An Outline of the Chemistry of the Carbohydrates ... - ACS Publications

C. Drucker. Dover Publications, New York, 1943. xxiv +. 986 pp. 630 figs. 3 plates. 15 X 22 cm. $4.95. This well-known handbook of experimental physic...
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RBCBNT ROOKS OST~ALD-Lurrren's HAND-UND HILFSBUCHZUR AUSF~~HRUNO chemical properties of the carbohydrates. The general introPHYSIKOCHEMISCHER MESSUNGEN.Fifth edition. Edited by duction (a misnomer) includes the treatise on the structure and' C. Drucker. Dover Publications, New York, 1943. xxiv stereoisomerism of the sugars. For these reasons i t is hoped that the author will revise the order of presentation when the book is. 986 pp. 630 figs. 3 plates. 15 X 2 2 cm. $4.95. This well-known handbook of experimental physical ehem- printed. The reviewer suggests that the proof of structures and istry, probably the pioneer in the field, first appeared in 1893 the historical part be put in after the student knows thechemistry under the authorship of Wilhelm Ostwald. The second edition involved. The story of Emil Fischer's work, for example. ran h e was issued in 1902 in collaboration with R. Luther, and the work made romantic and inspirational a t that time. Professor Degering uses the shotgun method of presenting evihas subsequently become familiar to the scientific world as "Ostwald-Luther." The latest (fifth) edition, published in 1931, was dencefor structures and allows the reader t o evaluate it. Where largely revised and rewritten by C. Drucker, with individual a teacher may give the proper emphasis no particular harm will! chapters contributed by W. Bothe and F. Paneth (Radioactive be done by this method but the independent research worker will. Measurements), W. Gerlach (Applications of Vacuum Tubes). turn to such works as the three chapters in Gilman's "Organic R. Gross (X-rays and Crystal Structure), H . von Halban (Chemi- Chemistry" on carbohydrates where the evidence has already cal Dynamics), R. Luther (Calculations), and F. Weigert (Opti- been sifted and more discrimination used in searchinx the literacal Measurements). The book under review is a reprint of this ture. The 38 tentative rules of the Committee an Carbohydrate edition "published and distributed in the public interest by anthority of the U. S. Alien Property Custodian under licence No. Nomenclature as interpreted by Dnegering are given in the divi.4-194." The American publishers have added a n English sion an terminology. After deploring the fact that there are 11 translation of the table of contents, and a glossary of somewhat methods in the literature of drsignating configurations and rotations of molecules the author adopts the most popular one and less than 1000 technical terms for the henefit of readers not very familiar with the German language. However, those who find it then immediately proposes a new convention for showing perspective ring structures in the carbohydrates. His new proposal necessary t o loak up the translations of such words as "blei." has no advantages over the system used in Gilman's "Organic "dicke," "luft," and "reich" willnot get very far with this book. "Ostwald-Luther" is too well known to chemists to require de- Chemistry," which is already generally accepted by American tailed description; it issufficient t o state that it covers all aspects sugarchemists. I t has thedisadvantageof being clumsy in showof experimental physical chemistry. Although t h e book does ing polysaccharide structures. Themonotony of theplauographedpageis broken b y a number not always give sufficient detail for the use of certain instruments or the performance of measurements, there is usually an adequate of pictures showing various stages in the commercial processing explanation of the fundamental principles involved. I n any of carbohydrates. In general, thecontent of the "Outline" is good but thearrangeevent, there are numerous references to the literature where ment of material is questionable. further information can he obtained. LEALLYN B. CLAPP The publishers are to becongratulated on making this physirochemical classic available to American scientists a t such a reasonB a o m UNIYBRSKTY PROYIDBNEB, RHODSISLAND able price. I t is unfortunate, however, that the original text was written ahout 14 years ago, and this is a long time in the history of physical chemistry. Consequently, while the fifth edition of Henry B. Bull, Associate Professor of "Ostwald-Luther" is still a valuable reference work, it is in- PxYsrcfi BIOCHEMISTRY. Physiological Chemistry, Medical Schwl of Northwestern evitably not completely up to date in some respects. University. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1943. SAMUEL GLASSTOSE iv 347 pp. 94 figs. 45 tables. ,15 X 22 cm. W.75. BaaasLsu. CAL~PORNIA The author modestly describes his work as an outgrowth of a series of lectures which he has given t o graduate students in hioAN OUTLINEOF THE CHEMISTRY OP THE CARBOWDRATES. Ed. chemistry, physiology, and neurology, with medical students F. Degeriny, Professor of Chemistry, Purdue University, also in attendance. "Piquant development" is more fitting than Lafayette, Indiana. Planographed by John S. Swift Co., "outgrowth" as a descriptive term, for the style of writing is Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio. 1943. viii 474 pp. 13.5 X 2X.5 powerfully clear. I t compels attention, and stimulates concm. $6.00. structive thought. A knowledge of elementary calculus is assumed on the part of The outline is an up-to-date textbook for graduate students on the chemistry of carbohydrates with the emphasis on the struc- the readers of this volume, because formulas and equations are tures and proofs of structure of the sugars. More of the econorn- displayed with rapidity and abandon. However, references to ics of the subject is included than might he expected in a chem- the literature are given for the derivation of these exact relationistry text and an historical account of the progress in the struc- ships, as well as for the amplification of many topics. Such a tural chemistry of the carbohydrates is given. The 1640 refer- technique is involved in the author's type of experimental apences in the 17chapten bring the subjects of absolute configura- proach to theoretical aspects of physical chemistry. This tion, photosynthesis, stereoisomers, etc., up to the minute. The handling of the mathematics should stimulate a thorough reDegering method of writing an equation gets more information freshing process in readers who enjoy algebra and calculus. On into one line than many authors get in a paragraph. In some the other hand, will it discourage students who dislike "math"? cases he e- k e s laboratom directions for carmine out the reactions. Your reviewer believes not, because the tables and graphs which , accompany and elucidate the equations are so clearly set up. The h w k is swtioned into l i r e divisions: general introduction. trrrninhgy, prrpnration, physical propcrtics, and chemical The explanations are encouragingly helpful and the biological 4 rhaptcr on idmrification of the carbohydrate< is applications are fascinatingly described. The author seems t o prcw-rti+ included. be a master of educational tact. Whereas a few students may As rrlated in year-by-year fashion (this style of writing history be disappointed that there are no mathematical problems or is now reserved for diaries!) the historical setting is as dull as a exercises t o be worked. t h e majority will probably give joyous timetable. In the reviewer's opinion, most graduates will not sighs of relief, and in this mood then learn much more from their be able to read Degering's first chapter entitled, "Some Historical reading of the text than otherwise. The material is rarefully selerted to fit the requirements of a n Highlights." without knowing the nomenclature and some of the




