chemists in industry often work across departments or in interdisciplinary programs. The third analytical chemist has been selling analytical instruments for more than twenty-two years. At the time of the interview he was a mass spectrometry specialist interfacing with scientists in academic labs, pharmaceutical companies, police crime labs and other settings. The C & E N article also interviewed a scientific resource agency that arranges contract work for scientists; the firm places most analytical chemists in quality assurance/quality control spots in pharmaceutical, chemical, and food technology companies. Many analytical chemists find themselves in pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing companies (who are the principal employers of analytical chemists) that provided 291,000 wage and salary jobs in 2004 (5). Quality control and quality assurance are vital in the pharmaceutical industry. Many production workers are assigned on a full time basis to quality control and quality assurance functions, whereas other employees may devote part of their time to these functions. The caveat is that many of these positions are not available now and even less will be offered in ten years in the United States and Europe. These positions are among those that are being moved abroad to India and China. Analytical chemists also hold positions at laboratory instruments manufacturers like Waters Corporation. These scientists analyze products in

Mabrouk; Active Learning ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN on August 28, 2017 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0970.ch002

17 R & D , applications development and manufacturing. After commercialization and throughout a product's lifecycle, it is supported by scientists in sales, technical support and service positions. Again these positions are not just in the major industrial countries; instrument manufacturers must also address the need to take manufacturing and its support overseas. For example, Waters announced in April 2006 the formation of a manufacturing partnership with the electronics manufacturer Solectron in Singapore ( The question arises as to whether analytical education should shift its focus to prepare students for jobs in developing countries. Currently, many overseas jobs are being filled by Asian and Indian students trained in the United States and Europe. Their expertise in science combined with being multi-lingual makes them ideal candidates for these overseas positions. This chapter will cover the chemical education that analytical chemists should receive to be ready for positions in the various industries. It will also cover the formats of continuous active learning.

What should the Undergraduate and Graduate Education include for the Analytical Chemists to be "industry ready"? In line with A C S Past-President Carroll's initiative the theme for presidential events at A C S National meeting in Washington D C in 2005 was "Meeting the Workforce Needs of the Chemistry Enterprise in 2015". Are analytical chemists being educated today for an industrial career that spans to and beyond 2015? What is required during the academic period and what should be added once in industry? Is the chemist prepared to be a strong contributor in an industrial position after receiving a bachelor's degree, a masters or a doctoral degree? Does the ability to invent, market or sell new products increase after a post-doctoral period?

Formal training The pharmaceutical industry practices offer a good example of the requirements for an analytical chemist to start a career and to grow in industry (5). Given the range of tasks that an analytical chemist can carry out in the pharmaceutical industry, having a solid, broad background in chemistry is highly desirable. More than 6 out of 10 of all workers have a bachelor's, master's, professional, or Ph.D. degree—more than twice the proportion for all industries combined. For science technician jobs in this industry, most companies prefer to hire graduates of technical institutes or junior colleges or those who have completed college courses in chemistry, biology, mathematics, or engineering.

Mabrouk; Active Learning ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN on August 28, 2017 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0970.ch002

18 Some companies, however, require science technicians to hold a bachelor's degree in a biological or chemical science. For higher level scientific and engineering jobs, a bachelors of science degree is the minimum requirement. Scientists involved in research and development usually have a master's or doctoral degree. In addition most sales representatives have at least a 4-year degree. Analytical chemists can increase their marketability in the pharmaceutical industry by learning medicinal chemistry and biochemistry, and by gaining exposure to pharmacokinetics and chemoinformatics. Positions in many companies but especially the pharmaceutical industry require expertise in mass spectrometry (MS) and separations instrumentation. The student leaving school with expertise in these systems is prepared for the multidisciplinary approaches to therapeutics and diagnostics. Mass spectrometry is being used today for a broad range of applications including determining the change in protein expression in humans between disease and normal states. In addition, the quantitation of proteins by this technique and additional analytical technology is also critical to future medicines. Those undergraduate students who seek to become analytical scientists will benefit from attending a graduate school with a strong and diverse program in analytical chemistry. Young scientists have an opportunity for active learning by working in a strong research program and from supportive and informative interactions with peers. The top three schools in US News and World Report annual rankings (6) of graduate chemistry programs for 2006 are University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Purdue University and University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. A l l three schools are recognized not just for their staffs research but also their links to industry; professors often collaborate or join forces with companies in the development of state-of-the-art analytical instruments or technology.

Internships and Co-ops Some knowledge required for industrial careers may not be gained in the typical university curriculum; it can be obtained, for example, through an industrial internship or co-operative education program (Co-op). Internships in industry during the undergraduate and graduate period are a vital form of active learning. Whether an undergraduate student plans to go directly to industry or to pursue an advanced degree there is benefit to spending at least one summer in an industrial position. The student learns to use the latest equipment and to work in teams. The student also begins to understand the industrial world where flexibility in approaches to problems and to ones career path is more important than in the academic community. Co-op periods form the cornerstone of some university programs and industry-university relationships.

Mabrouk; Active Learning ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN on August 28, 2017 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0970.ch002

19 Boeing has a Co-op program where students taking the senior design course tackle a real world problem and split their time between industry and the classroom (7). The class concentrates on broad concepts though the projects may be part of a real problem in the company. Students also gain insight into real industrial applications and an understanding that, while top students excel individually, it takes the whole team to make a touchdown. Boeing has hired 25 percent of the current class of twenty-two students. The advantage of hiring these students is that Boeing already knows how they work and how they react under pressure. Learning the process and being adaptable are keys for a good player whether on the football field or on the job. The material actually learned is just a first down toward the goal.

Conferences and Conference Courses Future analytical chemists can also enhance their preparation for industry by taking courses at conferences. An example is the course "Professional Analytical Chemists in Industry." Proctor & Gamble Company (P&G) sponsors the course and the instructors are drawn from P & G scientists (#). This course was given at such conferences as FACCSS ( and Eastern Analytical Symposium ( in 2005 and at Pittcon 2006 ( The program was intended primarily for undergraduate students, to educate them about careers as analytical chemists in industry, and to teach problem-solving skills. The focus was extensively on utilizing real problems from P & G . Students come away with additional skills, including a "framework" for approaching problems. They were also made aware of the different roles of the industrial analytical chemist which included scientific consultant, methods developer, and problem solver. In addition to the obligatory good communications skills and the ability to solve problems, students taking these types of courses will be better equipped to weather the challenges to livelihood in 2015.

Continuing Education and Skill Strengthening in Industry Continuous on-the-job training is critical regardless of the educational background that the scientist has received prior to entering the workforce. What are the formats for this training? The industry places a heavy emphasis on continuing education for employees, and many firms provide classroom training in safety, environmental and quality control. Some pharmaceutical companies offer training programs to help scientists and engineers keep abreast of new developments in their fields and to develop administrative skills (5). These programs may include meetings and seminars with consultants from various fields. Many companies encourage

Mabrouk; Active Learning ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN on August 28, 2017 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0970.ch002

20 scientists and engineers to further their education; some companies provide financial assistance or full reimbursement of expenses for this purpose. Most newly employed technical sales representatives complete rigorous formal training programs revolving around their company's product lines. State-of-the art instrument manufacturers offer training on their systems and the technology behind these products. For example, Waters Corporation and Applied Biosystems websites describe their customer training programs ( and The educational programs for both companies provide knowledge and skills for both those new to separation technology and systems as well as experienced professionals. Both companies offer comprehensive, hands-on instrument training sessions as well as applications-based courses on a variety of topics of interest to analytical chemists. Each company teaches courses that range from their new technologies and instrumentation to applications and information management solutions. They provide scientists with L C and M S knowledge and the expertise often required to be successful. They offer courses at their training centers around the world. Waters also staffs on-site education that fits a company's specific needs.

Conference for the Industrial Scientists While conference courses were mentioned as part of the educational experience prior to joining industry, afterward they become a major training tool available to analytical chemists. These courses normally follow the trends in the chemical enterprise thus keeping the scientist up to date in new technology and/or applications. Among the courses offered recently by A C S ( for analytical chemists are •

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy: A Hands-on Workshop;

IR Spectral Interpretation: A Systematic Approach;

Interpretation of Mass Spectra;

L C / M S : Fundamentals and Applications;

Peptide and Protein Characterization with Mass Spectrometry.

Not only the courses but the conferences themselves serve a vital function in active learning for the analytical chemists. Many skills are strengthened by participating in technical meetings. Scientists discuss their work by oral lectures and poster presentations as well as during informal dialog. Publications can also result from giving a lecture or poster at a conference; several technical meetings issue specific journal volumes containing the papers that were presented. Thus, speaking and writing skills grow which are keys to success in industry. The global chemical enterprise is also reflected in the location of these meetings. An

Mabrouk; Active Learning ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN on August 28, 2017 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0970.ch002

21 industrial chemist should attend and present not only in the United States and Western Europe but also in China and India. Both locations hold conferences in English and also give the attendees a glimpse into the new job market. The Human Proteomics Organization (HUPO) annual congress speaks to both the new multidisciplinary programs and the global enterprise ( . HUPO's third world conference in 2004 was held in Beijing, China with worldwide attendance. The congress drew an exhibition from HUPO's industrial partners in proteomics as well as vendors in clinical diagnosis, therapeutics, and pharmaceutics on their new products, novel technologies, and new prognostic and diagnostic tools. The plenary lectures addressed such interdisciplinary topics as proteomic databases, deciphering human proteomes with mass spectrometry, nanotechnology, antibody arrays, systems biology and biomarker validation. The education of analytical chemists in industry should include such global exposure and diverse programs.

Preparing for Non-Laboratory or Hands-Off Roles Industry often gives analytical chemists an option to pursue either the scientific or managerial ladder as they move forward in their careers. Those chemists choosing or chosen for the managerial ladder often attend specific management training courses. Several companies and business school offer these courses; analytical chemists with and without graduate degrees may decide to get an M B A to improve their non-technical skills. For example, when scientists transition to marketing, they should consider enrolling in a basic class on this discipline. Analytical chemists moving to project managers can follow a specific curriculum offered by schools such as Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). The need for additional training continues as one climbs the corporate ladder but the basic skills obtained early in ones career remain essential.

Summary The analytical chemists of 2015 and beyond have many opportunities if they are prepared. The universities do provide a good foundation in basic science, but they must also make sure that the future chemists have the opportunity to develop skills and expertise in state of the art technology. In addition, the student has to be active in supplementing his academic program with internships and conference programs. The development of writing and oral communication as well as problem-solving skills should start at the undergraduate level and continue throughout ones career. While pursuing an industrial career, learning continues as one bridges the gap created by moving up the ladder as a scientist or a manager.

Mabrouk; Active Learning ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.


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Downloaded by UNIV OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN on August 28, 2017 | Publication Date: August 2, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0970.ch002


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Mabrouk; Active Learning ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.