Analabsgoes to great lengths to upgrade your analytical capabilities

Apart from these few omissions, I feel that the major part of the book's contents will be of considerable inter- est to forensic scientists. The compi...
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Books ballistics, or computer applications. The latter, in particular, is an area of growing importance especially in the area of specialized data bases. Other minor topics not mentioned are blood­ stain sexing using RIA and the analy­ sis of lung tissue for accelerants in fatal arson investigations. Apart from these few omissions, I feel that the major part of the book's contents will be of considerable inter­ est to forensic scientists. The compila­ tion of a volume such as this is a diffi­ cult task, as every forensic scientist in­ variably has other urgent work to do. However, I hope that this volume will not go unnoticed and will be the first in a series. Handbook of High Resolution Multinuclear NMR. C. Brevard, P. Granger, xvii + 299 pp. Wiley Interscience, 606 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10158. 1981. $24.50

Reviewed by Dallas Rabenstein, De­ partment of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G2 Most state-of-the-art high-resolu­ tion NMR spectrometers are equipped

to do multinuclear NMR experiments. This book's objective is to give guid­ ance with initial experiments on near­ ly every NMR-active isotope in the periodic table. The book is in two parts. In part one (77 pp), there is a brief summary of NMR parameters, followed by chapters on the Fourier transform method, spectrum measurement, and dynamic measurements. Throughout, the presentation is succinct, with little discussion or explanation given. Al­ though most of the material in part one will already be known to those who have experience with Fourier transform NMR through Ή and 13 C spectroscopy, there are a few useful sections specific to problems encoun­ tered in multinuclear NMR, e.g., the use of various echo pulse sequences for detection of the broad resonances characteristic of many nuclei with quadrupole moments. Those having no previous experience with Fourier transform NMR will probably find the terse presentation to be of limited use; however, the extensive references to the original literature will help. Part two summarizes practical in­ formation needed to start measure­

ments on most NMR-active nuclei. Two pages are devoted to each ele­ ment that has one or more diamagnetic, NMR-active isotopes, with the ex­ ception of fluorine and carbon. For each isotope, its spin, natural abun­ dance, receptivity relative to that of 13 C, gyromagnetic ratio and, for I > V2 nuclei, quadrupole moment are listed. A test sample, including solvent and concentration, suitable for initial mea­ surements is given for each element. A test spectrum for each magnetically active isotope is presented, along with the measurement and processing pa­ rameters. All chemical shifts are given relative to the 1 H resonance of TMS at 100 MHz. Other useful information includes a chemical shift scale, with which one can predict an unknown chemical shift, coupling constants for coupling to m, 19 F, 31 P, and 13C, typi­ cal spin-lattice relaxation times, liter­ ature references, and comments on broad lines, ease of observation, etc. The information in part two alone will make this a useful book for anyone, experienced or otherwise, doing multi­ nuclear NMR. Overall, there are relatively few er­ rors in the book. The equation defin-

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