An infrared salt plate cleaning device

It has been common practice to clean the salt plates used in demountable infrared cells by holding them by ... CA 92634. Volume 64 Number 3 March 1987...
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An Infrared Saltmate Cleaning Device I t has been common practice to clean the salt plates used in demountable infrared cells by holding them by the edges and then rinsing the surfaces with chloraform or carbon tetrachloride. While this is effective, it also exposed the fingers to these solvents. Gloves are awkward to wear and can he rapidly penetrated by these solvents. A simple device for holding a salt plate while rinsing it with solvent can be made from a small funnel and a bottle. The funnel is placed in the opening of the hattle, the salt plate is placed on its edge in the funnel, and the plate is rinsed with solvent until i t is clean. After the plate is dry, i t can be removed. When using this device, solvent does not contact the skin, and a t the same time it is collected in the jar for proper disposal. While essentially any funnel could be used t o hold the salt plate, smaller funnels make putting in and taking out of the plate easier. The most suitable funnels have a diameter between 35 and 55 mm and could be made of glass, polyethylene, or polypropylene. 'l'hr salt plates that we are currently using are relatively thick and normally do not tipovrr in thefunnel. However, iftipping isa pnhlcm,rithern wireclipcould hedeviard to hold the plate cm its edge or the funnel could Ire permanently modified to prevent tipping of the plate. Onc way to modlfy the funnel is to make a pair of large drmpled on