An Inexpensive Device for Evaluating Solvents for Paper and Thin-Layer Chromatography
A simple and inexpensive device that can be used for evaluating solvents used b develop paper and thin-layer chromatograms may he easily prepared from a section of an immersion thermometer which has been severed a t the holh end and ground to a taper (angle about 20') a t the opposite end. The resulting part is shown in cross section in the accompanying diagram where the diameter of the capillary has not been drawn to scale. For operation, the device is held in a. vertical position and is allowed to barely make contact (at B) with t,he previously dried spot located on the support medium which is maintained in a. horizontal position. Solvent is introduced into the reservoir (at a ) by means of an eye dropper and the resulting radial development is allowed to proceed. I n less than one minute, the effectiveness of the development can be assessed by employing conventional methods. The volume of developer employed is generally less than 0.5 ml. V. DETHOMAS ANTKONY AND FRANCIS PASCUAL CENTRAL CONNECTICUT STATECOLLEGE NEWBRITAIN,CONNECTICUT 06050
Volume 45, Number 5, May 1968