An open letter to Dr. Hart

sentiments you voice. My first intensive experience in ... of Moureu and of Mulliken, are proving valuable in bringing system out of what is often enc...
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Correspondence AN OPEN LETTER TO DR. HART Dear Dr. Hart: A handshake across the continent! Because of your admirable letter1 on "Stuffing the Goose." It is a joy to read. You have taught heginning chemistry much longer than many of us have-hut it may be some solace to you to know that there are some who hold to the same sentiments you voice. My first intensive experience in teaching beginning chemistry was eight years ago when I came here. Every year since then my convictious have become firmer and firmer in the direction you have so well indicated. If the chemistry is to be taught all in the first year, why should we have any more years of it! We give no analytical chemistry in the first year, only general with predominating emphasis on the laboratory work, each individual attended to, no set assignments to be done in "goose-step" fashion, each student as much as he will, instructor as consultant to assist and not prevent work. Analytical chemistry, interwoven quantitative and qualitative analysis, occupies the second year in an attempt to impart a feeling for precision methods in the science and as a basis for all future courses. Organic chemistry can he taken only after the completion of general and analytical inorganic. This gives us some trouble as there is considerable pressure to have an elementary course in organic to satisfy pre-medical students, but we have been able to stand to the plan and the students who go on with regular (not pre-shortened) medical work are our justification. In the organic we are thus able to use both synthetic and analytical probleu~s. The electronic suggestions of Fry, and the works of Moureu and of Mulliken, are proving valuable in bringing system out of what is often encyclopedic if not in some cases almost chaotic. It seems as if we were acquainted, after having read your good letter in EDUCATION. the January issue of the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL With fraternal-almost filial-regards, I am,

Cordially yours, Reed College Portland, Oregon 'THISJOURNAL, 5, 101-2 (Jan., 1928).