Analysis - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Eng. News 1943, 21, 1, XXX-XXX · First Page Image. Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C...
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Analysis • Chas. Pfizer & Co,, Inc. lias always regarded t h e careful and intelligent examination o f all p r o d u c t s as not only £Î necessary but also an important pari of itô manufacturing processes. W e believe> that t h e u n i f o r m i t y and high purity of o u r products c a n n o t b e assured without thorougli examination and that it involves more t h a n just the r o u t i n e checking of materials against certain specifications. T h e p e r s o n n e l of o u r Analytical Departm e n t is o f t h e highest caliber and every effort has b e e n nxade to intake the most modern e q u i p m e n t available, T h r o u g h thorough and careful analysis it has been possible for this department t o intake m a n y suggestions which have resulted in impr-oved products and im-

proved methods of manufacture. The research division of this department is constantly striving t o improve or devise new techniques for the examination and analysis o f our materials. New products, too, have always occasioned considerable analytical research, it often having b e e n necessary to revise existing analytical methods to a great extent, or e v e n to devise entirely new procedures. Needless to say, all o f this would be impossible if analysis were considered to be merely a routine matter. We feel that the reputation for dependability and h i g h quality which our products enjoy i s due in no small measure to our Analytical Department.



Chas· Pfizer & Co., I n c . 8 1 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK · 4 4 4 W . GRAND AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. V O L U M E

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