Analysis of carotenoid and porphyrin pigments of geochemical interest

S. K. Hajibrahim, P. J. C. Tibbetts, C. D. Watts, J. R. Maxwell, and G. Eglinton. Organic Geochemistry Unit, School of Chemistry, University of Bristo...
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NO. 4, APRIL 1978


Analysis of Carotenoid and Porphyrin Pigments of Geochemical Interest by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography S. K. Hajibrahim, P. J. C. Tibbetts, C. D. Watts, J. R. Maxwell, and G. Eglinton Organic Geochemistry Unit, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock's Close, Bristol BS8 7TS, England

H. Colin and G. Guiochon" Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique Physique, Ecole Polytechnique, 9 1 128 Palaiseau Cedex, France

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is shown to be a powerful tool in the analysis of carotenoid and porphyrin pigments. Columns packed with 5-pm irregular silica gel particles by a high density and high constant pressure method allow efficient separation of mixtures of total nonsaponifiable carotenoids from recent sedimentary situations. Good reproducibility of retention times (within 2 % ) is achieved in the gradient elutlon mode. However, attention must be paid to reequilibrationof the column after each injection by washing with the less polar solvent for a minimum of 15 min (for carotenoids) or of 30 min (for porphyrins). HPLC appears to be useful in "fingerprinting"petroporphyrin distributionsin crude oil.

Chart I






d The majority of applications of HPLC to pigment analysis have been concerned with aromatic compounds, particularly quinones ( 1 ) and azo dyes (2) and there are no reports of the analysis of porphyrin or carotenoid pigments in samples of geological interest. The technique has been applied in the analysis of biological porphyrins and of chlorophyll derivatives ( 3 ) . Resolution of a synthetic coproporphyrin mixture has been achieved by recycling on 10-pm Porasil columns ( 4 ) ;ten recycles on two 30 cm X 4 mm i.d. columns connected in series were necessary to obtain separation of the isomers coproporphyrin I11 and IV as their tetramethyl esters. There is only one report of the analysis of carotenoids by HPLC; in this case magnesium oxide and zinc carbonate were used for the separation of citrus fruit carotenes and xanthophylls, respectively ( 5 ) . Resolution of cis-trans isomers was obtained, but retention times for polar carotenoids were long (e.g. ca. 4.5 h for neoxanthin, 1. Structures are shown Chart I). In general, mixtures of pigments of geochemical origin are more complex than those found in organisms, as a result of the wide diversity of inputs contributing to forming sediments and of the diagenetic changes which subsequently occur; also they are normally present in lower concentrations. Porphyrin mixtures extracted from petroleum (petroporphyrins) typically contain 16) series of nickel and vanadyl complexes of alkylsubstituted petroporphyrins of two major skeletal types-etio (2, R = H or alkyl) and desoxophylloerythroetio-(DPEP, 3, R = H or alkyl) and a minor type-rhodo (tentatively assigned as 4; the alkyl substituents contain from ca. 6 to ca. 19 carbon atoms, although the actual sites of substitution and the exact nature of the substituents have not been fully determined (6). In addition, structural isomers are known t o occur in petroleum (7-10). In sedimentary situations, carotenoid mixtures containing up t o 12 major components and a large number of minor components are frequently obtained ( 1 1 ) . Neither porphyrins nor carotenoids c m be analyzed directly by gas-liquid chromatography, as a result of their involatility and/or thermal instability. An analytical technique with high resolving power and sensitivity is therefore required for the separation of these compounds. T h e present study reports the application of HPLC to the analysis of carotenoid mixtures 0003-2700/78/0350-0549$01 O O / O



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isolated from a recent lacustrine sediment and from an algal mat, and of metallo- and demetallated-petroporphyrin mixtures isolated from crude oil. The separations obtained on columns containing 10-pm spherical and irregular C 1978 American Chemical Society



silica particles packed by different slurry methods are compared. EXPERIMENTAL Isolation of Carotenoids, The sediment sample from Grasmere (an oligotrophic lake, English Lake District) was obtained from the deepest part of the lake using a Gilson mud sampler (12). The core was sectioned in situ and the sections were transported to the laboratory in isopropanol and were stored in a deep freeze (-20 "C) prior to extraction. The algal mat sample was collected from Baja California, Mexico, using a scoop. The top 3-4 cm layer was stored (ca. 7 days) in isopropanol at 0 "C and then at -20 "C. Both samples were extracted with isopropanol/hexane (4/1) and detailed procedures for the isolation of total carotenoid nonsaponifiable fractions are listed by Watts et al. (12). Small eliquots of these fractions were examined by HPLC; for comparison with the HPLC data, the remainder of each fraction was further separated by preparative-scale thin-layer chromatography (TLC) to isolate individual components for identification by UV/VIS spectrophotometry and mass spectrometry (detailed procedures given in Ref. 11). Isolation of Petroporphyrin Concentrates. Petroporphyrin concentrates were obtained from Boscan (well No. 9K3) crude oil (Eocene, W. Venezuela); details of the distributions obtained by probe mass spectrometry of the same oil have been reported (9, 10). Concentrates were also obtained in the same way from Kuwait (Cretaceous) crude oil. Metallopetroporphyrins. To Boscan crude (1 g) in toluene (3 mL) was added anhydrous MeOH ( 5 x 6 mL) and the mixture was sonicated (ca. 3 rnin); centrifugation (ca. 3000 rpm, 5 min) afforded an upper layer (wine-red) containing the crude metallopetroporphyrins which was removed by pipet and filtered through pre-washed (MeOH) cotton wool. Demetallated Petroporphyrins. The metals were removed from the metallopetroporphyrin concentrate by treatment with methane sulfonic acid and the free bases were recovered as outlined previously (8). High-pressure Liquid Chromatography. HPLC analyses were mainly carried out using silica columns (stainless steel, 24 cm X 4.6 mm i.d.) and gradient elution. The equipment comprises two solvent delivery pumps (Waters Associates M6000D), a solvent programmer (Waters M660), and a spectrophotometer (Varian Variscan L635M) with Varian flow cells (8 wL) as detector. Solutions of samples were introduced into the column, using the stop-flow technique, from a 10-wLsyringe via a septum inlet port. Redistilled solvents (laboratory reagent) were employed as mobile phase. Two packing methods were used. In the first, spherical silica particles (10 pm, Spherisorb, Phase-Sep Ltd.) were packed as a slurry in methanol (2.5 g in 25 mL), the slurry being introduced to a precolumn attached to the main column. The pre-column was connected to one of the Waters pumps and the slurry pumped (9 mL/min) into the column; after 10 min, the flow rate of methanol was decreased (2.5 mL/min) and pumping was continued (1h). The column was conditioned by pumping acetone for 20 min with a flow rate of 2.5 mL/min, then a linear gradient of acetone in hexane (100 to 0% over 20 min) and finally hexane (2.5 mL/min; 10 min). The second method was the balanced density method described by Martin et al. (13). Either irregular ( 5 pm, Partisil, Whatman) or spherical silica particles (10 pm, Spherisorb, Phase-Sep. Ltd.) were packed as a balanced density slurry in a 1,2-dibromoethane/benzene mixture. The correct density of the mixture was obtained by slurrying the particles in 1,2-dibromoethane and by adding benzene dropwise until no appreciable sedimentation of particles was observed after centrifugation at 2000 rpm (30 s). The empty column was first fitted with a cylinder which was connected to the pump (Orlita S600) through a two-way valve. The valve was closed and the pressure allowed to build up to 450 atm by increasing the volume of the pump chamber. The slurry was then forced into the column by opening the valve. During the packing procedure, the pressure remained constant at 450 atm except for the first few tenths of a second when the flow-rate was higher than 100 cm3/min and the pressure fell sharply. The high initial flow is necessary to ensure a large linear velocity of packing. Thus the pump has to be capable of delivering high flow rates and consequently capable







time m i n ,

Figure 1. HPLC record of total nonsaponifiable carotenoids from Grasmere sediment (core section: 17-40 cm). Conditions: 10-pm spherical silica packed by methanol slurry, column 30 cm X 1.8 mm i d . , solvent gradient 2-50% acetone in hexane (concave)over 20 min, flow rate 1 mL/min, detector 451 nm








75 _ m e w "

HPLC record of total nonsaponifiable Carotenoids from Grasmere sediment (core section 17-40 cm). Conditions: 5 - ~ mirregular silica particles, packed by balanced density, column 24 cm X 4.6 mm i.d., solvent gradient 1-75% acetone in hexane (concave) over 30 min, flow rate 1 mL/min, detector 451 nm (each peak labeled "chlorin" represents a different compound of the chlorin type) Figure 2.

of being operated at high pressures. With the Orlita S600 Model, flow rates larger than several liters per minute can be generated at pressures larger than 1 2 000 psi. RESULTS A N D DISCUSSION Carotenoids, The distributions of total nonsaponifiable carotenoids from Grasmere sediment (17-40 cm from sediment/water interface) are shown in Figures 1 and 2. With the exception of zeaxanthin, 5 , and violaxanthin, 6, components were assigned initially by coinjection with authentic standards. Identities were confirmed by TLC with the standards, by preparative-scale TLC, and by comparison of mass and UV/VIS spectra with those of the standards (11). Lycopene, 7, and neoxanthin, 1, were present in insufficient concentrations to obtain a mass spectrum from the appropriate TLC fraction. Zeaxanthin, 5 , was identified in the same way as the other components but was not coinjected. Violaxanthin, 6, was tentatively assigned by comparison of the HPLC distribution with t h a t from a higher plant leaf known to contain this component as a major carotenoid. Chlorins were assigned by monitoring the column effluent a t 410 nm; these are dihydroporphyrin pigments present in the nonsaponifiable carotenoid fraction. Resolution of carotenoids with different functional groups was readily accomplished by the 10-pm column packed by the methanol-slurry method (Figure 1). Thus, hydrocarbons @-carotene, 8, mono-keto (echinenone, 9, R' = 0. R2 = H2),



Figure 3. HPLC record of total nonsaponifiable carotenoids from Baja algal mat. Conditions as for Figure 2 (each peak labeled "chlorin" represents a different compound of the chlorin type) diketo-(canthaxanthin, 9, R' = R2 = 0),dihydroxy-(lutein, 10, and zeaxanthin, 5,) carotenoids were separated to baseline under the conditions used. Only partial resolution of lutein/zeaxanthin from violaxanthin, 6, which differ by the presence of two epoxy groups in the latter, was obtained and no resolution of t h e double-bond positional isomers, lutein and zeaxanthin, was observed. The orders of elution are similar to those obtained from TLC analysis of the same mixture on Silica Gel G layers (CH2C12/EtOAc; 80/20 as developer). A significant improvement in resolution was observed, however, with the 5-pm irregular silica column packed by the balanced density method (Figure 2). Not only was separation according to functionality obtained, but there was partial resolution of the isomers lutein, 10, and zeaxanthin, 5, as of other unidentified polar carotenoids. This increased resolution is accounted for by several factors which improve the efficiency. First, the column packed with 5-pm particles has a larger diameter (4.6 mm) than the 10-pm particle columns (1.8 mm), which increases efficiency in two ways: a. Larger bore columns generally yield more plates (for the same particle diameter and constant solvent velocity). b. At constant flow-rate (1cm3/min in Figures 1 and 2), the reduced velocity ( u ) is 13 times smaller for the 5-pm particles column and is close t o vopt (where the column works a t maximum efficiency). Second, it is obvious t h a t for similarly packed columns operated a t the same u , a 30-cm long column packed with 10-pm particles will be less efficient than a 24-cm long one made of 5-pm particles. Third, it is expected that the high pressure packing technique is better than the constant flow one. Note also that the packing materials do not come from the same manufacturer (Spherisorb for the 10-pm particles and Partisil for the 5-pm ones). Although similar resolution has been obtained with zinc carbonate as adsorbent ( 5 ) ,elution times were far higher (ca. 3 h for violaxanthin compared to ca. 32 min under the conditions used herein) and peak widths of several minutes were obtained. The algal mat showed a more complex mixture on the 5-pm irregular silica column; of these @-carotene,8; torulene, 11; spheroidenone, 12; echinenone (9, R1 = 0, R2 = H2);spirilloxanthin, 13; canthaxanthin (9, R' = R2 = 0);and zeaxanthin, 5 , were initially assigned by coinjection with authentic standards as above. Tentative assignment of tetrahydrospirilloxanthin, 14, and assignment of okenone, 15; rhodopin, 16; 3,4-dehydrorhodopin, 17, in Figure 3 was based on the relative abundance of these components recognized from comparison of their UV/VIS and mass spectra with those of literature examples (14). Thus, resolution of bicyclic (pcarotene, 8) and monocyclic (torulene, 11) carotenes was achieved as well as resolution of components differing by only






Figure 4. HPLC record of selected alkyl porphyrins. Conditions: 10-pm silica (Spherisorb S 10) packed by constant flow-rate method using methanol slurry, column 24 cm X 4.6 mm i.d., solvent gradient 2-50% CHCI, in hexane (linear) over 20 min, flow rate 1.8 mL/min, detector 400 nm X 1.0 AUFS. Peak Identity: (1) Nietio I; (2) octaethylporphyrin; (3) etio I; (4) VO-DPEP type mixture ( m l e 527 and 541)

a degree of unsaturation (Le., rhodopin, 16, and dehydrorhodopin, 17). The characteristic blue green algal carotenoid, myxoxanthophyll, 18, was shown to be present by co-chromatography on TLC of the tetraacetate with a standard and by comparison of its UV/VIS spectrum with that of a standard. Its HPLC behavior was not investigated under the conditions used. T h e other, unidentified peaks observed in Figures 2 and 3 could be either different compounds or geometrical isomers of the assigned components, since coinjection lis carried out in all cases with the authentic all-trans isomers. The carotenoid distributions in both situations provide further evidence t h a t these pigments, because of the characteristic occurrence of certain of them in different types of organisms, can be used to provide qualitative information about different inputs to sediments. The carotenoids present in the algal mat demonstrate contributions of organic matter from blue green algae, purple photosynthetic bacteria, and from fungi, with little or no contribution from higher plants or green algae (11). Similarly, the Grasmere sediment, which is oligotrophic, contrasts with samples from two nearby eutrophic lake sediments in showing, as expected, no blue green algal input in the form of myxoxanthophyll ( 2 1 ) . R e f e r e n c e P o r p h y r i n s . T h e Ni complex of etioporphyrin-I (2, R' = R3 = R5 = R' = CH3; R2 = R4 = R6 = Rs = CH2CH3), octaethylporphyrin (2, R = C2H5), and etioporphyrin-I were chromatographed with a vanadyl-DPEP mixture (containing two major components with molecular ions corresponding to m / e 527 and 541) to establish suitable conditions for optimum separation. The distribution obtained (Figure 4) on the 10-pm silica column packed by the methanol slurry method shows that the nickel complex is readily separated from the vanadyl complexes. In addition, the elution order indicates that separation must be partly related to polarity differences, with the least polar component eluting first and the polar vanadyl complexes eluting last. Boscan 9K3 M e t a l - F r e e P e t r o p o r p h y r i n s . T h e metal-free petroporphyrins isolated from Boscan YK3 revealed poor resolution of the components under identical conditions (Figure 5a). A significant improvement was achieved on 10-pm spherical silica packed by the balanced density method (Figure 5b). Further resolution was obtained on t h e 5 p m irregular silica particles packed by the same method (Figure 5c). In order to obtain an indication of the chromatographic behavior of the petroporphyrins on the 5-pm silica, nine fractions were collected (cf. Figure 5c) and analyzed by



Table I. Visible Light Absorption Data and Mass Spectrometric Data for Boscan 9K3 Petroporphyrin Fractions Trapped from HPLC over 5-pm Irregular Silica Type of VIS spectrum


Max. 506 436 464 478 450 464 450


Etio Etio



4 5


492-548 436-450 450-506' 464-534' 422-464 422-478 422-450





7 8 9 Unfractionated total


n.d. n.d. n.d. 408-548




Etio range

As Figure 5 c.

n.d., not detected.

Molecular ions ( M / E ) DPEP range Max.










n.d. 448-490' 490-546 448-476' 47 6-5 3 2 462, 490, 504 476-490 462-476 406-546

462 518 448 504 490 47 6 462 476


470-568 n.d. n.d. n.d.


n.d. n.d.




n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.







' Major.



n.d.b n.d.

Rhodo range


2C t,me rr




















25 P

Figure 5. HPLC records of petroporphyrins isolated from Bcscan 9K3 crude oil. Conditions: (a) as for Figure 4; (b) as for (a) except silica packed by balanced-density method at high constant pressure; (c)as for (b) except 5-pm irregular silica (Partisil 5) UV/VIS and mass spectrometry; Table I summarizes the spectral data. These indicate that the components are partly separated according to structural type (rhodo, 4; etio, 2; and DPEP, 3, respectively); this order of separation parallels that obtained by Didyk (9) and Didyk et al. (10) by thin-layer chromatographic analysis of the petroporphyrins from a Cretaceous crude. Molecular ions assigned t o rhodo components (M' = m / e 358 + 14n, n = 8-15) were observed in Fraction 1 with components assigned as etioporphyrins (M+ = m / e 310 + 14 n, n = 13-17). Fractions 2 t o 4 contained only etioporphyrins (M' = m / e 310 + 14 n, n = 8-16). Fraction 5 contained both etio (M+ = m / e 310 + 14 n, n = 8-10) and DPEP (M+ = m / e 308 + 14 n, n = 10-17) components in a ratio of ca. 1:2 measured from Mfintensities. Only D P E P components (M' = m/e 308 + 14 n, n = 10-16) were observed in fractions 6 to 9. Only fractions 8 and 9 showed a particularly high concentration (ca. 9070) of a component(s) with a single molecular ion and a carbon number distribution spread over only two values of n. The molecular ions in the spectra of fractions 2, 3, 5, and 6 showed two distinct envelopes (Table I). The separations achieved by HPLC provide further evidence of the complexity of geological porphyrin mixtures in t h a t structural isomers are present (7-10); for example, fractions 5 and 9 which are well separated (cf. Figure 5c) both contain a DPEP-type molecular ion at m / e 476. P o t e n t i a l Application of Silica-Based H P L C t o Petr o p o r p h y r i n "Fingerprinting". The present preliminary study was undertaken to assess the potential of HPLC in "fingerprinting" petroporphyrin distributions. Two difficulties were encountered in this respect. The first is the slow deterioration in resolution on 5-pm irregular silica with respect








w :ime mi"

ti m e 'mln!

Figure 6. HPLC records of petroporphyrins from Boscan 9K3 (a and b) and Kuwait crude oils (c and d). Conditions: (a and c) as for Figure 5c, except solvent gradient 10% toluene/hexane (10 % :90%) to 50 % toluene/CHCI, ( 1 : l ) concave over 25 min; flow rate, 1.5 mL/min. (b and d) ODS column (p Bondapak C18, Waters Associates) 30 cm X 4 mm i.d.; solvent, isocratic, 15% water in acetonitrile; flow rate, 2 mL/min. Detection at 400 nm X 0.1 AUFS







time jrn," J

Figure 7. HPLC separation of Ni-complexed from vanadyl-complexed petroporphyrins extracted from Boscan 9K3 crude oil. Conditions as for Figure 6a except detector set at 395 nm and 572 nm for the nickel and vanadyl complexes, respectively to petroporphyrins after ca. 2 months of constant use. This may, in part, reflect the difficulties in obtaining pure porphyrin fractions from crude oils and the consequential adsorption of highly polar impurities on the silica particles. The second difficulty relates to reproducibility of retention data. For


example, for a given petroporphyrin mixture, the retention times are reproducible within 2 % for consecutive runs provided that the chromatographic conditions (including amount of sample injected) are kept constant. However, significant variations in reproducibility (up to 4 % ) were observed for the first few peaks when the sample amount injected and/or the column reequilibration time were altered. These may be explained by association of the porphyrins in solution or on the surface of the silica particles (15). Most probably, however, this effect comes from overloading of the column at the beginning, resulting in nonlinear isotherms. It was hoped that reverse-phase LC (e.g., pBondapak/C18 column, Waters Associates) could offer a better alternative to LC on silica for the separation of the series of alkyl petroporphyrins. However, this was not the case as evidenced by the smaller number of peaks which could be obtained using the C18 column (Figure 6). Unlike silica, all the peaks from the C18 column showed multiple petroporphyrin M+ ions in their mass spectra. The usefulness of HPLC on 5-pm irregular silica as a "fingerprinting" technique for petroporphyrins is very promising, as indicated by the different distributions obtained for Boscan and Kuwait crudes (Figure 6). Boscan 9K3 Metallopetroporphyrins. Figure 7 shows the distribution of the metallopetroporphyrins from Boscan 9K3 crude. The method provides a rapid, sensitive, and convenient separation of total nickel from total vanadyl complexes. Thus, collection of the two fractions (Figure 7 ) and examination by mass and UV/VIS spectrometry showed that nickel complexes were isolated completely in fraction I, whereas only vanadyl complexes were present in fraction 11. CONCLUSION HPLC using silica gel columns is a powerful technique for the separation of mixtures of carotenoids and porphyrins and thereby "fingerprinting" the distributions of these compounds in nature. As could be predicted, better resuits are obtained when using columns packed with 5-pm particles rather than 10-pm particles, although such columns are more difficult to pack and of shorter working life. A constant high pressure (up to 6000-7000 psi) packing method associated with a precise, balanced-density slurry provided more efficient columns than a constant flow-rate method operated with a methanol slurry. With columns of 24 cm packed with 5-pm irregular particles, the times of analysis in the gradient mode are very short; it is possible to complete the separation of complex mixtures containing closely related isomers within 25 min. Retention


APRIL 1978


times are reproducible, provided care is taken to use solvents of high quality and constant composition, to achieve the proper reproducibility of the gradient profile, to avoid local overloading and to reequilibrate the column between injections. Reequilibration is carried out by washing (15 min for carotenoids, 30 min for porphyrins) the column with the less polar solvent used in the gradient elution for each pigment class. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank K. Owen (Esso Oil Company, U.K.) for providing the Kuwait oil sample, K. Smith (University of Liverpool) and A. H. Jackson (University College, Cardiff) for authentic etio-I and octaethyletioporphyrin samples, respectively, A. Treibs (University of Munich) for the Ni-etio-I and VO-DPEP samples. S.K.H. and P.J.C.T. are especially grateful to G. Johnston (Waters Associates, U.K.) for helpful advice and assistance. LITERATURE CITED S. H. Byrne, J. A. Schmit, and P. E. Johnson, J . Chromatogr. Sci., 9 592 (1971). R. J. Pasarelli and E. S. Jacobs, J . Chromatogr. Sci., 13, 153 (1975). N. Evans, D. E. Games, A. M. Jackson, and S.A. Matlin, J . Chromatcgr. 115, 325 (1975). A. R. Battersby, D. G. Buckley, G. L. Hodgson, R. E. Markwell, and E. McDonald in "High Pressure Liquid Chromatography in Clinical Chemistry", Dixon, Gray, and Lim, Ed., Academic Press, London, 1976, p 63. 1. Stewart and T. A. Wheaton, J . Chromatogr. 55, 325 (1971). E. W. Baker, in "Organic Geochemistry. Methods and Results", Eglinton and Murphy, Ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1969, p 464 M. Blumer and M. Rudrum, J . Inst. Pet., 56, 99 (1970). Y . I.A. Akurki, G. Eglinton, and C. T. Pillinger, in "Advances in Organic Geochemistry", 1971, Gaertner and Wehner, Ed., Pergamon Press, Braunschweh, 1972, p 135. B. Didyk. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Bristol, 1975. B. Didyk, Y . I.A. Alturki, C. T. Pillinger, and G. Eglinton, Chem. Geol., 15. 193 (1975). C. D. Watts, J. R. Maxwell, and H. Kjosen, in "Advances in Organic Geochemistry 1975", Campos and Goni, Ed., Enadisma, Madrid, 1977, p 371. T. T. Macan, in "Bilogical Studies of the English Lakes". Longman, London, 1970. M. Martin, C. Eon, and G. Guiochon, ReslDev., 26, 24 (April 1975). W. Vetter, G. Englert, N. Rigassi, and U. Schwieter, in "Carotenoids", Isler, Ed., Birkauser, Basle, 1971, p 189. J. E. Falk, Ed., "Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins", Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1964, p 189.

RECEIVED for review June 17, 1977. Accepted October 21, 1977. The Natural Environment Research Council (GR/ 3/2420) provided the HPLC system. W. K. Seifert and the management of Chevron Oil Field Research Co. and Hoffmann-La Roche provided financial aid to S.K.H. and P.J.C.T., respectively.