forty years. Burrell Shakers duplicate a hand-mixing swirl with an even motion at all speeds for as long as necessary. And Burrell's unique Build-Up®...
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Reliable Shakers When it comes to reliable performance, you can count on Burrell Wrist-Action™ Shakers. They're ruggedly built for long life . . . some units have been in operation over forty years. Burrell Shakers duplicate a hand-mixing swirl with an even motion at all speeds for as long as necessary. And Burrell's unique Build-Up® System lets your Shaker grow as your lab grows . . . from a Shaker that holds 1 to 4 flasks to a Shaker that holds 24. Burrell parts and accessories are interchangeable. Burrell Wrist-Action Shakers with Build-Up design . . . the Reliable Shaker. Write for our literature. BURRELL CORPORATION BURRELL

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Books in brackish water, seawater, and brines by atomic absorption spectrom­ etry. T h e contents include: defini­ tions, specifications, reagents, and re­ porting results; sampling and flow measurements; general properties of water; inorganic constituents; organic constituents; radioactivity; bacterio­ logical examination; water-formed de­ posits; and water t r e a t m e n t materials. Compilation of ASTM Standards on Precision and Accuracy for Various Applications. 256 pages. 1977. Paperbound. $10.25 T h e need for precision and accuracy statements for standards has become so persuasive t h a t this book has been issued to guide those concerned with the problem. Representation stan­ dards are presented as a guide to those who m u s t prepare such material appli­ cable to other materials. Among the topics considered are: determination of the precision of methods of commit­ tee D-19 on water; statements on pre­ cision and accuracy; rubber—preci­ sion statements for A S T M test meth­ ods; carbon black—stating the preci­ sion of A S T M test methods; defining a basis for petroleum product quality disputes; carbon black—measuring the precision of ASTM test methods; and use of the terms precision and ac­ curacy as applied to measurement of properties of materials.

Continuing Series Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, Part B. Edward G. Brame, Jr., and Jeanette G. Grasselli, Eds. ix + 715 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1977. $37.50 This is the second of a new series entitled "Practical Spectroscopy Se­ ries" initiated in 1976. P a r t C, which is yet to be published, will complete Vol­ ume 1. P a r t Β contains six chapters. T h e first chapter, written by R. P . Young, discusses computer systems. It describes data acquisition from off­ line and in-line spectrometers as well as the different methods of handling the acquired data for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Chapter 2, coauthored by R. Nyquist and R. O. Kagel, demonstrates the successful application of infrared and R a m a n spectroscopy to analysis of organic materials. Chapter 3, by D. S. Lavery, covers the uses of infrared and R a m a n spectroscopy in environmental sci­ ences. Topics discussed include sam­ ple handling, calibration methods, re­ mote sensing, and multicomponent