analect instruments - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Dec 5, 2011 - analect instruments. Anal. Chem. , 1984, 56 (8), pp 932A–932A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00272a726. Publication Date: July 1984. ACS Legacy Archi...
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AQS-20 FTIR... ADAPTABILITY, SPEED AND SAMPLE THROUGHPUT At last, there's an FTIR system which can fit your ana­ lytical needs exactly! Whether you need a maximum-capability gen­ eral purpose laboratory spectrometer or ο quality con­ trol analyzer for specialized product measurements, Analects AQS-20 will meet all of your requirements without compromise. AQS-20 embodies a unique optical design which separates the interferometer and detectors from the sampling area—and permits rapid interchange of liter­ ally dozens of application-tailored sampling modules. With the AQS-20, a chemist con develop analytical methods using the general purpose sampling com­ partment; and then immediafely reconfigure the in­ strument for zero-purge batch powder sampling or for automatic sample feed on the production line. Decause AQS-20's optical module includes the incredibly rugged, industrially proven TRANSEPT interferometer, collimated beam optics and enclosed dual detector positions, it will accept rougher handling and more demanding environments than any other FTIR instru­ ment in its price category. What about operator's controls? AQS-20 includes

an extremely simple function keypad with scan, plot and method keys for virtual error-free operation. An optional ASCII keyboard gives access to the immense software power of the system; as well as providing full use of menu keys, function keys and video display controls. AQS-20 includes absolute top-of-the-line FTIR in­ strument features. Its data system includes generous solid-state memory augmented by flexible and hard disks; a high speed FFT array processor and the most widely applicable software to be found in any FTIR system. In addition to Analects renowned QUIP chem­ ist-friendly quantitative analytical package, the AQS-20 data system is programmable in all popular high-level languages and offers full access to library searches and comprehensive data bases. Add full use of all commercial CP/M software and you hove an FTIR computer with full laboratory data m a n a g e m e n t capability AQS-20 includes installation, full one-year war­ ranty and formal training at the Analect Training Insti­ tute. Write or call now for a comprehensive literature package. Better yet—ask for a hands-on d e m o n ­ stration. TRANSEPT is a trademark of Laser Precision Corporarion CP/M is a registered trademark of Digiral Research. Inc.

analect instruments

a division of Laser Precision Corporation

©1984, Laser Precision Corporation ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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