An Official Report of the American Chemical Society . . . New

( a ) Any proposed amendment, or amendments, to the Constitution may be presented in writing to the Secretary by any ten members of the Council, or by...
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An Officine

Wttsport of the American



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New Constitution Offered for Ratification


may be taken by a ballot printed in the News Edition of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Such ballot should be signed and may be transmitted without secrecy. (c) Upon expiration of four weeks the Secretary, in conjunction with two members appointed by the President, shall canvass all votes received and inform the President and the members of the results of the ballot. A two-thirds vote of those voting shall be necessary to the adoption of any amendment.

(6) To be acted upon at any Council meeting amendments must be presented to the Secretary at least four months before the Council meeting at which action is to be taken. Said amendment, or amendments, shall be considered by a committee of the Council appointed by the President, which shall report to the Secretary at least six weeks before the next Council meeting its approval or disapproval, or any suggested modifications. The Secretary shall notify each member oî the Council, at least three weeks prior to the meeting, of the proposed changes and the report of the committee thereon, provided that if any suggested modifications are accepted by a majority of the original sponsors of the amendment the notice need include only the modified amendment. At the Council meeting the Council may further modify the amendment in detail, but unless such modifications are acceptable to a majority of the sponsors both the original proposal, with the recommendation of the Council thereon, and any modification recommended by the Council shall be submitted to a letter ballot of the SOCIETY within three weeks. Each member of the SOCIETY shall have four weeks from date of mailing within which to return his ballot. However, if 95 per cent of the Councilors at any meeting of the Council favor a duly proposed amendment in a form accepted by a majority of the sponsors, the vote of the membership

In May a completely rewritten Constitution was presented in the form of an amendment. The procedure described above has" been followed. At a meeting on Sept. 13, the Council made certain changes in the proposed amendment, all of which were acceptable to the sponsors, and the Constitution which follows was approved by more than 95% of the Councilors present. Therefore, the amendment is submitted herewith to the membership for ratification. The time for revision is passed. The whole of what follows must be accepted or rejected. If adopted, changes can be made at a later date in accordance with the procedures of Article XVI of the new Constitution. The new Constitution is a basic document giving general authorizations. The bylaws implementing this Constitution were approved by the Council and will be submitted to the Board of Directors for confirmation in accordance with Article V, Sec. 3 of the new Constitution as soon as it is ratified. A ballot is printed on page 2864. Please vote. The adoption of a Constitution is a matter of great concern to every member. The action should be clean cut and leave no uncertainty in regard to opinions. Vote now.

Article XIV of the ACS Constitution provides for the amendment of that document as follows: Amendments to the Constitution. (a) Any proposed amendment, or amendments, to the Constitution may be presented in writing to the Secretary by any ten members of the Council, or by at least twenty-five members of

Constitution Article I

Article II Objects

Name, Seal, Colors, and Insignia

The objects of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL

Sec. 1. The SOCIETY shall be known as the A ME m CAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY.

Sec. 2. The SOCIETY shall have a seal which shall consist of the device of a circle with the word "Seal" in the center surrounded by the words "AMERICAN CHEMI-

CAL SOCIETY" arranged within the perimeter. Sec. 3. The colors of the SOCIETY shall be cobalt blue and gold. Sec. 4. The SOCIETY'S insignia shall consist, of the device of a square with one of the points forming the top and another the bottom of the emblem; the upper half of the square so placed, triangular in shape, shall contain the figure of a phoenix rising from the flame, typical of chemical activity and of the birth of new substance through the energy of chemical change; the lower half of the square shall contain the letters A.C.S. and a smallLiebig bulb; the whole, when used in the form of a pin, to be finished with cobalt blue enamel and gold. VOLUME

SOCIETY shall be to encourage in the broadest and most liberal manner the advancement of chemistry in all its branches; the promotion of research in chemical science and industry; the improvement of the qualifications and usefulness of chemists through high standards of professional ethics, education, and attainments; the increase and diffusion of chemical knowledge; and by its meetings, professional contacts, reports, papers, discussions, and publications, to promote scientific interests and inquiry, thereby fostering public welfare and education, aiding the development of our country's industries, and adding to the material prosperity and happiness of our people.

Article III Composition o f t h e Society The SOCIETY shall be composed of MEM-

BERS who in turn may be members of its Divisions and/or its Local Sections. It shall have a Council which, in addition to such duties as may be prescribed in this

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Constitution and the Bylaws of the SOCIETY, shall act as an Advisory Body; a Board of Directors, which shall be the legal representative of the SOCIETY and act as its Administrative Body; committees either of the Council or of the Board; and such officers and employees as are necessary to effectuate its purposes.

Article IV Membership Sec. 1. The membership of the SooiETY shall consist of individuals interested in the objects of the SOCIETY and firms, associations, or corporations utilizing the services of chemists or chemical engineers. Individuals shall be classified as MEMBERS, junior grade; MEMBERS, senior grade; or HONORARY MEMBERS.

Firms, associa-

tions, or corporations shall be classified as CORPORATION MEMBERS.

Sec. 2. Applicants for membership shall be elected only as provided in the Bylaws. Sec. 3.

A MEMBER may be dropped

from membership for nonpayment of dues or for conduct which in anywise tends to injure the SOCIETY or to affect adversely its reputation or which is contrary to or destructive of its objects. No MEMBER shall be dropped except after opportunity to be heard as provided in the Bylaws. 2823