ANACHEMIA CHEMICALS LTD. - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 17, 2012 - ANACHEMIA CHEMICALS LTD. Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34 (10), pp 45A–45A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60190a719. Publication Date: September 1962...
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A detailed discussion is presented conserning wall, ceiling, a n d floor insulation, and moisture barriers. Group 1 : SËg^j^È^l^^^MVentilation requirements, air dis$6d\um fci* Arsenic 76' tribution, heating, cooling, a n d huPotâSMUm 42 ;': -4ifï| f - s 3Î^^Hw5î midifying and dehumidifying systems are all described in detail. Oopj»er 64 ri; Mewjjffgjjffi Tolerances specified for laboratory work frequently range from F . and ± 2 % t o ( 9 ρ $ £ 3 χ ΐ Λ u'-'p ' •• fi ·.: F£?|Ë9wfÎHwf9NÎ ± 2 ° to ±1/i° BmMfaEKQ·-•••: '.··•·.··'t?vS'. ^'fljggpjilffj·· dustrial equipment should be used. NiobiumSjS* ,.·· ·-'·'"'':>'•:-'i'·'S ^ S | i | K * Typical cases are cited as examples ftut&#»|iM JIÏ?* ·'*,',.:' MercBïB§3C# using both commercial and industrial t y p e equipment. Appropriate indicating and reC ^ i i i m ^ w i ' • yi·· ''::ΐ•*v^têëkm^SS^-· cording equipment are necessary to SttôatHim:.j9ô'.' . · '"'".,