An Overview of Selected Radiation Chemical Reactions Affecting Fuel

[email protected]. Aqueous solvent extraction for the recovery of uranium and plutonium from dissolved nuclear fuel has been used successfully since the...
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Chapter 15

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An Overview of Selected Radiation Chemical Reactions Affecting Fuel Cycle Solvent Extraction Bruce J. Mincher* Aqueous Separations and Radiochemistry Department, Idaho National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1625, Idaho Falls, ID 83415-6180 USA *[email protected]

Aqueous solvent extraction for the recovery of uranium and plutonium from dissolved nuclear fuel has been used successfully since the advent of the nuclear age. Following decades of PUREX operating experience in several countries, new solvent extraction processes are now being developed worldwide to extract additional long-lived radionuclides , including especially the minor actindes. These must be partitioned from the lanthanides in what is an especially challenging separation. These new processes rely on specialty ligands as metal complexing agents. They must be reasonably stable to hydrolytic and radiolytic degradation in the acidic, irradiated biphasic system. Solvent system degradation may lead to decreases in ligand concentration, production of interfering degradation products, and changes in solvent viscocity and phase separation parameters. Therefore, research is underway in the USA, Europe and Asia with a goal of understanding these affects on solvent extraction efficiency for specific systems. This chapter presents an overview of the important reactions that are common to all solvent extraction systems with reference to recent research findings at Idaho National Lab (INL) and elsewhere. It is shown that indirect radiolysis by reaction with radiolytically produced reactive species such as hydroxyl radical, radical cations and nitrous acid is responsible for much ligand and diluent degradation. © 2010 American Chemical Society In Nuclear Energy and the Environment; Wai, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

Understanding these reactions requires a combination of steady-state and pulsed irradiation experiments and solvent extraction distribution ratio measurements.

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Introduction The hydrolytic and radiolytic stabilities of solvent extraction formulations are key parameters determining the expense and ultimate success of a proposed process. Ligand and diluent degradation decreases solvent extraction efficiency by reducing the distribution ratios of the extracted metal species, reducing separation factors by the production of degradation products that are complexing agents, and/or by interfering with post-extraction phase separation by changing the physical parameters of the solvent (1). Solvent recycle lifetimes are reduced, and radioactively-contaminated spent solvents are difficult and expensive to dispose. Understanding the nature of solvent degradation is thus important to the design of a successful system. In recent years much research has been devoted to the design of numerous new systems to support the advanced fuel cycle, and the hydrolysis and radiolysis of these systems is an active area of investigation worldwide. Since solvent extraction ligands are typically present as low concentration constituents of an alkane diluent in contact with aqueous nitric acid, hydrolytic reactions occur due to contact with nitric acid while most radiation energy is absorbed by the bulk diluent and acid. Direct ligand radiolysis is a minor effect with most radiation damage occurring due to the reaction of the ligand and diluent with the products of bulk diluent and acid radiolysis. These species may be transient, as with inorganic radicals, or relatively stable as with radiolytically produced hydrogen peroxide and nitrous acid. The suite of important reactive species produced by water (2), alkane (3), and nitric acid (4–7) radiolysis are shown respectively in eqs 123:

These equations are not meant to be stoichiometric, rather they illustrate the products to be expected in irradiated solution. The strongly oxidizing hydroxyl radical (•OH) of eq 1 is an important water radiolysis product capable of reaction with organic compounds; however, the produced aqueous electron (e-aq) and hydrogen atom (H•) are of less importance in the solvent extraction system because they are scavenged by reactions with acidity (2), nitrate ion (8), and dissolved oxygen (2, 9) to produce less reactive species. These reactions, and their associated aqueous bimolecular rate constants are shown in eqs 4567: 182 In Nuclear Energy and the Environment; Wai, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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The •OH radical reacts by addition to unsaturated organic species to produce hydroxylated derivatives, or by electron transfer or •H atom abstraction to produce carbon-centered radical products. The radiolysis of alkanes shown in eq 2 produces the alkane radical cation (CH3(CH2)nCH3•+), which may undergo charge transfer reactions with solutes if the ionization potential of the solute is less than that of the diluent. Aromatic diluents, with their low ionization potentials may thus stabilize ligands in irradiated solution (10). The neutral organic radicals produced in eq 2 (CH3(CH2)nCH2• and •CH3) are electrophilic species that may react with solutes (11), or by addition to other radicals (12). Dissolved oxygen will also react with carbon-centered radicals to produce peroxyl radicals, which stabilize by a number of mechanisms to produce oxidized derivatives such as organic acids, alcohols and ketones (13), as shown in eqs 8 and 9:

The production of nitrogen-centered radicals and nitrous acid from irradiated nitric acid is shown in eq 3. The •NO3 radical is an electrophilic species that may add to unsaturated organic compounds, or react by electron transfer or •H atom abstraction reactions similarly to the •OH radical (14). Its reactions are typically slower than those of the •OH radical. The •NO2 radical is less reactive; however, both N-centered radicals may add to carbon-centered radicals to produce nitrated derivatives. The generation of nitrous acid in eq 3 is the more important result of the irradiation of nitric acid with consequences to nuclear solvent extraction. Although its maximum concentration will be limited by radiolytic production of H2O2, as shown in eq 10, steady state concentrations sufficient to cause nitration and to alter metal oxidation states occur (15–17).

As eqs 12345678910 illustrate, a disparate array of reactive species acting in competition for solutes are created in the irradiated solvent extraction system. The yields and affects of these species with regard to final stable products depend on the nature of the diluent, ligands and radiation source. The following sections provide 183 In Nuclear Energy and the Environment; Wai, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

examples of these reactions with reference to specific solvent extraction systems using data from the literature and current work at Idaho National Lab (INL).

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Oxidative Reactions of the •OH Radical The •OH radical is produced during water radiolysis with high yield and is the most powerful aqueous oxidizing agent with a potential of 2V (2). The yield in neutral water is 0.27 µmol Gy-1 for low linear energy transfer (LET) β,γ radiation (2). The yield is lower, at ~ 0.05 µmol Gy-1 for high LET radiation such as 5 MeV α particles (18). Reaction rate constants with organic molecules are typically high, in the range of ≥ 109 M-1 s-1, thus these reactions are highly competitive and important in irradiated aqueous solution. The •OH radical aqueous reaction rate constant with tributyl phosphate has been measured at 5.0 x 109 M-1 s-1, resulting in •H atom abstraction, shown in eq 11 (19):

The resulting TBP radical is the source of dibutylphosphoric acid (eq 12) (HDBP); responsible for decreased separation factors in the partitioning of U from Zr in the PUREX process (20):

Dissolved oxygen is also implicated in HDBP production, resulting in the TBP peroxyl radical (eq 13) by addition to the C-centered radical product of TBP (21) in eq 12, followed by superoxide elimination and hydrolysis as shown in eq 14-15 (22):

Although the rate constant for the reaction in eq 13 is unknown, peroxyl radical formation typically occurs at about ~ 109 M-1 s-1 (13). Hydrogen atom abstraction reactions are implicated in many other ligand degradation mechanisms. Using low-temperature electron-spin-resonance (ESR) analysis to identify produced organic radicals in irradiated crown ethers, the radical product shown in eq 16 has been identified (23): 184 In Nuclear Energy and the Environment; Wai, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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This C-centered radical might then add dissolved oxygen, as was shown above for the TBP radical (eq 13), or may disproportionate, resulting in ring opening to produce a linear polyether, as shown in eq 17:

Ring opening to produce linear products has been reported for the 12-carbon cyclic ether dicyclohexano-18-crown-6 when irradiated in aqueous nitric acid (24). This crown ether is used in the CSSX and FPEX solvent extraction processes for Cs and Sr extraction. The produced linear ethers contained 3, 5 or 6-carbon chains indicating multiple C-O bond ruptures. The most abundant product contained 4 carbons, with a yield of 0.04 µmol Gy-1 for initially 0.005 M crown ether. While linear ethers may also act as solvent extraction ligands, they can be expected to have lower efficiency and selectivity compared to crown ethers. Carbon-O bonds preferentially rupture in comparison to C-C bonds. This knowledge has been used to advantage in the design of the malonamide dimethyl dioctyl hexylethoxymalonamide (DMDOHEMA) (25), used in the DIAMEX actinide extraction process. In recognition that radiolysis is unavoidable in the irradiated solvent, the ligand molecule was designed with a sacrificial ether linkage situated between its diamide functional groups. Upon scission of the C-O bond relatively harmless dealkylated diamide and alcohol products result. Unfortunately, the C-N bond is also subject to radiolytic rupture, probably also following •H atom abstraction. Products such as amines and acidamides are produced in irradiated diamide solution, as shown in eq 18:

185 In Nuclear Energy and the Environment; Wai, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Decarboxylation of the acidamide in eq 18 produces a stable monoamide product. The presence of these produced species in irradiated solvent necessitates the implementation of solvent washing steps prior to solvent recycling, as has also been traditionally implemented for the PUREX process (26). Analogous reactions are reported for the radiolysis of the TRUEX processes neutral organophosphorous amide actinide extractant octyl(phenyl)-N,Ndiisobutylcarbamoylmethyl phosphine oxide (CMPO), shown in eq 19 (27, 28):

In this case, the acidic organophosphorous product of eq 19 is a complexing agent that is soluble in the organic phase and has been shown to interfere with stripping when dilute acids are used for back extraction. Decarboxylation of the acidic product produces a phosphine oxide that maintains forward extraction distribution ratios, as described in eq 20:

Another important reaction of the •OH radical is addition to unsaturated organic species, including phenyl rings. This reaction, which initiates a series of 186 In Nuclear Energy and the Environment; Wai, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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further reactions, is used to advantage in water treatment by advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to mineralize aromatic pollutants (29). It is disadvantageous in the solvent extraction system due to the resulting decreases in ligand concentration. The addition of the •OH radical to the FPEX/CSSX solvent modifer 1-(2,2,3,3,-tetrafluoropropoxy)-3-(4-sec-butylphenoxy)-2-propanol (Cs-7SB) is shown in eq 21:

Although the reaction depicted in eq 21 has not been specifically observed for Cs-7SB, it is well-known for other aromatic functional groups. Under oxygen-deficient conditions phenolic products may result. Alternately, the resulting carbon-centered radical may add dissolved oxygen to initiate ring opening reactions, shown in eqs 22-23:

Diluent Radical Cations The stability imparted to ligands by aromatic diluents is well known, although unfortunately aromatic compounds are unpopular for use in bulk amounts due to health and safety concerns. The protection afforded to solutes is due to their lower ionization potentials. Direct radiolysis of the diluent proceeds via a primary ionization event to produce an electron. The energetic electron generates other ionization events until it becomes thermalized and solvated. The other product is the diluent radical cation (eq 2). The main reaction of the radical cation is charge transfer to ionize a reaction partner, which will occur with ligands if their ionization potential is lower than that of the diluent. This has been shown for the glycolamide actinide extractant N,N,N’,N’-tetraoctyl-3-oxapentane-1,5-diamide (TODGA) when irradiated in dodecane or octane solution (30, 31). As expected, the addition of benzene to dodecane solutions or the use of aromatic diluents decreases TODGA decomposition due to their low ionization potentials. 187 In Nuclear Energy and the Environment; Wai, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Glycolamide derivatives containing aromatic functional groups also exhibited higher radiation stability, possibly due to intramolecular energy transfer to the benzyl ring. The products of TODGA radiolysis under these conditions included dioctylamine, dioctylacetamide, dioctylglycolamide, and dioctylformamide (30, 31). The presence of nitric acid did not enhance radiolytic degradation but did favor cleavage of the C-N bond to form the amine and acidic products over C-O bond cleavage to form acetamide and glycolamide. Post-irradiation solvent-extraction performance of 0.2 M TODGA in an alkane diluent both with and without the presence of nitric acid indicated a gradual decrease in DAm with absorbed dose (32). Nine degradation products of irradiated 0.1 M TODGA in alkane diluent were determined in the absence of the aqueous phase (33). These included products of C-N bond rupture to eliminate one or more octyl groups from the amide nitrogen and generation of secondary amines. The glycolamide and acetamide products of C-O bond cleavage were also detected. Another example of a diluent radical cation reaction is provided by the direct radiolysis of TBP (34). Tributylphosphate is used at the high concentration of ~ 30% in the PUREX process and direct radiolysis can be expected according to eq 24:

Intramolecular hydrogen bonding between the phosporyl oxygen and a butoxy hydrogen atom next forms a six or seven-membered ring, which decomposes to produce protonated HDBP and the butene radical, as shown in eq 25. Loss of the proton creates HDBP in eq 26:

Radiolytic and Hydolytic Nitration Reactions The nitration of ligands and diluents occurs in the biphasic system even in the absence of irradiation, although product yields are higher in the irradiated system. Non-radiolytic or thermal nitration has been discussed with other nitric acid oxidation reactions under the category “hydrolysis” in the literature. Using anisole as a model compound it was shown that the major nitrated products in both irradiated and unirradiated solution are the same and consist of the ortho-, and para-substituted nitroanisoles and nitrophenol (35). These are the products of the nitrous acid catalyzed reaction. In acidic solution nitrous acid reacts to produce the nitrosonium ion (36):

Nitrosonium ion is a powerful nitrating agent which reacts with both saturated and unsaturated organic compounds to produce nitroso derivatives, which then oxidize 188 In Nuclear Energy and the Environment; Wai, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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in nitric acid solution to create the nitro derivatives, shown for an example aromatic compound in eqs 282930:

Nitrous acid is regenerated in eq 30. For an alkane diluent the resulting products are nitroparaffins, the enol form of which (eq 31) are complexing agents that are not removed by solvent reconditioning procedures (37, 38). Rearrangement of nitropraffins produces hydroxamic acids, which are complexing and reducing agents for the actinide metals (eq 32) (39). Hydroxamic acids hydrolyze to produce oxidation products such as carboxylic acids but have been shown to occur at small, steady-state concentrations in irradiated solution (40). These deleterious effects of diluent nitration have been reported for the PUREX (41) and TRUEX (27) solvent extraction systems, and will also be present in other solvent formulations relying on alkane diluents.

Ligands and/or solvent modifiers also become nitrated. Nitrated products derived from TBP (42), Cs-7SB (43) and various calixarenes have all been reported (44). Yields of these products are higher under irradiation and irradiated solvents develop yellow or yellowish orange tints. Nitrated calixarenes have been identified by mass spectrometric analysis, and the resulting steric interference decreased DCs (44). The N-centered radical •NO2 has been identified as a nitrating agent in the gas phase for atmospheric chemistry although its reactions are typically slow and non-competitive in the acidic condensed phase. For example, the rate constants for the reactions of •NO2 with TBP (19) and Cs-7SB (45) have been measured at < 106 M-1 s-1. In contrast, the •NO3 radical is more electrophilic and reactive, having rate constants of 4.3 x 106 M-1 s-1 for TBP (19), and 2.7 x 109 M-1s-1 for Cs-7SB (45). The very fast rate constant for the Cs-7SB reaction is indicative of an electron transfer or hydrogen abstraction reaction, rather than an addition to produce a nitrated derivative (14). However, these fast reactions produce Ccentered radicals in analogy with the similar reactions by •OH radicals reported above, which may then add N-centered radicals to create nitrated products. An example is shown for TBP in eq 33 (46):

189 In Nuclear Energy and the Environment; Wai, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

Experiments with anisole in irradiated neutral sodium nitrite solution have shown that •NO2 radical is capable of addition to aromatic compounds in the condensed phase, providing low yields of ortho-, meta-, and para-nitroanisole (35). The meta-product is present at the highest concentration, reflecting the statistical substitution of the aromatic ring expected from •NO2 radical addition. This reaction is not significant in irradiated acidic solution, where nitrous acid catalyzed nitration predominates.

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Conclusion Although not an exhaustive list, some major radiolytic reactions of consequence to solvent extraction in the irradiated biphasic system have been presented. Except for high-concentration constituents, direct radiolytic reactions are less important than indirect reactions with reactive species produced from the diluents. Since the irradiated solvent is acidic and aerated, reactions of the produced solvated electron and hydrogen atom are expected to be mitigated by scavenger reactions. However, the oxidizing hydroxyl radical, and to a lesser extent the N-centered radicals will react with ligand molecules to produce dealkylated, hydroxylated and nitrated derivatives. Radiolytically-produced nitrous acid is an important nitrating agent in this system. In addition to solvent extraction experiments, steady-state and pulse radiolysis techniques are necessary to fully understand these reaction mechanisms. There are many opportunities for future research given the large number of new ligands now being considered worldwide for advanced fuel cycle applications.

Acknowledgments Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, under DOE Idaho Operations Office Contract DE-AC07-05ID14517. The author thanks S.P. Mezyk for many helpful discussions and G. Elias for analytical support.

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